The first thousand four hundred and fifty one chapter transaction

Leaving the reception room, Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist and snorted softly, "Campers, really died among the fierce beasts in the third area. It is a pity that he failed to kill him personally."

"But the woman who was receiving said that the Bounty Guild also has a place to trade and buy things, and it seems to be in the Bounty Guild."

Zhuo Bufan’s eyes fell on a huge high door in front. The left and right sides of the Bounty Guild were serving the benefactors and bounty groups. As for the inside, according to what the receptionist just said, it should belong to Free trading place.

Bounty groups and adventurers often explore the Siberian ice field, occasionally they will obtain some precious materials or hunting beasts to obtain materials, in exchange for spirit stones, and then purchase what they need.

The bounty group can also directly collect some materials and precious items, but the price is obviously much lower.

Therefore, many people choose free trading, but free trading is not protected by the bounty guild, where fraud, looting, etc. occur, the bounty group will not interfere.

Originally, Zhuo Bufan just wanted to explore some news about the Tomahawk bounty group. After all, Cumbers had killed him three years ago. Zhuo Bufan wanted to learn about Cumbers by himself, but it seems that the Tomahawk rewards. The Golden Team was really destroyed in the Icefield.

"Go and see if there is anything you can buy."

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, stopped thinking about Campos, and strode towards the trading market inside the Bounty Guild.

There are two bounty guild staff standing at the gate of the imitation market. They need to pay a middle-grade spirit stone before they can enter the imitation market. It is similar to the business model of the Melbourne black market, except that there is no need to hide their faces.

"Look at it, everyone. I have the fangs of the triangular lone wolf that I just brought back from the ice sheet. They are all good materials for refining weapons..."

"Ice Soul Orb, a good thing that can enhance the power of the Ice Element, don't miss it."

"Ice field sky blue flower, an excellent material for refining pharmaceutical materials, only this one."

The market is quite large, but there is no formal trading system. They all put their things in the stalls in front of them. There is no distinction between high and low, no distinction between materials or medicinal materials. Some like yelling, some are silent, etc. Customers choose by themselves.

Zhuo Bufan glanced across the booth in front of him, but he didn't find what he needed. After all, his vision was there, and those low-level materials didn't have much effect on him.

"Ice beads?"

Zhuo Bufan glared and found that in the stall on the left, there was a transparent bead that exuded a white breath and released cold air, about the size of a normal ping-pong ball.

In front of the booth, there were four members of the Bounty Guild staff standing, all of which were in the four-star state of the Star Wheels Mirror. As for the booth, sitting in front of the booth was a middle-aged man with brown curly hair, all dressed in black. The battle armor, with a rather vigorous aura, closed his eyes, as if he was resting his mind, his strength was in the middle of the moon round realm.

"Ice orbs, the ice orbs that contain the meaning of cold, are exactly the same as the ice orbs I obtained by defeating the mammoth in the fourth area."

Zhuo Bufan was shocked in his heart, but followed the people and walked to the stall.

Could it be that the fourth area has been discovered, otherwise it is not clear why there are ice beads to sell.

Moreover, the ability to go deep into the fourth area to defeat the glacial mammoth is definitely not something that a Lunar Realm martial artist can do. At least, it must be a Sun Round Realm, or a late Lunar Realm martial artist with special secrets, and may be able to defeat the Glacial Mammoth. Giant elephant.

"This Heavenly Luo Gu lotus contains pure ice and snow. If it is used for cultivation, it will definitely increase its strength a lot?"

"Yes, it's too expensive."

"I practice the fire element, not suitable for the ice element."

There were voices of whispering conversations from the crowd. Obviously, these things are extremely expensive, and they are not affordable for ordinary people.

"Buy if you want, or just walk away if you don't."

A member of the Bounty Guild standing in front of the booth frowned and scolded angrily.

The ordinary bounty or adventurers who were onlookers all looked at themselves, some of them with hot tempered faces changed their faces, but they were caught by the people next to them, "Do you want to die? This is the Bounty Guild." People, we can't afford it."

"Huh, just leave."

Zhuo Bufan shrugged his shoulders. In addition to some adventurers and bounty groups in the bounty guild's market, there is also the bounty guild martial arts alliance. For example, the booth in front of you is the bounty guild. The booth of the Budo Union.

The items sold in the stalls are higher than other stalls in terms of types and grades.

"What is the price of this ice bead?"

The crowd receded, Zhuo Bufan didn't leave, but walked to the booth, and pointed his index finger at the ice beads.

"You want to buy ice beads. The price of these ice beads is not cheap. You need five hundred spirit stones." A man said coldly.

"I bought them, and those... I want them all."

Zhuo Bufan pointed to a few more medicinal materials. These materials all have the effect of ice properties, and their grades are not low. There is even a flower carved from ice and snow, and it is also a medicinal material of the second stage of the Profound Stage-Tianluo Gulian. .

"Oh? I met a big buyer."

At this time, the middle-aged man sitting in front of the booth was finally moved. He opened his eyes, and his two brown eyes scanned the extraordinary, his eyes stretched out with a trace of amazement, but they disappeared quickly. Gone, returned to normal.

"My friend, the other things you said only need ten thousand spirit stones in total. As for this Tianluo Gu lotus, it is a medicinal material of the second stage of the Profound Rank, but the war gods of the Temple of War are finally able to get it. At least ten are needed. The superb spirit stone."

"So expensive?"

Zhuo Bufan was surprised secretly. To know that the pure essence he was looking for was only two or thirty thousand best spirit stones. Of course, Zhuo Bufan was looking for flame spirits, wood spirits, and earth soul orbs. The medium to high quality of the pure attribute essence, if it is taken out, it can sell at least millions of spirit stones.

"Is it expensive?" The middle-aged man sneered.

This kind of price doesn't matter, he sees a lot of people who want to buy things directly, either they really know the price and have confidence, or they are ignorant and want to buy directly, but don't even know the price.

"It's not expensive, I want them all, it's one hundred thousand spirit stones in total."

Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The people around have been attracted by the dialogue here. They bought one hundred thousand spirit stones at one time. In the entire Syracuse, there are not many families and forces that can be obtained.

"A local tyrant, actually has the ability to buy Tianluo Gu Lotus..."

"This thing is a good thing for refining magic weapons, and it can be used to refining pills, tusk."

"I don't know which family's big or young, such a big handwriting."

People next to him talked a lot, but Zhuo Bufan smiled and asked, "Don't the Bounty Guild want to sell it?"

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