The first thousand six hundred and eighty-two chapters

Through the transparent "walls" on all sides of Yinsuo, you can clearly appreciate the outside scenery. Yinsuo is flying towards a blue planet at a very fast speed. The speed is jaw-dropping. , I am afraid that even if a Star Sea-level soldier was hit, he would have to be crushed on the spot.

"This is the headquarters of Xuanjiezong, Planet Lan."

A silver bell-like sound rang in Zhuo Bufan and Yuwang's ears. The two turned their heads, and saw Meng Qingge approaching them and slowly said.

"A planet got the headquarters of the sect?" King Yu opened his mouth, obviously a little shocked, "and this planet seems to be many times larger than the Blue Star where we live."

Meng Qingge's Yu Guang glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and slowly explained: "This is not true. It's just that the'Lan Planet' belongs to the Xuanjiezong's complete jurisdiction, just like'Dayan Star' is ruled by the Dayan Dynasty, and other forces are not allowed to enter. In addition to the sect of Xuanjiezong, there are other ordinary people and some monks living here."

"It turned out to be like this." King Yu nodded, his face glowing with excitement. After all, this was the first time he left from Blue Star and came to a strange place with countless abundant resources.

The rest of the people came to this ‘novel world’ similarly, their faces were full of excitement and excitement, and some of them had their eyes full of enthusiasm. Here they all became almost the strongest in the starry sky.

Yin Shuo flew directly towards a blue sea, and you could see some "land" in the blue water. There are a total of seven pieces of land in the blue water. These seven pieces of land surround the shape of a'circle', in the center of it. There is also the largest piece of land.

"There is the residence of my Xuanjie Sect. The most central land is where the Sect Master Continent is located. It is equivalent to ten times the total land area of ​​your original planet. As for the other seven lands, they are also two larger than your original land. three times."

Meng Qingge's words made King Deyu swallow directly, and the outer continent was two or three times larger than the sum of all the land on the original planet.

"The tallest of the seven continents is the elder, while the main continent is the master of the suzerain. Only by becoming the core existence of the Profound Realm Sect can you be qualified to enter the main continent, where the real powerhouses of the Profound Realm Sect will be cultivated there. "Meng Qingge said, there was also a strong longing color in those eyebrows.

It seems that even with her status as the ‘Granddaughter of the Supreme Elder’, she would not be able to enter the main continent without sufficient strength.

"Except for these eight continents, most of the planet Lan is sea water, and the closer you are to the deep sea, the more dangerous it is. So don’t think about running around. Although this is the territory of the Profound Realm Sect, Those monsters don't recognize people." Meng Qingge'warned'.

Hearing her voice just fell, there were bursts of cold breath sounds from the entire silver shuttle.

In front of everyone's eyes, a body is equivalent to the size of a city, the whole body is azure blue, with blue light flashing. The'behemoth' suddenly broke through the sea, rushed to the sky for three thousand miles, and after soaring for a while, it was Throwing one head into the sea, aroused a white wave ruler thousands of meters high.

"The scale-swallowing beast is huge and has Star Lake-level strength at birth. It may even reach the cosmic level after reaching the end of the year. It doesn't need to be practiced at all. However, this kind of monster beast has a gentle personality. "

Meng Qingge said strangely.

"You don't need to practice, as long as you grow up, you will have the strength of the universe?" King Yu opened his mouth again. He was quite clear about the new level, even the most powerful Daoist among them. But it's just the middle level of the Galaxy class.

"This is the gift of the heavens, the laws of the heavens and the earth, and there are some powerful starry beasts in the universe. They can reach the holy rank as soon as they are born. Tsk tsk... I just want to see those monsters. It's too difficult, too difficult." Meng Qingge shook his head. Whispered.

Yin Shuo approached one of the seven continents at a very fast speed, and the altitude gradually dropped. It is said to be a drop. In fact, there are hundreds of kilometers away from the sea. However, due to the rapid movement, the high pressure generated is calm and blue. A white wave was opened on the sea, and the current was surging.


The Silver Shuttle gradually became smaller and quickly approached the mainland, passed over it, and stopped directly on a place where a mountain peak stood.

"Okay, all go out with me." At this time, the yin strategy envoy said, there are several light gates inside Yin Shuo, and everyone penetrates into the light gate like fish, and Zhuo Bufan also rushes with the flow of people. Enter the light door.

After a while, everyone had left Yinsuo and stood in the air.

"This is the mainland of Xuanjiezong, it's amazing..."

"What a rich aura..."

"Being able to practice here, my strength will definitely progress very quickly."

Many people started talking excitedly as soon as they left Yinsuo. Even Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but secretly surprised. In his previous life, he had just wandered in an unordered star field and had never encountered a large sect of the Profound Realm Sect. Compared with the aura he once felt, his aura is richer, more refined, and easy to be absorbed.

It must have taken a lot of financial and manpower to come to Xuanjiezong to make the aura so strong.

At this time, the silver shuttle was also transformed into the size of an ordinary ship, transformed into a silver streamer, and continued to fly towards the mainland. It seemed that there was also a ‘management’ system here, and treasures that could travel through space must be preserved.

"You follow me."

The Insect Envoy said in a cold voice, interrupting everyone’s discussion, and flew directly towards a mountain that stood like a sword. The peak was tens of thousands of meters high, surrounded by clouds, and the trees on the mountain were even higher than the building. Ten times, it is shocking.

The crowd followed behind the Yin Ce envoy and came to a hall square in the mountain peak.

"Other planets have already completed the'disciple trial' and entered the Profound Realm Sect. We have been delayed for a month because we have to repair the teleportation formation. Now we will take you to see Guan Zhou."

The indifference made the voice of indifference resounded in everyone's minds again, obviously using the divine sense sound transmission.

Zhuo Bufan followed the crowd and landed on the square. Soon a middle-aged man in white clothes flew out from the palace, haha ​​said with a smile: "Insidious envoy, Yang envoy, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

"Manager Zhou, it took a lot of time to go to Lanxing to select disciples this time." Yang Ceji said with a slight smile.

"Yeah." The scheming envoy just nodded.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the white-clothed middle-aged man. The opponent's body had a strong aura and rich spiritual energy. He was obviously a spellcaster, and his strength should be at the Galaxy level.

Guan Shi didn't care about the attitude of the insidious envoy, and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, since Yu Lan Xing's aura has dried up, he hasn't sent a disciple for many years!"

Envoy Yang Ce said: "But this time there are a few good seedlings, Daojun, Chen Yan, Zhuo Bufan, come out."

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