Chapter 2258: The True Treasure

"Shadow kill, don't run away, hand over your ultimate weapon and evil spirit, I can let you have a way of life, if you rush into the flames of the heart of the earth, you will only be crushed!" There was a sea of ​​fire in the heart of the earth, and there was also a trembling color in his eyes.

Broken bones?

Zhuo Bufan's pupils mirrored the sea of ​​fire in front of him, but the corners of his mouth rose quietly, revealing a confident arc.

Then, amidst the wide pupils of Sha Xie, he rushed into the fiery sea without hesitation.

"Remember, if you want my ultimate weapon and the evil spirit in me, don't hurt my friend, I will come to you." A dull voice resounding like thunder echoed in Sha Yan's mind.

Watching Zhuo Bufan’s figure rush into the sea of ​​flames, his claws clenched into fists, his face was covered in black mist, but his eyes were unusually cold, and he cursed fiercely: "Damn, you still Can you come out alive?"

Extreme weapons and evil spirits are things he dreams of. It has been less than a year since the opening of the Asura Tower. If he can obtain evil origins and extreme weapons during this period, it will be a rich harvest for him. , It is also very important for him to get the inheritance of Asura Tower.

But he watched the cooked duck fly away!

"If you can come out alive, I'll be waiting for you." He gritted his teeth, turned and flew upwards. He had seen the power of this sea of ​​fire a long time ago, and he had entered a life of nine deaths. Therefore, he did not dare to take himself. His life is risky, and he dare not learn from Zhuo Bufan so crazy, not afraid of death.

Flying out of the center of the earth, the mantle, the crust, and the shamans stand in the air, and immediately flew in the direction of the battlefield, and at the same time transmitted the sound to their subordinates.

When he returned to the battlefield, the battle was almost over.

Most of the members of the Star Alliance have been killed and injured, and Shen Lie, Meng Yu, and Golden Mouse were also seriously injured.

"You can't kill them, catch them all alive, I will kill one person every day, I see if the movie killer will come out!" Sha Xie exudes a dark atmosphere, and his voice is cold.

Shen Lie, Meng Yu, and Golden Mouse looked at each other and saw that Zhuo Bufan escaped. All three of them were relieved. As long as Zhuo Bufan is still alive, as long as he informs the army to come over, he will definitely be fine. Take revenge for them.


Another place.

After going deep into the sea of ​​fire, Zhuo Bufan felt the heat wave on his face, and the blood demon immediately formed armor to cover every inch of his body, including his face, with the blood demon to resist, but Zhuo Bufan could endure the heat in the fire. high temperature.

It's no wonder that even the scorpion is stunned, if the high temperature in this sea of ​​fire, if the general world will rush into it, it will definitely be broken and wiped out.

Zhuo Bufan urged the true essence to be sent continuously, and used the true essence to form a diaphragm outside the blood demon stub armor to protect the blood demon stub.

This time, the blood demon was seriously injured. Originally, in order to stop the barbaric demon world general and the demon clan world, most of the foundation was lost, and it was injured by the shaman, and now in order to protect Zhuo Bufan, it also needs to withstand the high temperature in the sea of ​​fire.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to fly by quickly, so he could only slowly infiltrate into the sea of ​​fire. No one knew how deep the sea of ​​fire was, but the more inside, the temperature in the sea of ​​fire increased, and the true essence was consumed rapidly, even very Almost surpassing the speed of replenishing the true essence, the fiery heat surges on the armor of the blood demon, causing the blood demon to squirm and become depressed.

"Hold on, I can't just die like this! I'm going to die, Shen Lie, Meng Yu, and Golden Mouse won't survive." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and said in his heart.

He believes that for the ultimate weapon, Shayuan will definitely not give up easily, as long as he does not leave the star, there is still a ray of hope in his heart, and this ray of hope will prevent him from easily killing Shen Lie and others. .

Entering the interior of the sea of ​​fire, the true essence was ‘melted’ by the hot temperature as soon as it appeared, and the blood demon squat was constantly struggling and wriggling, but it was still firmly attached to Zhuo Bufan’s body surface, helping him to block the heat wave and high temperature.

Zhuo Bufan is connected to the blood demon's heart, and he can naturally feel the pain of the blood demon's experience this time.

"Old man, hold on." Zhuo Bufan could only cheer up the blood demon in his heart.

The temperature inside the sea of ​​fire has been rising, and more and more flames have appeared around the sea of ​​fire, but at this time Zhuo Bufan is not in the mood to capture these treasures. Every trace of true essence is extremely precious to him. Zhenyuan is the hope of survival.

The heat continued to rise, and even the blood demon stubs could not hold on, the blood demon stubs began to wither, began to shrink...

"Do I really want to die here?"

Zhuo Bufan gritted his steel teeth and rotated the second layer of the star wheel Yanyu map, his eyes bursting with brilliance.

The ‘stars’ in the dantian shone with little light, like shining star points in the sea of ​​stars. These star points stretched out from each other with a crystal line, connected to each other, forming a mysterious figure in the dantian.

Behind Zhuo Bufan, a star sea vortex resembling a black hole also appeared, exuding terrible swallowing power.

The law of the starry sky appears!

The terrible swallowing power spread and spread, and some of the flames scattered in the sea of ​​fire were actually dragged by the swallowing power, and they flew towards the law of the starry sky continuously. At the same time, the irresistible heat wave also weakened a lot in an instant.

Finally, relying on the support of the Gorefiends, the consumption of true essence, and the appearance of the starry sky law, Zhuo Bufan successfully resisted the last wave of heat, passed through the sea of ​​fire, and appeared in a dark space.

There are no waves of heat and fire in this dark space, only countless star-like flames floating in the air, Zhuo Bufan's eyes widened, watching the floating flames, like a sea of ​​prosperous flowers, dazzling, countless...

It's safe!

Zhuo Bufan took a heavy breath, and the blood demon stick attached to the body surface also broke away from the body, turning into a group of squirming vines, suspended in the air, his breath languishing and dying.

"Fortunately, you, Blood Demon Doug."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at the Gorefiend. If it weren't for the Blood Demon Demon's desperate protection, Zhuo Bufan would not be able to bear it just because of the outer flame heat.

It’s also fortunate that in the past few years in the Starfield Battlefield, the Gorefiend has absorbed a lot of flesh and blood, and it has become very powerful, and has super vitality and healing ability. Otherwise, other defensive magic weapons want to pass through the inner storm. It's impossible at all in the sea of ​​fire.

As long as the blood demon remains, and as long as it is cultivated well, it can recover. Zhuo Bufan doesn't worry about this.

Zhuo Bufan re-examined the surrounding suddenly and slightly opened his mouth. Perhaps this is the real treasure hidden by the star.

In the center of the earth, there are countless precious flames floating around! With a rough sweep, it is estimated that there are millions of flames floating in it!

Zhuo Bufan finally understood that the real flames are hidden in the heart of the earth. As for the flames they found, they must have been'pulled' out of the sea of ​​fire by some means, and deliberately placed outside to attract them to the past and give them to them. Set a trap and ambush.

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