The first thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine chapters hunt

A little bit of morning light pierced the darkness and gradually sprinkled light on this barren land. The gentle light shone on Yin Ji’s cursed face, her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she slowly opened the silver one. Eyes.

It’s been a long time, Yin Ji hasn’t slept so sweetly, don’t worry about being chased or fleeing. This is the most beautiful sleep she has had this year, even if what she sees is a deserted, lifeless land, but that The warm light still gave her an extremely refreshing feeling.

"My lord, I'm sorry." Yin Ji came back to her senses and found embarrassingly that she actually fell asleep with Zhuo Bufan's shoulders last night, and Zhuo Bufan sat at the entrance of the cave, sleepless all night, slowly absorbing the universe. Energy practice.

Cultivation requires not only opportunity and determination, but also hard work and perseverance. It is impossible to reach thousands of miles without accumulating steps.

"Woke up?"

Zhuo Bufan opened his black eyes, took a light look at the woman next to him, and glanced at the entrance of the cave. Many silver girls had already regained consciousness. Last night should be regarded as the night they slept the most.

"Yeah." Yin Ji nodded, her pretty face Xiafei's cheeks, revealing the shyness of a girl, "Sir, let's leave here, I'm afraid the Jinlin tribe will follow her."

"Golden Scales?" Zhuo Bufan stood up, stretched out his arms, and relieved his muscles and bones. The original delicate face under the light has already had a bit of hard edges and corners after undergoing a lot of practice and hardship. Slowly raised a smile: "I'm afraid it's too late now, those people should have arrived!"

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Yin Ji's face was slightly startled, and a trace of fear appeared in the back. She knew in her heart that if those people were caught back, what kind of punishment would be suffered. For slaves who dared to escape, those people are absolute There will be no mercy at all.

"What to do then, we must not be caught by them." Yin Ji turned her head and looked at the same clan in the cave, with two slender eyebrows tightly folded together.

"Don't worry, I would like to see who came from the slave farm." Zhuo Bufan's mouth spread out with a cold arc, staying in this place where the birds do not **** for half a year, Zhuo Bufan also feels bored and wants to relax. Live your muscles and bones.

Seeing the self-confidence exuding from Zhuo Bufan's face, Yin Ji gently bit her moist red lips, and a firm color passed through those silver eyes.

On this barren star meteorite, three small silver aircrafts are flying fast. The detection devices installed in the aircraft can cover tens of thousands of kilometers at a time and are constantly detecting life on the star meteorite.

In the control center of an aircraft, a man wearing dark golden armor with black horns on his forehead and golden pupils stood in it. He exuded a tyrannical aura, and swearing fiercely: "That **** woman , I dared to run away with those bastards. If I don't catch them back, the boss will never bypass me."

"Report Captain, found their aircraft, it has crashed, the coordinates..."

Suddenly, in front of the man in dark golden armor, a green screen appeared, with a figure in the middle, and he spoke.

"Haha, these bastards, when I catch them back, we must let them know the consequences of running away and what it is like to die." The man haha, his palms clenched into fists, and shouted: "Go to the coordinates," They don't have a flying machine, so they shouldn't be able to escape far!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Above the barren land, three silver aircraft swept out three silver rays. When they tilted less, they came to a canyon. In the center of the canyon, a huge pit appeared. In the center of the huge pit, a damaged silver aircraft was lying on the ground, damaged. Where the arc crackled and jumped.

"Haha, those **** must be nearby, search for me!"

Among a flying machine, the man wearing dark golden armor flew out, looking at the broken flying machine in the huge pit, his eyes shone with cold luster. He knew that among those people, only Yin Ji was a cultivator. People are just ordinary people. Now that the aircraft is damaged, they can't leave this barren planet at all.

Whoosh whoosh!

A group of human figures flew out of the aircraft, everyone wearing dark golden armor, and their strength was about the Star Lake realm. There were a total of twenty people. They swept their minds slightly, and flew towards the surroundings quickly.

After a while, a young man with dark golden armor flew in front of the two-horned man headed, and said joyfully: "Captain Satsuma, found the vital signs, there is a large valley behind the canyon in front, those **** should be hidden in it."

"When I catch them, they will definitely regret what they did!" A cold arc formed at the corner of his mouth, disappeared in place with a whistle, and then quickly flew towards the cave.

The other team members followed closely, like a group of wasps, the sound of breaking wind rang out in the air.

"My lord, they are here!" Yin Ji's face was solemn, her delicate body trembled slightly, she was obviously very afraid of the group of people, and the silver girl hiding in the cave was tightly curled in the corner, her eyes filled with tears. Showing fear and amazement.

They knew very well in their hearts that once they fell into the hands of those people again, they might be punished cruelly and inhumanly.

"Don't worry, I'm still here, they can't take you with me." Zhuo Bufan's mouth slowly bends a faint arc, and then he glances at Yin Ji.

At the same time that the two eyes converged, Yin Ji saw the light of hope in Zhuo Bufan's eyes, and then her eyes became firm and nodded, "As long as the adults can let us get out of here, let Yin Ji be a bull and a horse. Ji is also willing."

Zhuo Bufan smiled helplessly, then raised his head and looked at the sky. His spiritual thoughts were strong enough to cover the entire stellar meteorite, and twenty-one auras were quickly flying towards them.

Not long after, I saw a number of human figures flying over the cave, headed by a man wearing dark golden armor with black **** horns on his forehead, and his pupils were also tinged with faint gold.

"People of the Jinlin clan...Mosao..." Yin Ji said softly.

Mo Zhao led his hands down into the sky, and at a glance he saw Yin Ji standing at the entrance of the huge cave, her face was gloomy, and she sternly shouted: "Yin Ji, how dare you run away with this group of slaves, when I take you back, you will surely let it go. What do you mean by death is better than life!"

"Really? You want to take them away, have you asked me?"

Zhuo Bufan raised his head, staring at the Satsuma in the sky indifferently, and said coldly.

At this moment, his gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan. He saw that Zhuo Bufan was a Xinghai-level elementary cultivator, so he could not help frowning. He was also a Xinghai-level elementary realm, so he was naturally not afraid of Zhuo Bufan, and he also brought a helping hand. under.

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