The first thousand five hundred and ninety-six chapters trial is over

Golden Secret Realm.

One of the seven islands on the third island.

The wind is beautiful, the weeds are overgrown, and the trees are full of trees. In a no-man's area, Zhuo Bufan is closing his eyes and practicing his breath adjustment. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, and there was a wave of fluctuations in the space in front of him.

Immediately, a black crack opened in the space before his eyes, and a young man with black hair and black eyes, with long black hair, walked out of the crack in the space.

The long-haired, black-haired young man is Zhuo Bufan's deity, and the other one with delicate appearance and fine bangs is Zhuo Bufan's clone.

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then the clone left and turned into a blood demon and plunged into Zhuo Bufan's body.

Zhuo Bufan also cast spells at the same time, restoring his original appearance, and engulfing the soul of the demon in the middle of the cold, so that even if he encounters Meng Qingge, the other party will never find that he is the one who saved her in the dark space.

Zhuo Bufan never thought that the elder who saved Meng Qingge would let him go. In the world of comprehension, only interests are paramount. If the Xuanjiezong elder knew that he had taken the treasure from the emperor dragon beast's body, he would definitely not release it. Live yourself.

"Before you have enough strength, you can't expose too many secrets. Everyone is innocent and guilty." Zhuo Bufan shook his head and immediately sat down.

Now the Xuanjiezong has no way to enter the palace, but even if it enters the palace, there are no treasures. It is estimated that the golden secret realm trial is almost over.

Zhuo Bufan sat on a tree pole. In this golden mystery trial, he used his points to redeem Ziguang Ling, Hao Jingeng, and inspired the Space God Treasury, and obtained the second pattern of Star Wheel Yanyu, and one thousand more Zero and sixteen broken star stones.

It can be said that Zhuo Bufan became the biggest winner in this golden mystery trial, but there were some things that could not be exposed.

"What is the broken star stone used for?" Zhuo Bufan thought secretly.

Last time I opened the celestial axis and put the broken star stone into the celestial axis to increase the power of the celestial axis. Now he has an extra 1,016 broken star stones. If all of them are placed in the celestial axis, It is estimated that the power of the Fengtian axis can be directly comparable to that of the fairy.

But Zhuo Bufan didn't believe that the Profound Realm Sect spent so much effort, how terrifying the strength in front of the nameless old man, the broken star stone that remained could not be so simple, if it was only to enhance the power of the magic weapon, it would not be so precious at all.

However, Zhuo Bufan still had no idea about the true effect of the broken star stone.

As for the second pattern of Star Wheel Yanyu, Zhuo Bufan has already checked it, and it is hundreds of times more complicated than the first pattern. After all, if the second pattern is successfully practiced, it can increase combat effectiveness by tens of thousands.

"The second pattern of the star wheel Yanyu, the broken star stone and the space gods are my biggest secrets, and must not be easily exposed." Zhuo Bufan secretly said in his heart.

Space God Treasure is the biggest gain for Zhuo Bufan now. After all, the effect of the broken star stone is unknown. The second pattern of Star Wheel Yanyu has not been thoroughly studied. The only thing that helps Zhuo Bufan the most is Space God Treasure.

With the Space God Treasury, joining the Profound Realm Sect's mixed cultivating world in the future will also have some life-saving methods.

While Zhuo Bufan was sitting cross-legged and resting, suddenly there was a sound in the Shenhai, Zhuo Bufan immediately flew into the sky, and at the same time, the geniuses of every island flew into the sky and flew toward the No. 1 island.

Over the island No. 1.

The envoy and the two envoys of Yin and Yang stood high in the sky, but did not see the elder and Meng Qingge.

"Everyone, now I announce that the Golden Secret Realm Trial is officially over. Because of the unpredictable situation, it will take some time to count the rankings. We will notify you when that time comes." The voice of the envoy spread over hundreds of miles.

The Golden Secret Realm trial was finally over, Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist, and now he has collected all five attributes, and now he can't wait to go home to see his mother, and immediately refine the soul condensing pill for his mother.

"But before leaving, everyone must be checked!"

The envoy continued, and immediately took out a bronze mirror, the bronze mirror was ancient in shape, and flew into the sky, casting a beam of golden light.

"Sure enough, the Xuanjie Sect was afraid that someone would take the treasure they wanted away from the golden secret realm." Zhuo Bufan frowned his sword eyebrows.

Immediately, every genius must be inspected by the golden light beam and can leave the golden secret realm without any problems.

Dao Sovereign, Eldest Wolf Clan Alice, Werewolf Keton, Blood Clan Gemini... all accepted the golden beam of light test and left the golden secret realm.

"Zhuo Bufan, it's your turn." The envoy looked at Zhuo Bufan and smiled.

Zhuo Bufan arched his hands and immediately flew under the golden beam.

This magic weapon was given to them by the great elder, and they could see the treasures on everyone's body, and no treasure could escape the inspection of the golden light beam.

"No problem, let's go, the assessment results will be delivered to you in a while." The envoy said lightly.

Zhuo Bufan arched his hands, and immediately flew to the sky, towards the golden secret outside.


Zhuo Bufan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he prepared ahead of time. He was afraid that when he left the Golden Secret Realm, he would meet the elder of the Profound Realm Sect and be discovered by the other party that he had obtained the broken star stone and the star wheel Yanyu map, so Zhuo Bufan advanced in advance. Put two things into the dark space, and then record the dark space coordinates.

As long as he leaves the golden secret realm, he immediately uses the deity to go to the dark space to retrieve the two things. If there is no space **** to hide, maybe he can't bring the things out at all.

The moment Zhuo Bufan left the golden secret realm, Zhuo Bufan immediately differentiated into his deity and dived into the dark space, and within ten minutes he retrieved the broken star stone and the star wheel Yanyu map.

After getting the star wheel Yanyu map and the broken star stone, Zhuo Bufan left and turned into a streamer and flew towards home.

This Golden Secret Realm trial lasted for three years, which is not too short for ordinary people.

Zhuo Bufan was in a good mood. In this Golden Secret Realm trial, he was the biggest winner. The most important thing was that he could finally refine the Soul Condensation Pill for his mother!

"Ye Ye, Mom and Dad, you are waiting for me to come back."

In less than half an hour, with an extraordinary flying speed, he quickly returned to the villa.

Before coming back, Zhuo Bufan had used his divine mind to inform Zhuo Luo, Ye Ziqin, and Long Geyue that he had left the golden secret realm. These close relatives had his refining artifacts, no matter where they were, Zhuo Bufan can also transmit voice through divine thoughts.

In the villa, Ye Ziqin, Long Geyue, and Zhuo Luo were all waiting for Zhuo Bufan in the living room of the villa.

"Xiao Fan..."

I haven't seen it for three years. When Zhuo Bufan came back, the eyes of Ye Ziqin and Long Geyue both turned red with excitement.

"Leaf, Xiaoyue." When Zhuo Bufan saw the two confidantes, his thousands of words turned into a gentle smile.

"I'm back." Zhuo Luo stood aside, a smile on his serious face.

Zhuo Bufan looked at his father and nodded vigorously, "Well, I'm back."

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