The first thousand nine hundred and twenty one chapter Tanyu star

"But there are many people from the Jinlin tribe on the star'Tan Liu', and the deputy chief of the Jinlin tribe is also there." Yin Ji bit her thin lip, she naturally wanted to rescue more tribe members, but this seemed too much. Take a risk.

"Let's see the situation first."

Zhuo Bufan smiled, he was eager to meet a galaxy-level powerhouse for a good fight. His Purple Shadow Sacred Fist has never been able to break through the barriers. Perhaps only in battle can he understand it, and even with his strength Can't beat a galaxy-level powerhouse, and you can't kill him if you want to escape.

"Okay." Yin Ji looked at Zhuo Bufan's firm gaze, chose to believe in Zhuo Bufan, and immediately adjusted the space coordinates of the aircraft's destination.

The three silver aircraft changed directions. About two days later, a dark yellow planet appeared in Zhuo Bufan's line of sight. There was the stronghold of the Jinlin tribe, the star Tanluo.

"You and I will go to Tanluo Star, the others will stay in the aircraft first." Zhuo Bufan said, immediately opened the aircraft door, skipped the void directly, and then condensed and printed in his hand, and the tadpole-like pattern appeared, and the three aircraft Package, unless the galaxy-class powerhouse, other people will not be able to find these three aircraft.

After that, Zhuo Bufan took Yin Ji's secret aura and flew quietly towards Tan Liuxing.

Tanluo is not as barren as Zhuo Bufan’s cultivating star and meteorite, with dense forests, and some mountains and rivers, but there is no race to establish civilization here, and wild beasts are in all directions.

The people of the Jinlin tribe have established their own stronghold here. Hundreds of silver flying vehicles are suspended in the air. Obviously they are used by the Jinlin tribe to transport the'slaves'. Underneath is a huge city, the stockade. Black iron frames are densely placed on the square in the city. Each iron frame contains humans of different shapes. Men and women are packed separately, and each iron box holds hundreds of slaves.

According to the number of these iron prisons, there should be tens of thousands of people imprisoned here. What awaits them is being transported by the Jinlin tribe to the prosperous Timberwolves, waiting to be bought by their masters and become slaves.

Fate is so unfair to them, everyone's face is full of grief, helplessness, fear, and a glimmer of hope.

"Let us out, you beasts!"

"Let us go... We are not slaves..."

In an iron prison, a man with dense blue scales growing on his body, clutching the iron railing with both hands, roared angrily.

At this time, a guard from the Jinlin tribe walked in front of him and looked at the man contemptuously, "Cyan A tribe, you are now a slave!"

After all, this Jinlin clan guard held the spear in his hand and pierced directly through the chest of the Cyan Clan youth. Cyan blood spewed out. The Cyan Clan youth quickly collapsed to the ground, his face showing pain. .

"These **** Jinlin clan... beasts." Yin Ji, who was hiding in the shadow of a huge tree in the sky, couldn't help squeezing her fist when she saw this scene.

Zhuo Bufan also frowned. Although the cultivation world was cruel, this business of buying and selling slaves still scorned all the strong. At least in the Canglan Star Region managed by the Xuanjie Sect and the Dayan Dynasty, this kind of thing would never happen.

Without civilization, the demons lurking in my heart are thoroughly exposed.

"You slaves, if you don't perform well, this is the end!" The Jinlin Clan guard who stabbed the Qing Clan youth said loudly, his face was only indifference and contempt. Obviously, he often does this kind of thing.

The Jinlin tribe is one of the strongest races in this galaxy. Besides, there are many Jinliu masters who sit on the star of Tanluo, and there is almost no danger. This also makes these guards boring and can only find these slaves to vent.

The death of the youth of the Qingjia tribe did have an impact, stopping the restless efforts, and deep despair spread in his heart.

"Fenghori, these people are all soul coins, don't kill them like this, otherwise you will be scolded by the boss." Another Jinlin clan guard came to the murder guard and reminded.

At this moment, the two suddenly opened their eyes and stood motionless in place, leaning less, a blood hole appeared between their throats, and blood rushed away.


A figure flew directly onto the square, and a wave of fierce True Yuan ejected from his hand directly smashed dozens of huge iron prisons. The slaves on the square had not yet reacted, and stood dazedly on the spot.

Afterwards, some people began to rush towards the gate of the square. Some of these people's original cultivators had been sealed with true essence. Now, like ordinary people, they have no fighting ability at all.

"Who dare to come to my Jinlin tribe's territory to make trouble!" Suddenly, a thunderous shout sounded in the air. Immediately, several Jinlin tribe experts flew over the square, headed by a similar student. The man with two horns has eyes like dark golden metal, with a cold luster.

"You are the boss here?"

Standing in the square, the black-haired and black-eyed figure raised his head, looking at the man in the sky with indifferent eyes.

This person is not someone else, but Zhuo Bufan.

"You are here to make trouble, who are you?" the Jinlin clan powerhouse asked coldly, apparently daring to come to the Jinlin clan stronghold to rob slaves, making him extremely angry, but he didn't seem to have seen Zhuo Bufan Humans of this species.

"Shadow Kill!"

Zhuo Bufan faintly opened, and immediately drew out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, swept it out, an arc-shaped sword light whizzed out, and the room carrying Ling Li's true essence instantly froze the surrounding space.

Several weaker people around the strong Jinlin clan were suddenly cut off by laziness, spewing dark golden blood, swaying in the sky.

"Damn, today I, Kuhan, must kill you." The Jinlin clan expert said furiously, but he also didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan was only a Xinghai-level elementary realm, with such a powerful strength.

"Purple Shadow Sacred Fist!"

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the Ice Emperor Rain Sword retracted Yu Ling Xuan, stepped on his foot, and his figure rushed out. Purple arcs flashed in the sky, and he hit Kuhan with one punch and one punch.

"Damn..." Kuhan said furiously, with a hideous look on his face. He had no idea that the other party would look down on himself and use no weapons.


Kuhan took advantage of the bombardment, drew out a blood knife, and slashed directly towards Zhuo Bufan.

"The third punch!"

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were extremely firm, and his body was covered with a purple shadow, his fist hit the opponent's blood blade fiercely, and a circle of energy fluctuations suddenly spread, blowing the ground violently.

"Fourth punch..."

Kuhan also mobilized all his true essence, the Xinghai-level advanced powerhouse, the true essence is extremely powerful, and his hands have been contaminated with the lives of tens of thousands of creatures, and he has formed a strong murderous intent. A blood knife in his hand is more powerful than a knife. Extraordinary.

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