The first thousand six hundred and sixteen conditions

The power of the stars in Zhuo Bufan's dantian began to slowly return to its original state, and the breath also dropped sharply.

Retracting the Ice Emperor Rain Sword into his body, Zhuo Bufan opened his palms and then closed them, repeating several times to relax his muscles and bones. Each time he used a thousand times the combat power, his entire body seemed to be drained.

"It seems that the cards I rely on are not enough. If Chen Yan continues to fight himself, perhaps he will not be able to persist, and I will become stronger." Zhuo Bufan secretly said in his heart.

However, it is not a matter of considering cultivation, Zhuo Bufan flew directly towards the Jianxin Martial Arts Hall and landed on the ground, his gaze slowly swept past the Seven Sect disciples and Sect Master.

In the world of cultivation, the strong are respected and admired by others.

After seeing Zhuo Bufan's true strength, the Seven Sect disciples, together with the Sect Master, couldn't help but dodge a little when they came into contact with Zhuo Bufan's gaze, and did not dare to look directly at his cold gaze.

"I can return the genius disciples of King Kong Sect, Bengshan Sect, and Beidou Sect. If I really want to kill them, I won't keep them until now." Zhuo Bufan said slowly.

Hearing extraordinary words, the faces of the three Sect Masters Jin Yi, Di Zhe, and Bai Xing once again had a glimmer of glory.

"Master Zhuo, it's my Beidou Sect Meng Lang just now. I hope Master Zhuo has a large number. Don't worry about my Beidouzong. As long as Zhuo Shao can release my disciple to explore flowers, I can agree to any conditions." Bai Xing took a step forward. , Bent over slightly, arched his hands and said.

This scene made the other sects even more shocked, and Beidouzong actually "bows his head" to Zhuo Bufan.

"My Bengshan Sect is the same. I hope Young Master Zhuo will raise your hand. I apologize to you for what happened before." Bengshan Sect Master took a step.

"Sect Master..." A disciple of the Bengshan Sect was very angry, but he didn't dare to speak.

"Shut up, there is no place for you to speak here." Ground Sting glared at the disciple.

"My King Kong Sect is the same. As long as Young Master Zhuo is willing to release my disciples, my King Kong Sect can agree to any conditions." King Kong Sect Master Jin Yu said.

Luo Yu'er stood quietly on the side, her small pink hands clenched her fists tightly, and the muscles in the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

"Girl, this kid is so majestic today, he actually suppressed the three bows." Zhuge Huai drank the fruit wine and laughed happily.

Liu Qingyang's eyes are shining, and he can suppress three bows with one person's strength. I am afraid that there will be no five indexes on the entire earth.

Sanzong's thoughts are very clear. If you want to kill him with Zhuo Bufan's strength, you will pay a heavy price, and you can't even kill him. What's more, Zhuo Bufan's strength is the same as that of Chen Yan. For training, the Sanzong wanted to take action against Zhuo Bufan, but also had to worry about Xuanjiezong.

In this way, it is impossible to force Zhuo Bufan to surrender people. Secondly, all the geniuses of the three sects can enter the Profound Realm Sect and obtain better development and cultivation. In the future, there may be no chance to surpass Zhuo Bufan.

But if Zhuo Bufan killed the genius disciple of Sanzong, Sanzong would have to wait until the next golden secret realm trial if he wanted to send someone to join the Profound Realm Sect.

"My condition is very simple. The three cases must protect the secret territory of Kyushu and my family for a hundred years, and must swear a blood curse."

When Zhuo Bufan saw Sanzong bow his head, he directly stated his conditions.

If he left Blue Star, Zhuo Bufan cared most about his family, and the Kyushu Secret Realm plus the three blood curses to protect his family, then he could also go to the Profound Realm Sect with peace of mind.

"So simple?"

The three sect masters were all dumbfounded. They thought that Zhuo Bufan would need at least some top-grade spirit stones or some treasures.

In fact, the treasures Zhuo Bufan got from him probably didn't even have some transcendent powers. Nowhere could he see the treasures in the three sects. As for the treasures in the Profound Realm Sect, he would get more treasures.

"My Beidouzong promised to help Shao Zhuo protect his family for a hundred years!" Beidouzong Bai Xing nodded first, and a drop of blood came out of his fingertips, and he drew a spell with his fingers. The blood and the spell were fused together and flew into the sky , Disappeared into the air.

The blood curse is a curse secret method, using the essence and blood as a guide to make an oath, and if it is violated, it will be forever.

"My King Kong Sect also agreed."

"I also promised Bengshan Sect."

With that said, the two Sect Masters set up a blood curse at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan squeezed out a magic formula in his hand, and the air-sealing axis flew into the air, slowly opening from both ends, projecting a white light beam, and three figures flew out of the air-sealing axis.

It is the Exploring Flower of the Beidou Sect, the King Li of the Bengshan Sect, and Taiyang of the King Kong Sect.




When the three saw the Sect Master of the Three Sects, they bowed their hands and shouted respectfully.

Needless to say, the three of them all understood that Zongmen must have come to negotiate with Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan let them go.

"I have returned it to you. Now I leave the Kyushu Secret Realm and remember the blood oath you made." Zhuo Bufan waved his hand.

Tanhua, Liwang, and Taiyang turned red and were suppressed by others. They had to be rescued by Zongmen, and the three geniuses face sweeping.

"Sect Master Feiyu, if you want to avenge He Yu, Zhuo Bufan is willing to fight." Zhuo Bufan set his gaze on Qin Zhen, Sect Master Feiyu, and said calmly.

Qin Zhen sighed, all three sects bowed their heads to Zhuo Bufan. What did his Feiyu sect fought against Zhuo Bufan, and he also witnessed the strength demonstrated by Zhuo Bufan just now.

"The Golden Secret Realm Trial originally had casualties. He Yu wanted to kill Zhuo Shao but ended up in a ruin. My Feiyu Sect has nothing to say." Qin Zhen said, and immediately left with Feiyu Sect's disciples. .

The rest of the sects also left one after another, this time the matter was resolved with Zhuo Bufan's efforts to suppress the three bows.

"Old man, I'm leaving too, come to my medicine sect to play some time." Zhuge said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhuge, go slowly." Zhuo Bufan arched his hands.

After all, Zhuge Huai once helped me at the high-end auction, and Zhuo Bufan would naturally treat him courteously.

Liu Qingyang pursed his lips and nodded to Zhuo Bufan, and immediately followed Zhugehuai to leave the Kyushu Secret Realm.

"Zhuo Bufan." Two sharp rays of light projected from Luo Yu'er's beautiful eyes, staring at Zhuo Bufan.

"Is Sect Master Ziyun still doing something?" Zhuo Bufan looked at her with a smile, and said: "I think Chen Yan is very interesting to you. I am coming to the Kyushu Secret Realm this time, I am afraid it is for you to make your debut?"

"Chen Yan is Chen Yan, I am me, the shame you gave me, I will definitely give it back to you, defeat you personally, and let you surrender." Luo Yu'er gritted her silver teeth and snorted coldly. The disciples left the secret territory of Kyushu.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the figure of Luo Yu'er leaving, a helpless arc formed at the corner of his mouth.

After everyone left, Fang Tangjing walked to Zhuo Bufan, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Xiao Fan, this time you are so popular that you can suppress Qi Zong too much."

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