Chapter 2277 Night Attack

The ancients always entrusted lovesickness with the bright moon.

Perhaps the people of the Earth Dragon Country have this kind of thought plot. Zhuo Bufan stared at the two bright moons in the sky, stunned, and could not help thinking of his relatives in his hometown, thinking of Long Geyue, and the person who smiled at his heart.

"I don't know how Ye Ye is now?" Zhuo Bufan sighed softly.

Ye Ziqin is now a member of the demon camp. Zhuo Bufan wants to inquire about the news, and it is extremely difficult to see each other, but he doesn't know if Ye Ziqin has also arrived in the star field and if he has a chance to meet.

There is a stone table and three stone benches in the yard. Two of the stone benches have been broken and one corner of the stone table has been damaged.

Zhuo Bufan sat down on the stone bench, took out the hip flask and the wine glass from the space ring, and poured a glass for himself. Drinking the wine, the thoughts flooded in his heart.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan felt the blood evil spirit in his body squirming again. Once the mood was unstable, once other emotions appeared, the blood evil spirit seemed to have found a weakness and wanted to break through.

"I killed the shaman, and swallowed the blood evil aura in the shaman's body. At that time, the shaman had turned into a blood evil savage beast, and its blood evil was as rich as the third-rank Shura. I haven't completely digested his blood evil. Breath."

Zhuo Bufan put down his wine glass, frowned his sword eyebrows secretly, thinking.

According to his inference, if he can completely melt the blood evil spirit of the shaman, he can smoothly step into the realm of the third level of Shura, but the refining of the blood evil spirit needs to be done step by step, and the shaman hated him at the time, then The Qi of Blood Fiend is stronger and harder to refine.

At this moment, Meng Yu and Dong Zi took the lead to walk out of the quiet room.

Dongming Jie General and Golden Mouse also walked out, everyone walked towards Zhuo Bufan, and everyone looked tense.

"Brother Shadow Killer, have you noticed it?" Meng Yu frowned, his face solemn, and even Chuan Yin said.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the four of them, nodded and said, "I noticed it. It seems that when I first came to Longtai City, it attracted a lot of people's attention."

It turned out that when Zhuo Bufan was drinking just now, he noticed that several breaths were nearby, peering at him, peering into the courtyard, and even Meng Yu and the others were alarmed!

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's calm appearance, everyone also relaxed. This is Long Haixing, Longtai City, and fighting is strictly forbidden.

But everyone did not expect that they would be spied by so many people so soon after they moved into Longtai City.

Whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, three breaking winds sounded.

Three figures descended from the sky, suddenly appeared in the courtyard, in front of Zhuo Bufan and others.

"Zuo An Jie General, Yun Dong Jie General." Dong Ming Jie recognized two of them at a glance, and they were the two demon generals who contradicted him.

The eyes of Meng Yu and Golden Mouse immediately fell on the Demon Realm General among the three. Both felt the oppressive aura of each other and were a powerful Demon Realm General.

"Shadow Killing Realm, I'm causing you trouble." Dongming Realm gritted his teeth and frowned. He expected Zuo An Realm would not give up, but he didn't expect that the other party would come to the door so soon.

"The Demon Race Third Rank Shura Realm General." Zhuo Bufan's gaze also fell on the middle Demon Realm General, and said lightly.

Meng Yu, Golden Mouse, Dongming Realm General was shocked again. The opponent was actually a third-ranked Shura Realm General. In Long Haixing, the strength of the Shura body largely determines the level of strength.

"Shadow Kill, Dongming, you hurt me and snatched my space ring...Today, my elder brother Long Xiangjie is coming, don't hesitate to kneel and kowtow to beg for mercy." Zuo Anjie looked gloomy and looked at Zhuo Bufan with bitter eyes. He and Dongming Jie, "If my elder brother is in a good mood, it will also save you a bit of suffering."

Zhuo Bufan didn’t pay attention to the appearance of Zuo Anjie’s “fox fake tiger power” at all. Instead, he stared scorchingly at the Longxiang general. He was worried that he could not find anyone to fight, and he could not find a person of comparable strength. Let him vent the **** evil spirit accumulated in his body.

"You are the shadow killer, you are the murderer who killed my brother Shao?" Long Xiangjie took a step out of the void, condescending, looking down at Zhuo Bufan, without concealing the murderous intentions in his own body, nor concealing the spiteful meaning in his eyes .

Zhuo Bufan was slightly startled.

"Is he the elder brother Long Xiang?" Meng Yu was taken aback.

Shao Xie was beheaded by Zhuo Bufan, and escaped some Demon Realm Generals. This news must have been told to Longxiang Realm General.

"No wonder, I didn't expect to meet an enemy." The Golden Mouse was also suddenly, "Long Haixing has regulations prohibiting private fights, and I also doubt that the dignified Demon Asura Realm will come forward for this trivial matter."

"Shadow Kill, where is it bad for you to go, but I came to Long Haixing, and I was also Long Haixing." Long Xiang looked down at Zhuo Bufan, as if a giant beast was looking at a poor lamb, "Now you kneel down and beg for mercy. Get on your treasure and leave Long Haixing, I can spare your life."

Zhuo Bufan laughed blankly as he listened to his words.

Hand over the treasure? Leaving Long Haixing? That is the real dead end.

"I remember Long Haixing's rule is to prohibit private fights and murder? Long Xiangjie will want to break this rule?" Zhuo Bufan's face was calm, he looked at the other party, and said calmly.

"Rules? Do you want to rely on Long Haixing's rules to protect yourself?" Long Xiang said disdainfully: "The rules are also set by the Shura Realm. You kill my brother first, I just avenge my brother, and I don't need to kill you. , Just hurt you seriously, **** your treasures, if you have the ability, you can stay in Long Haixing, as long as you leave Long Haixing, I will hunt you down."

Zhuo Bufan was not in a hurry, he lifted the jug in a calm manner, filling his glass with fine wine.

The more calm his performance is, the more certain Zuo'an Jie and Yun Dong Jie will be. Zhuo Bufan is frightened and is thinking of a way to escape.

Long Xiang frowned tightly. He really hated Zhuo Bufan's calm appearance in front of him. Zhuo Bufan was only a second-ranked Shura, he was a third-ranked Shura, and he was also very strong in the Demon Shura world. The presence.

Just now he deliberately spoke loudly, the purpose is to pass the grievances between the two people through some people in the dark. In this way, at least he will avenge his younger brother to find Zhuo Bufan trouble, and it can stand firm in principle.

After all, Long Haixing's rules were made by everyone, and he didn't dare to mess around because of an unknown teacher.

Many generals in the dark heard his words, and the news was quickly passed on, and passed to the ears of the generals of the Demon Race, the Star Alliance, and the generals of Shura, which also led to the surrounding area of ​​the ruined courtyard. , Constantly bounded will come to join in the fun.

Zhuo Bufan held the white jade wine glass with his **** and thumb. Under the bright white moonlight, the wine was charming. He raised his head and took a sip, "It seems that the Dragon Xiangjie has already regarded me as a fish on the chopping board. Can you kill it?"

In the small courtyard, the atmosphere instantly became tense, and the battle was on the verge.

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