Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2261: Quasi-Ultra Weapon

Chapter 2262: Quasi-Zhudao Weapon

Zhuo Bufan immediately controlled the vines of the Gorefiend to fly away, and continued to extend towards Yanmu. It turned out that Yanmu had been hidden in this space, hiding his breath, if it weren't for Zhuo Bufan's law of confronting fire. Under the situation that the consciousness is improved, and the soul is much stronger than the realm of the same level, it is really impossible to find the existence of Yan mother.


At the same time, Zhuo Bufan's hands quickly formed complex mudra, forming a barrier, fearing Yanmother's escape.

Yan Mu is a strange treasure born in the universe. Although it is a treasure, it also possesses a certain degree of wisdom.

Suddenly, countless vines surrounded the space, blocking the surrounding space, Zhuo Bufan's enchantment came down, enveloped Yan Mu, seeing that there was nowhere to escape.

"Boy, how do you plan to use Yanmu?" Dongling Realm Master asked, lying on the clouds.

Zhuo Bufan frowned his sword eyebrows, his law induction could no longer continue, and the tempering of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and the Blood Demon Sword had reached the extreme, and Yan Mu was a precious treasure and must be used well.

"The Lord of Tanglin is very knowledgeable and well-informed. Want to have a good finger?" Zhuo Bufan bowed his hand towards the Lord of Tanglin.

"Boy, don't wear a high hat for me." The Dongling Realm Master held a hip flask, took a sip of wine, and smiled: "I can see that your sword is your magic weapon, you want to build it. Extreme weapon?"

"Yeah." Zhuo Bufan nodded. There is no need to conceal it. In the Starfield Battlefield, he also exchanged a lot of materials to refine the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, but he was later framed by Lu Shanhou and arrested by the Star Alliance, so he did not go again. Exchange treasures.

"You can refine the Yanmother into your sword, and you can make your weapon break through to the next level. I'm not sure whether it can become the ultimate weapon, but at least it is the level of the quasi ultimate weapon." Dongling Lord of the world.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

By the way, he can use Yanmu to refine the Ice Emperor Rain Sword.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan left to sacrifice the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and then stretched out his palm, which condensed the True Essence from the palm of his hand. The True Essence turned into a giant palm to grasp the Yan Mu. In an instant, the Yan Mu began to resist, exuding hot heat. , The palm that rushed to the unity of the true essence almost collapsed.

"Already in my hands, still want to struggle?" Zhuo Bufan gave a light voice, and the starry sky law emerged on his body.

The coercion of the Starry Sky Law suddenly radiated and fell on Yan Mu.

Yan Mu, who was struggling fiercely, was suppressed by the coercion taken by the Starry Sky Law, and suddenly became quiet, and she seemed to be afraid of the Starry Sky Law.

Zhuo Bufan grabbed Yan Mu, put it on the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, wrapped the two with True Yuan, and concentrated on refining, to integrate Yan Mu into the Ice Emperor Rain Sword!

After three days and three nights, fighting around the clock, Zhuo Bufan finally integrated Yan Mu into the Ice Emperor Rain Sword.

I saw fire patterns appearing on the sword body of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword. In these fire patterns, golden red brilliance faintly flowed past the entire sword body, looking magnificent and coquettish, full of strong fire elements. element.

"Ice Emperor Rain Sword!"

Zhuo Bufan snorted softly.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword circled around in the void, and wherever it passed, the sword marks left traces of fire patterns, and it seemed that even the space appeared to be distorted.


The Ice Emperor Rain Sword suddenly turned into a 10,000-meter-long giant sword, erected and suspended in the void.


Suddenly, a golden flame burned on the sword body, like the sword of the **** of fire, standing in the void, the surrounding flames shivered, as if afraid of the might of the ice emperor rain sword.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't express his joy. Although the Ice Emperor Rain Sword hadn't reached the realm of a true ultimate weapon, it had grown into a'quasi ultimate weapon'.


The flame on the Ice Emperor's Rain Sword converged and turned into an ordinary size again. It drew a few circles around Zhuo Bufan, and made a clear sound, obviously feeling the joy of the owner, and it was also very happy.

Now Zhuo Bufan can be regarded as a strong soldier, ready to set off.

Recovering the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, the Blood Demon's stubble turned into armor again. Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist and put all the other flames in the space into the space ring. However, he could only swallow a small part of the millions of flames. The fire can only notify other people to come and get it.

"Brother Meng Yu, Captain Shen Lie, Golden Mouse, I'm here!"

Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath and rushed towards the sea of ​​fire.

Now that he has the understanding of the law of fire, and the blood demon stub is tempered by the flame, he no longer fears the high temperature in the sea of ​​fire storm.


Lengxing, a towering mountain peak.

The mountain peak was cut off abruptly, forming a flat square.

Around the square, there were hundreds of savage demon generals and demons generals, either standing, or standing in the air, or sitting side by side resting. The atmosphere was extremely depressing, and the beasts and birds within tens of thousands of miles had already disappeared. Go, dare not lean against this area.

On the square, there were more than 30 iron cages, and in each iron cage there was a Star Alliance general. They were all exhausted and tortured. The armor on his body was shattered, his head was shaved, and his face was pale.

These iron cages are naturally not made of ordinary steel, but made of a special kind of steel. They are covered with secret patterns of formation, and occasionally there are thunder and fire jumping. There are several iron locks in the cage, and one end of the iron lock is connected to the iron cage. , The other section is sharp, piercing people's chest, abdomen and limbs to prevent the Star Alliance world from recovering their luck, and they will be tortured by the power of thunder at all times.

Shen Lie, Meng Yu, and Golden Mouse are among this group of star alliance leaders.

The three of them were covered with scars, their expressions were exhausted, and their heads were disheveled, but occasionally they raised their heads, but there was a twinkle in their eyes.

"Mouse, do you regret it?" Meng Yu asked with a smile looking at the golden mouse who was grinning in pain.

"Regret, I must regret it! My golden mouse is famous for being afraid of life and fearing death, and cherishing life and love for money... I have searched for so many treasures to take back, and I am planning to find a wife, so I died, so I can't regret it!" The Golden Mouse bared his teeth, "However, in twenty years, this uncle will be a hero again!"

Meng Yu looked at the golden mouse and said with red eyes: "I will feel relieved if Xiaozi can escape. Brother Shadow Killer will avenge us, even if we die now!"

On the other side of the square, there is a throne made of smooth rock. At this time, the shaman is sitting on the throne, with a long case in front of it, full of various exotic fruits and fine wines.

"My lord, why don't you just kill these people directly, the longer the delay, I'm afraid there will be changes on the way!" A winged clan savage demon came to the side and whispered.

Sha Xie snorted coldly, stood up, and walked toward the cages in the square, with cold eyes, "You think I don't know, if it wasn't for Shadow Killer's Sha Yuan, if it wasn't for his extreme weapon, I would Just kill these people..."

As he said, Shaying's palm was held in the void, and a keel-like whip appeared in his hand, and the whip was wrapped around Thunder.

"Shadow kill, if you don't show up yet, I will kill all of your brothers and friends!" Shaying's eyes were cold, and he raised his long whip and hit an iron cage severely. The thunder on the whip was full of thunder. Enter the iron cage, and directly pour into the body of a Star Alliance general from the chain that connects the iron cage.

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