Chapter 2185 Ups and Downs

"Lord of the East China Sea Dragon King of Ocean King? Are you his granddaughter?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Yes, my dad is Ao Lie, the eldest son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. It is a pity that my dad went to a secret place for an expedition ten years ago. He suffered disaster and unfortunately lost his life." Ao Linlian said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded inexplicably.

At this time, Ao Ling raised his head and took a peek at the new "general". He was very different from the image of a majestic middle-aged man he imagined. He seemed to be just a young man, and elegant and gentle. Looks like, there is no sense of oppression carried by the condescending superiors.

Moreover, the cultivation base had indeed just broken through the star field level.

This kind of capital, compared with the chalk dragon that has been rooted in the Milky Way for thousands of years, does not have any advantage except for the title of "Captain Captain" given by the Star Alliance.

Zhuo Bufan had already learned about the situation in the galaxy. Because of some special circumstances, the previous world would die in the battlefield of the star field. The galaxy has never sent a new general to manage it, almost always headed by the star master of the dragon dragon.

Zhuo Bufan also knew about the ocean king, he knew that it was a Mercury, suitable for the survival of the aquarium humans, and the star owner was the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

"Why didn't your grandfather come in person?" Zhuo Bufan asked while looking at Ao Wei.

Ao Yu didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so direct. He blushed and hesitated: "Grandpa went to the star lord of the dragon, and the other star lords are also in his palace, so grandpa sent me to greet Lord Jie."

"Oh, they are all at the place of the star lord of the dragon, they don't know that I will come? There is no one to greet him?" Zhuo Bufan sneered.

Once any spacecraft approaches a planet, it will be discovered by hidden spies. At least when Zhuo Bufan pilots the blood python to the vicinity of the dragon star, he has already felt a few hidden auras, and then these auras disappeared. , It should be to report to the master of the dragon star.

Since receiving the news, the star lord of the dragon dragon did not do anything, it seems that he wanted to give him the new general of the world.

Ao Yu didn't answer, and didn't know how to answer, but it was true that he felt a little disappointed in his heart.

The star lord of the dragon is recognized as the first in the galaxy. Moreover, the Milky Way is the territory he has managed for a long time. The Star Alliance randomly sends a "general" over to replace the star lord of the dragon. It is difficult, it is a bit difficult. too difficult.

It seemed to Ao Wei that this new world would be a bit young, and he didn't have any city government to speak. How to win over other star masters, he wanted to deal with the chalk dragon star masters, undoubtedly hitting the stone by pebbles.

On the other hand, the management of the Star Alliance is very strict, not the generals can kill the star master at will, unless the star master commits some serious mistakes, otherwise he will be punished by the Star Alliance.

At least, the newly appointed general should not have a firm foothold in the Star Alliance, and it is basically impossible to use tough methods to subdue the Star Lord of the Dragon.

"Young Master, it seems that the Star Master Chalong didn't put you in his eyes, and he probably put a Hongmen banquet to wait for you. It's really hateful." There was also a trace of anger on Shi Jianqiao's face.

"If he is really polite to me, I wouldn't be able to turn his face straight." A mysterious smile appeared on Zhuo Bufan's face. "Let's go, let's go and see what tricks this Chalk Dragon star mainly plays. If you want to play, I will play with him."

As soon as he returned to Earth, he encountered Jiawu, Baiwu, and Red Scorpion doing evil on the earth, and even Long Geyue almost died in their hands. Zhuo Bufan stayed with his parents during this time and did not dare to show any hostility. , Has been holding back for a long time.

He can now sit in the position of Captain Xiaoqi, not relying on lip service and flattery, and some people's bones and blood are also stepped on under his feet.

Ao Wei and the youth next to them led a group of aquarium guards, followed Zhuo Bufan, and flew directly towards the palace of the star lord of the dragon dragon. They were also drumming in their hearts, not knowing what Zhuo Bufan would do.

"Miss, this new general may disappoint the Dragon King. He is too young and has no city mansion. How can he draw other star masters to fight the Aolong star master." The young man who followed Ao Wei secretly spread the voice. .

"You shouldn't worry about these things, be careful to be heard by Master Jie." Ao Wei glared at the latter, but his face also showed a hint of disappointment.

Originally, the East China Sea Dragon King planned to stand at both ends. If the newcomer-admiral had the strength to fight the Alien Dragon Star Master, then the East China Sea Dragon King also had some capital, but now, it seems that the East China Sea Dragon King’s wishful thinking has been wrong.


Inside the main palace of the chalk dragon star.

Hundreds of star owners of large and small planets all sat in the palace, chatting and drinking tea. Everyone was waiting for the new world to come and chat with the close star owners.

In the center of the palace, there is a group of singers with first-class figures and faces who dance with long sleeves. The team of musicians on the side play beautiful music with endless lingering sounds.

A guard strode into the palace and knelt down on one knee and said: "Master Auron, we have found the new general's spacecraft, anchored outside the star of Auron, and it seems to be coming soon."

"Oh, the new general is finally coming?" A strange smile was drawn from the corner of the mouth of the first star of the dragon star, "I really want to see him, what tricks he can play, I linked No one was sent, he must have been holding fire in his stomach? Without giving him a little bit of power, he really thought he could dominate the galaxy with the name of a world general."

"Master Ulong, I also saw a group of people, Miss Ao Yu, granddaughter of the Ocean King Donghai Dragon King." The guard continued.

Below the palace, an old man wearing a crown and a five-claw dragon robe sat in the position, his expression unchanged, the eight winds did not move, as if he hadn't heard the words of the guard.

"Oh, the Dragon King of the East China Sea also sent Ao Yun to meet our new world generals. I have a heart." The star of the dragon star fell on the Dragon King of the East China Sea, and a trace of anger passed through the depth of his eyes.

In the Milky Way, the Dragon King of the East China Sea spends the most holidays with him, and he is also afraid of the power of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Unfortunately, the Dragon King of the East China Sea is old. Even the eldest son Ao Lie died in a secret realm and went downhill.

Originally, the West Sea Dragon King had been contacting him, wanting to overthrow the position of the East Sea Dragon King star, the Chalk Dragon Star Lord still hesitated. After all, the thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse. If you want to bring down the East Sea Dragon King, you still have to pay some no small price. , But this time the Star Master Chalong seems to have made up his mind.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea said: "The new world will come here, I am the star master, and it is normal to send someone to meet him, what do you think of the star lord of the dragon dragon?"

"Well, that's right, I don't know if this new world will satisfy you with the East China Sea Dragon King." The Star Lord of the Dragon sneered.

There was a mystery hidden in the words of the two, and the other star masters looked at each other. They followed the Chalk Dragon Star Master, and they also got a lot of benefits. Knowing the fate of offending him, some gloating or pitying eyes focused on the East Sea Dragon King.

The star lord of the dragon is stroking the jade handrail, "No matter what the world will be sent by the Star Alliance, this galaxy is still my land of the dragon. Anyone who wants to move my cake has to weigh his strength and whether he will choke."

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