The 2255th chapter is full of enthusiasm

Zhuo Bufan turned his head abruptly, and saw a man wearing a black robe, surrounded by black mist, standing quietly behind him, clearly visible with his eyes, but once his mental strength was not concentrated, he would not be able to spot him.

Shura body!

Zhuo Bufan also discovered that the opponent has a familiar aura, the aura of Sha Yuan, obviously the opponent has swallowed enough Sha Yuan, and he has cultivated into an Asura body.

But the evil spirit on the opponent's body was much stronger than him, and even Zhuo Bufan didn't notice the method he used just now, indicating that the opponent's Asura body was higher.

According to the rules of the use of Sha Yuan, you can successfully cultivate the ‘Asura Body’ if you swallow ten Sha Yuan, and the Asura Body of Rank 2 if you swallow 20 Sha Yuan.

From another point of view, it can swallow 20 evil spirits and resist the erosion of blood evil air. It is also an excellent existence in itself, otherwise it would not be possible to swallow 20 evil spirits and cultivate into a second-rank Shura body.

"Master Shaying!"

At this moment, the Wing Clan savage demon and several demon clan generals in the blood demon porch also broke through the blood demon clan’s strangulation, rushed out and stood in the air, seeing this demon clan general who was covered in black mist Immediately respectfully said.

"Even these three Star Alliance Realm Generals can't solve it, waste." Shaying glanced at the Wing Clan Realm General and hummed softly.

The Wing Clan Savage Demon Realm General and the other Demon Realm Generals lowered their heads, not daring to reply.

At this moment, the other demons and savage demons who rushed to flew in this direction. There were about hundreds of people in the mighty and mighty world. The golden mouse and Meng Yu were surrounded by ashes, and they were surrounded by hundreds of people. The famous demon clan general, really can't escape.

Zhuo Bufan's gaze was also staring at the shaman, and the blood demon shrank rapidly, and once again turned into a piece of armor attached to him, the eighteen thunder bamboo swords also retracted and surrounded the three of them.

"Ultimate weapon, Shura body, is considered to have good capital, and is also eligible to be on the Asura list! Unfortunately, when I met me, I want your evil spirit, and I want the ultimate weapon." Shaying narrowed his eyes, quietly Looking at the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword and Zhuo Bufan quietly, his eyes stretched out with a little fiery heat.

This time, he planned to use the flames to design a trap to annihilate a Star Alliance team, but he did not expect to have unexpected gains.

There is an Asura body in this team, and there is also a weapon of the supreme path in it.

You have to know the extreme weapons, even if there are no such weapons.

"Damn, fight with them! Even if you die, you have to pull one or two backs." The golden mouse gritted his teeth, with a trace of red blood still on his lips, and sneered. The Demon Realm will fight each other before."

"If you want to die, you have to pull back, Golden Mouse and Brother Shadow Kill, fight with them." Meng Yu also had red eyes.

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword tightly. This time it was a fight against the water. The opponent was also an Asura body, and it was a Rank 2 Asura body. He wanted to escape by the law of space, and it was probably hopeless.

"My Shen Lie people, kill if you want, what am I?" At this moment, a thunderous voice sounded, and dozens of figures from the sky flew towards this side.

The leader is Shen Lie, the captain of this team, and the rest are the star league generals.

Shen Lie and the others also left large and small wounds, apparently also encountered an ambush from the Demon Realm General, and it was very fortunate to escape.

"Captain!" Meng Yu looked at Shen Lie, at this rough-looking man who usually didn't speak much.

Holding a pitch-black giant axe in his hand, Shen Lie stood proudly in the air, and said loudly: "You are my soldiers led by Shen Lie. It is the star that I asked you to come. How can you leave you and escape? Back to the Star Alliance, where do I put my Shen Lie face."

Listening to Shen Lie’s words, Meng Yu and Golden Mouse’s eyes were red again, even Zhuo Bufan’s eyes were flushed, and blood was hot in his heart. He was always cautious and guarded everywhere in the Starfield Battlefield and Shura Battlefield. He didn’t expect to be in the battlefield. There is such a passionate friendship.

Originally, if Shen Lie and his party had to break through forcibly, at least someone could leave the star, but they did not leave, but came to rescue Meng Yu and others.

"Fight with the demon clan like this!" Shen Lie grasped the giant axe in his hand, making a sound of thunder.

Bang bang bang!

Shaying clapped his palms and looked at Shen Lie and his party coldly, and said with a sneer: "It's really touching. I returned to die for my own soldiers. Since you are so affectionate and righteous, I will let you die together!"

In a blink of an eye, the true essence of heaven and earth rippled and rolled.

A famous star alliance world will sacrifice a magic weapon to mobilize the true essence, and a famous barbarian demon world general and demons world will also sacrifice a magic weapon to urge martial arts.

Zhuo Bufan was equally passionate and murderous.

"Tian Lei Bamboo Sword!" With a soft drink, the Tian Lei Bamboo Sword immediately formed a sword formation, and then a Tian Lei Bamboo Sword with a blue radiant handle was one after another, like a cyan flood dragon, directly blasting towards the shaman.

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and the area of ​​killing was also urged to the extreme, and the surrounding area became cold, but his mind was calm and clear.


Everyone started desperately, and only desperately could survive.

"Extreme weapon, it's a pity that you can't kill me with this." Shao Xun sneered, stretched out his palm, and the iron lock entwining his palm and arm ejected like a poisonous snake, and it turned into a snake in the air. A huge cold iron chain, one end of the chain is pointed, like the fangs of a poisonous snake, and the other end is a black iron ball, which is as heavy as a huge amount.

Shen Lie took the giant axe to fight the Demon Realm General and the Wild Demon Realm General. Yu Guang glanced towards this side, but was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was a master in his small team.

Zhuo Bufan usually has a low-key style, but he hasn't noticed it.

Wow! ! The black chain swiftly turned in the air, forming a black tornado, entangled the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, and there was also a trace of annihilation in the black chain, which was obviously approaching the existence of the ultimate weapon.

The Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword is a set of sword formations that are good at defense. It is already very reluctant to control the eighteenth Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword in killing and cutting, and its power is obviously not as good as defense. .

For a while, the Tianlei Bamboo Sword was actually trapped by a black iron lock.

"Killing the word tactic!" Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, like a beast, but there was no wild beast's madness, only extreme calmness, holding the Ice Emperor Rain Sword in his hand, his figure had already swooped towards him.

"Hey, today I'll let you know the difference between the first round of Shura and the second round of Shura." Sha Yan sneered, and his figure suddenly disappeared in place.


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, and his figure immediately disappeared in place.

In fact, the two did not disappear, but used their perception of the laws of space to integrate themselves into this space, and it was difficult to find the other's existence.

"I said that there is a big gap between Rank 2 Shura and Rank 1 Shura."

A cold voice sounded behind Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan was shocked, and even swiped the sword in his hand towards the rear.

I saw the shaman appearing behind him, with claw sleeves on both hands, and the sharp claws shone cold and cold. One hand faced the Ice Emperor Rain Sword with a crisp ding sound, and the other metal claw was fierce. Grab it under Zhuo Bufan's right arm.

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