Thousandth 430 chapters ice field

"S level?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned, his face looked suspicious.

"I'm afraid Campos has never told you."

Shenfeng smiled softly, like winter sunshine, at least not so cold and hard to touch on the surface.

"The global resurrection of spiritual energy has caused many beasts living in mountains, forests, ice fields, and mountains to mutate and evolve into more powerful beasts."

Shenfeng said lightly.

This Zhuo Bufan knows that the more sparsely populated the place, the more abundant aura, and those beasts who live in it all year round are naturally nourished by the aura, or strayed into the ancient ruins, secrets, ate some magical grass or The divine fruit caused the body to mutate and evolved into a fierce beast.

"The same situation exists in the Siberian Ice Field, so many bounty groups and bounty hunters gather here to hunt down the beasts and obtain the crystal nucleus, fur, teeth, blood, and other materials of the beasts in exchange for money. "

"There are five levels of fierce beasts, C, B, A, S, SS, and SSS. The S-level fierce beasts are equivalent to the human pill-condensation stage or the lunar stage, and the SS-level fierce beast is the mid-period condensation. SSS The level is the late stage of pill condensing. As for the above, there are king-level fierce beasts, almost encountering the king-level fierce beast, that is a dead end."

After listening to Shenfeng's explanation, Zhuo Bufan realized that this time Shenfeng was going to hunt down an S-level giant ice bear and obtain the ice crystal core to refine some magical artifact.

However, what puzzled Zhuo Bufan most was that Shenfeng was only the strength of the early innate period, and it was obviously difficult to hunt down the S-level fierce beasts that were equivalent to the early stage of condensing pills.

Even if the ‘Tomahawk’ bounty group is invited to help, it’s extremely difficult and extremely difficult to hunt down the S-rank fierce beast.

In the Tomahawk Bounty Team, only the "Leo" with the Tomahawk behind him is slightly stronger. As for the captain Campos and the think tank Ginnia, they only have the strength of Star Wheel Mirror.

Some other members have not even reached the star wheel. It is extremely difficult for such a team to capture or even hunt the S-class beasts, because in the ice field environment, the natural environment is beneficial to the beasts, and it is easy to repel them. It is difficult to hunt down.

"If it's not that I don't know much about the ice field, I don't even need to invite them." Shenfeng shrugged and said lightly.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, and said nothing more.

Shenfeng had sufficient self-confidence on his face, obviously because of some hole cards, or he had enough confidence to hunt down the S-rank fierce beasts.

An hour later.

The car stopped.

Zhuo Bufan and Shi Jian followed the crowd to get out of the car, and all their eyes were white, white, endless white.

Cold, utterly cold.

The wind cuts across the face like a knife.

Zhuo Bufan and Shi Jian were covered with a thin layer of true vitality to withstand these cold winds that were as cold as a knife.

"Miss Shenfeng, the S-level fierce beasts you want to hunt usually only appear in the third area, but vehicles cannot enter. We must enter on foot." Campos walked to Shenfeng and explained.

"Then can't we fly over?"

Shenfeng asked, frowning at two willow leaves.

Campers smiled and said, "Miss Shenfeng, you may be here for the first time, and you don't know the situation here. If anyone dares to fly in the sky, he is looking for death."


Shenfeng's eyes were a little cold, and she seemed to care about Campos's tone.

"Miss Shenfeng, I am not disrespectful to you, but there are not only ground beasts in the ice field, but also some sky beasts. Once they fly, they will soon find our tracks. You must know the beasts in the ice field. It's not very friendly to us. As far as the beasts on the ground get information, they will come to besiege us." Campos explained.

"All right, let's walk in."

Shenfeng was silent for a while, and said: "Hurry up, as long as you complete the task, I won't pay you less commission."

"Campers and the Tomahawk Bounty Team are happy to help you."

An enthusiastic arc spread out from the corner of Campos's mouth, and he bent over slightly and made a gentleman's salute.

Zhuo Bufan and Shi Jian also followed the Great Budo Alliance.

Everyone marched toward the land of wind and snow. Snow and ice particles were turning in the hurricane. The temperature was minus fifty degrees. Ordinary people couldn't stay in such a place. Even a cultivator with a little strength could hardly survive in these places.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan found that Campos, Leo, Ginnia and a few members of the bounty group were wearing black armor, covering the whole body, leaving only two eyes outside. This kind of black armor is extraordinary in Melbourne. Seen in the black market.

It is a high-tech battle uniform that has the effects of defense, resistance to heat and cold, and will greatly increase the combatant's strength. From the style point of view, it should belong to the first generation of black armor, and the black market price should be three hundred best spirits. stone.

Zhuo Bufan, Shijian, Shenfeng and others used True Essence to form a shield and shrouded them to resist frost and wind blades. They didn't want Campos and others to rely on black armor to save their power.

"My son, I always think these people are weird, especially that Nan, will he tell Campos about us!" The Servant Sword walking beside Zhuo Bufan said with Divine Mind.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if he tells Campos."

Zhuo Bufan faintly smiled and said calmly.

Even if an ant has an IQ comparable to Einstein, it is difficult for an ant to use a conspiracy to bring down a dragon.

In the face of real strength, all conspiracies and tricks will lose their effect.

"Yeah." Shi Jian curled his mouth and nodded obediently. He looked at Zhuo Bufan with a pair of watery eyes, and a happy smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

It has been a long time, and she hasn't followed the son like this now.

Everyone was traveling all the way at a slow speed. The speed should be about 20 kilometers per hour. After about three hours of walking, the white snow accumulated on the ground suddenly disappeared. Instead, the clear, bright ice plain as a mirror was exposed.

"Miss Shenfeng, we have reached the first area. Most of the creatures living here are C and B-level beasts. Although these beasts are not a big threat to me, they are numerous. It is best not to provoke them."

Campos reminded in a low voice.


Suddenly, a roaring sound appeared in everyone's ears.

A giant wolf with gray hair but twice the size of an ordinary wolf appeared on the left side of the crowd, standing on an ice stone, roaring up to the sky, the most unique thing is that it has a white bend on its forehead. angle.

"Class B fierce beast, ice unicorn wolf!"

Campos frowned and shouted: "Prepare to fight, don't delay, leave as soon as possible."

Wolves are social animals, not to mention the fierce beasts with a certain wisdom after mutation, and they understand the power of unity.

As for the fierce beasts treating humans, and the humans treating the fierce beasts, meeting each other is fighting. There is no reason.

Just as cats want to catch mice, do you have to say that they have grievances?

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