The first thousand six hundred and twenty-three chapters of revenge and anger

Zhuo Bufan did not fly directly to the Yin-Yang Shenzong, but chose to take a cruise ferry to the sea.

He was determined to kill, and the people of Yin-Yang Shenzong could not escape from heaven and earth. This time he came out of the golden secret realm, first healed his mother, and negotiated with the three sects to repair the formation of the prison tower. Only now has he spared some time to find People of Yin-Yang Shenzong have revenge.

Zhuo Bufan was not in a hurry, the Yin-Yang Shenzong knew that he had come out, and probably had already figured out a way to deal with it. Every second was suffering for them.

Besides, he was about to leave Blue Star, and Zhuo Bufan wanted to see the scenery along the way again.

A simple casual outfit, leaning on the railing, looking at the rippling blue water, underwater there are lavender sargasso, swimming fish, and flying fish jumping out of the water, the fins covered with seawater are there. The sun was shining with golden light.

The salty sea breeze beats gently on the face, which is refreshing.

Suddenly, a girl wearing a white dress and exquisite martial arts gym came to Zhuo Bufan's side, but her eyes did not look at Zhuo Bufan, but at the boundless sea.

There was a deep melancholy in those eyes.

Zhuo Bufan just glanced at her, but didn't take it seriously.


At this moment, the girl suddenly held the railing with both hands, and jumped into the sea. There was a splash of water. The woman did not struggle, letting go of her hands, as if she was determined to die.

Zhuo Bufan watched this scene calmly with a calm expression. The opponent Zonghai had already made up his mind to seek death, but he looked at the girl who was dressed all over the world's top famous brands. She should be from a well-off family. He didn't know why he wanted to die.

The cruise ship moved faster and faster, and gradually the figure of the woman quickly disappeared.

On the calm sea, an inky blue fin broke open, and quickly swam in the direction of the woman who fell into the sea. It was an adult tiger shark.

"Never mind, who let me see it." Zhuo Bufan shook his head and flicked his fingers. A solid true essence penetrated the tiger shark's body, and the blood suddenly spilt away.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan shot another aura, dragging the woman's body that had sunk toward the bottom of the sea, dragging her out of the water.

"Me, what's the matter?"

The woman choked with tears, but found that her body was floating on the sea, not sinking.

Following a gray twine across the sea, wrapping her waist, a pulling force came, and the woman flew up in the air and landed on the deck with a puff.


The woman's skirt and hair were soaked in water, and she looked a little embarrassed. She just drank a few sips of sea water, and now she keeps coughing.

At this time, the woman saw Zhuo Bufan who was holding the railing. The strange things just now should have been done by the man in front of her.

"Why do you want to save me?" The woman stared at Zhuo Bufan, as if a little angry.

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

Zhuo Bufan looked down at her faintly.

Originally Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be nosy, but when he saw that this woman was about the same age as his sister Zhuo Shanshan, he felt compassion in his heart and saved her.

However, I didn't expect that the woman seemed to be very appreciative.

"If you want to die, you can still jump down now." Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, and once again set his eyes on the calm sea, ignoring the woman on the deck.


The woman opened her mouth and suddenly stopped. There was a great horror between life and death. She originally thought that everything could be solved as long as she died, but she almost died just now, and she was terrified.

To be alive is better than anything else.

"Thank you." The woman stood up suddenly, looked at Zhuo Bufan's back, and said: "My name is CC, and my Chinese name is Liang Youqi."

Zhuo Bufan didn't reply.

Liang Youqi bit her thin lip, her complexion flushed, she took the initiative to greet Zhuo Bufan, but she didn't expect to be ignored by others.

"Are you a warrior or a refiner?" Liang Youqi asked again.

The things Zhuo Bufan saved her just now were extremely strange, only high-powered warriors and gas refiners could do it, and now this social warrior and gas refiner is no longer a secret.

Zhuo Bufan still did not speak.

"Miss Liang..."

On the second floor of the cruise ship, a group of bodyguards in black clothes and black trousers suddenly swarmed and stood beside Liang Youqi.

Among them was an old man with a shiny haircut, dressed like a noble butler. Seeing Liang Youqi wet all over, he panicked and said, "Miss, what's the matter with you? Come to the towel."

"Nothing." Liang Youqi gritted her teeth.

The housekeeper took the dry towel from the bodyguard and handed it to Liang Youqi, and sighed: "Miss, there is always a solution to the matter. Ji Shao asked the Gu Fa real person for help, this matter will definitely be resolved."

"Solved? The company's matter is resolved, let me be a victim?" Liang Youqi said with red eyes and biting her lip.

"Miss..." The butler frowned, also looking helpless.

"I'm tired, go back to the room to rest first, don't disturb me." After Liang Youqi finished speaking, Yu Guang glanced at Zhuo Bufan and quickly walked towards the room on the second floor of the cruise ship.

Watching Liang Youqi leave, the museum owner also sighed deeply, then looked at Zhuo Bufan, his eyes became sharp, and he went straight to Zhuo Bufan, "Mr., you were alone on the deck just now. I have something to think about. I ask you."

Although it was asking, it was the tone of command.

"No time."

Zhuo Bufan refused directly.

"Sir, do you know who we are? We are from the Liang family in Xiazhou. I hope you will cooperate." The housekeeper frowned, his tone of voice added a little bit of coldness.

"Have not heard."

Zhuo Bufan's tone was indifferent.

"Boy, I don't even know about our Xiazhou Liang family." A bodyguard suddenly stepped to Zhuo Bufan, with a fierce look, as if he wanted to behave in front of his boss.

"Go away!"

Zhuo Bufan twisted his sword eyebrows and vomited two words lightly. The bodyguard suddenly rolled over, blood overflowing from his nostrils and mouth.

"This..." The butler and the rest of the bodyguards looked at them and suddenly showed a look of horror.

You must know that the bodyguards of the Liang family are all senior warriors hired from the five sense organs. Could it be that the other party...

"It was Meng Lang just now, sir, don't care about us." The steward sees the wind and makes the rudder superb. He sees the extraordinary difference at a glance, and immediately leads the people back to the cruise ship in disgrace.

"It hurts people out of breath, at least a master at the master level."

The injured bodyguard whispered.

"Don't provoke him, don't delay business." The butler sighed.

In today's society, people no longer respect and fear the wealthy, but fear those real warriors and magic masters, otherwise the Liang family would not have to be forced to this point.

It takes one day and one night for this luxury cruise ship to go to Sangguo. The cruise ship is fully equipped with a light music bar on the third floor.

Zhuo Bufan went to the bar to sit down at night bored, ordered some drinks, thinking about certain things.

"I have met for the second time, is it fate, let me sit down?" A gentle voice interrupted Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

A graceful figure stood in front of her eyes, a black sleeveless long dress, and her long black hair casually draped over her shoulders. His image was kind and approachable. It was Liang Youqi who Zhuo Bufan had rescued during the day.

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