The first thousand four hundred and thirty-three chapters conspiracy

The wind howled through the cracks in the stone, and there was a rapid and screaming sound.

The earth is dark, but it is not completely shrouded in darkness, with some pale light faintly, because the magnetic field here is more abnormal than other places, forming some special light that fills the whole world.

In the cave, there was a cluster of fire, and several people were eating food to replenish themselves with some calories and energy.

"Nan, that Zhuo's strength is very strong, almost comparable to an S-rank fighter?"

Campers threw a piece of beef into his mouth and took another sip of hot fruit wine. He felt warm all over his body and his eyes fell on Nan.

"Captain, I don't know, he hasn't made any shots. Last time my friend was killed, it was the ‘sword’ who did it."

Nan Lian said.

Campos frowned, lost in thought.

"Captain, no matter how strong he is, is it my opponent? I will go directly to destroy him, and you will deal with the other two people..." Leo drank the fruit wine, his face showing fierceness.

Campos gently shook his head, "I saw a weapon in Zhuo's hand during the fight. Obviously, it is a very high-ranking weapon. It is not easy for you to annihilate him. Those two women are also extremely difficult to deal with."

"Are we going to give up? It's hard to meet Big Sheep this time." Leo licked his lips, faintly feeling unwilling.

Ginnya smiled slightly, the enchanting face under the fire light, with a ray of red light, adding a bit of charm, and smiled: "Leo, these three people should have a lot of treasures on them, and look at them. Such a young man, with a lot of treasure on his body, and high strength, obviously should be the core child cultivated by the big power and the big family. If it is unsuccessful once, the news will be spread, and it will bring disaster to our "Tomahawk" bounty group."

"Ginya is right. If we can't deal with it cleanly, once the news goes out, we might all die."

Campos took a depressed sip of fruit wine.

My heart is indeed very entangled. On the one hand, Shenfeng and Zhuo do have treasures on their bodies. If they are killed, they will get rich harvests.

But at the same time, Campos was also afraid that he would not be able to kill the two. As long as the news spreads, he would definitely be retaliated against, and he would even be chased by the Bounty Union. Said it was a big scandal.

"Ginia, are we going to give up this time?" Campos looked at Ginia.

Ginnya was able to serve as the deputy captain of the ‘Tomahawk’ bounty group. It was recognized by everyone not because of how strong she was, but because Ginnya was the ‘think tank’ of the team.

"The strength of that Shenfeng should be equal to that of the captain. As for the ‘Sword’, his strength is not weak and needs someone to be involved, and that ‘Zhuo’, his strength should be the strongest..."

Ginya slowly analyzed.

"Then you say so, don't we have no chance to annihilate them." Leo frowned and said depressed.

A charming smile appeared at the corner of Ginya's mouth, "If we are going to face the enemy, we are only 50% sure that we can annihilate them, but if they lose one or two people, we are 100% sure."

"Lost one or two people?"

Campos frowned.

"Captain, have you forgotten that place? If you want to get more benefits, you must use risky tricks."

Ginnya squinted her eyes slightly and smiled.

"Death Ice Cave? There is a passage leading to the restricted area of ​​life."

Campers glared at him, and then frowned tighter again.

"Okay, it's decided, as long as we do it this time, we can all make a fortune." Campos gritted his teeth, his eyes twinkled with two cruel rays.


"Miss Shenfeng, I have one thing I want to ask you."

In the other cave, only three people surrounded a cluster of flames.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head, staring at Shenfeng, and asked.

"Well, what's the matter?"

Shenfeng sat on a flat rock in the cave, absorbing the aura of heaven and earth, and listening to extraordinary words, only then slowly opened his eyes, but the original face that should have been cold gave an extra smile.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment and asked directly, "Then I will tell you directly. Actually, I came to Russia this time to find the Taoist Qionglong. I wonder if Miss Shenfeng knows the Taoist Qionglong?"

"Daolong Taoist?"

Shenfeng jumped off the stone, twisted his neck, relieved his muscles and bones, shook his head and said, "I don’t know any Qionglong Dao, nor have I heard of this person in Russia. Mr. Zhuo, you don’t have to be too polite, call My name will do."

"do not know?"

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows clustered.

When he is with Shenfeng, the wooden sign in the spatial ring will emit a subtle light. He thinks Shenfeng should have something to do with Qionglong Taoist.

But Shenfeng didn't need to lie. Moreover, looking at Shenfeng's expression, it didn't seem like she was lying.

"Is it really a coincidence?"

Zhuo Bufan was slightly disappointed.

"Mr. Zhuo, Russia is so big, and the underground cultivation power is even more complex. It is so difficult to find someone, besides... Will the person you're looking for change a name?"

Shenfeng said suddenly.

A gleam of light flashed in Zhuo Bufan's eyes, yes, the Taoist Qionglong had probably changed his name, and Zhuo Bufan had this idea in his mind.

"Everyone is from Lan Country. After I go back this time, I will help you to ask questions."

Shenfeng Road.

"Thank you Miss Shenfeng in advance."

Zhuo Bufan handed it over. If Taoist Sky Dragon really changed his name, the difficulty of finding it would become even greater. If Taoist Sky Dragon could not be found, he could only find another way to enter the high-level auction.

Sleepless all night, for cultivators, not sleeping is a very common thing.

When the sky began to appear a little hazy white light, a member of the bounty group came to the entrance of the cave where Zhuo Bufan and others were.

"Miss Shenfeng, the captain said we can go."

"it is good."

Shenfeng, Zhuo Bufan, and Shijian left the cave immediately and joined the members of the "Tomahawk" bounty group.

"Miss Shenfeng, today we need to seize the time to enter the third area, so I plan to take a short path."

Campos held the hilt of the knight sword wrapped around his waist, showing a gentleman's elegant smile.

"Everything listens to the captain's suggestions, I just want to find the S-class ice giant bear sooner." Shen Feng said lightly.

"Okay, let's go ahead."

Campers smiled slightly and immediately gave orders.

Everyone continued to move forward in the icy and snowy wind, the vast land, this group of people seemed to be crawling ants on the vast land.

After walking for about five hours, it is strange that I never saw a beast again along the way, and the temperature began to get colder. Some members of the weaker bounty group kept drinking hot fruit wine to maintain Body calories supplement the energy consumed.

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