Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2271: The strong make the rules

Chapter 2272: The Strong Makes Rules

"It's okay." Dong Mingjie blushed and whispered.

"We are fighting together, you are also my friend, don't you have any secrets that you won't tell me?" Zhuo Bufan said.

For a while, Zhuo Bufan encountered Dongming Realm. The two also participated in team battles. Later, they went to search for the poisonous crocodile. That time, Dongming Realm really saw Zhuo Bufan's terrifying power and blatantly killed the poisonous crocodile.

Dongmingjie gritted his teeth and briefly explained the ins and outs of the matter, Zhuo Bufan also knew it.

The guy with the sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks in front of me is called A Yuan. It is not known whether the name is true or not. Through him and a demon world general, Dongming Realm will exchange a treasure called'Zigensha', which is a kind of refining magic weapon. Of cherished materials.

Unexpectedly,'Zigensha' is not pure. There is'red copper sand' in it.'Red copper sand' is a very common material for refining magic weapons. The other party used some special methods to prevent Dongming from making it. find.

It wasn't until Dongming Jie was about to prepare the refining device that something was wrong.

"Exchange treasure with Demon Race?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

The Star Alliance and the Demon Race are rivals.

Dongming Jie said: "It is not uncommon for the Demon Race and the Star Alliance to exchange treasures secretly with each other. They just need to go through an intermediary. After all, everyone doesn't know each other, and they are all hostile camps. I was fooled because I was greedy for petty gains. I bought the Dragon Sea Star Coin and exchanged it with the other party. I didn’t expect to be fooled."

Dongmingjie will be downcast.

The Dragon Sea Star coin is a general comparison of Dragon Sea Star, which is convenient for everyone to exchange treasures and trade. You only need to take your own treasure to the auction house to exchange for the Dragon Sea Star coin of equal value.

A Yuan is obviously an intermediary between the Free Demons and the Star Alliance.

"He said it himself, it was he himself who made the eyeballs and bought someone else's fakes. Can this be blamed on me?" A Yuan didn't seem to be concerned about himself.

Zhuo Bufan was angry.

The Dongming Realm will be the most ordinary general. He came to the battlefield of the Star Territory and the battlefield of Shura to desperately...Those treasures were all exchanged for their lives, but they were deceived.

"Are you colluding with people from the Demon Race to lie to my friends?" Zhuo Bufan looked at A Yuan with cold eyes.

A Yuan looked at Zhuo Bufan's gaze, and his whole body was agitated, as if someone had been poured cold water from his head to the soles of his feet. The goose bumps on his skin instantly exploded. He is also a world general, and he can naturally feel the cold murderous intent emanating from Zhuo Bufan's body. , And the feeling of danger, the other party is definitely a dangerous person.

If it is for the treasure to collude with the demon world to deceive his friends, Zhuo Bufan doesn't mind killing the opponent.

After being framed by Luo Yingning once, he hated this kind of betrayal of the same camp even more than his hatred of demons and barbarians.

"Collaborate with the demons? I don't. I just act as an intermediary to make some good money." A Yuan swallowed, "This matter has nothing to do with me from beginning to end. I am only responsible for contacting."

"If it really doesn't matter to you, please make an appointment with the Demon Race Realm, and I will talk to him." Zhuo Bufan said.

A Yuan's eyes wandered up and down, hesitating, and hesitated: "Brother, this is Long Haixing, where fighting is forbidden. If it causes a big impact, even the Shura Alliance will not care about you."

"The rules are made by the strong, you can just ask that person out." Zhuo Bufan said, quietly urging a trace of blood evil, a strong blood evil aura spreading away.

Shura body!

Dong Mingjie would not be surprised, he knew it a long time ago.

A Yuan opened his mouth with a look of surprise. Of course he knew the Shura body. Those who possessed the Shura body were the strong men of Long Haixing. They formed a group called the'Asura Alliance', and everyone was ruthless. Character.

No wonder, he just felt a sense of life and death in Zhuo Bufan, and the other side of his feelings was also Shura.

"I, I will contact that person immediately and ask him to come out." A Yuan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and immediately showed a flattering look on his face.

Offending the strong, although it is impossible for the opponent to kill him with a big fanfare in Long Haixing, it is okay to let him suffer a bit. As for leaving Long Haixing, the other party will not worry about it. A Yuan dare not offend this evil god, and immediately use himself Contact the Demon General who deceived Dongming General in the same way.

"I have contacted the other party and told him that there is a treasure exchange. He will come soon and we will wait for him in the old place." A Yuan looked at Zhuo Bufan, obviously seeking Zhuo Bufan's opinion.

"it is good."

It’s not a secret that the Mozu and the Star Alliance members secretly traded, but this kind of secret is not easy to put on the surface, so the place where they choose to trade is also very remote. The three directly flew out of Longtai City and headed for a nearby one. The mountain flew by.

"Shadow Killing World General, this is Long Haixing, I am afraid that my business will cause you trouble." Dongming World General is still a little uneasy, and the sound is transmitted to Zhuo Bufan.

"Jie Dongming, don’t worry, I will definitely help you get justice this time." Zhuo Bufan sent him a message to make him feel at ease. Make rules."

Martial arts are respected, the most reasonable saying is applicable everywhere.

Seeing the firm look on Zhuo Bufan's face, Dong Mingjie squirmed his lips, and finally stopped talking.

The three of them came to the mountain and dropped down, waiting quietly.

In about half a cup of tea, two auras quickly approached them from Longtai City in the distance, judging from the aura to be the generals of the demons.

"Yuanzi, have a business introduced to me so soon?"

Two demon worlds will fall, both of them are youths, with a gloomy look, and occasionally a sly light flashes in their eyes. At first glance, they are the kind of cunning and treacherous generation, speaking of a man in black armor. .

A Yuan stood by, looking at Zhuo Bufan with a weird expression: "Jie Zuoan, you guys talk."

Zuo Anjie's gaze first fell on Zhuo Bufan, and then he saw the Dongming General on the side, the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched lightly, and there was a vague premonition.

"You are the guy who sells'Zi Tong Sha' as'Zi Gen Sha' to my friends?" Zhuo Bufan looked like a knife, and said to Zuo Anjie.

The complexion of Zuo Anjie and the partner beside him changed slightly, and they looked at each other and understood.

This time A Yuan asked them out. It seemed that it was not a deal, but to settle accounts with them. It was not the first time that the two of them did this kind of deceptive thing. They were experienced and familiar with the road. They also encountered similar situations, but caught the thief. Dirty, the money and the goods are cleared, the other party has no evidence, and in the end, they don't want to make a big deal, and most of them don't stop.

Zuo Anjie squinted his eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan and said, "I did trade with him for'Zigensha', but I don't know what you said'Zigensha'. The money and goods are cleared, and he sees it clearly. The treasure was paid, and now I open my mouth and say I cheated him? What about the evidence?"

"Asshole, you must have used some method to deceive me." Dong Mingjie will widen his eyes and said angrily.

Zhuo Bufan said lightly: "I will show you the evidence."

After all, the eighteen heavenly thunder bamboo swords flew away in an instant, forming a sword formation that encircled Zuo'an Jiejiang and another Mozu Jiejiang.

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