Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2281: Rather unyielding

The 2282nd chapter is rather unyielding

Over the mountain range, the situation took a turn for the worse. The generals of the Demon Race and the Star Alliance were all watching, watching that defeated Long Xiang, standing in the sky, with black hair and black eyes, an arrogant young man facing the aggressive blood emperor. Sir, what will he do?

Is it forbearing to be soft, ruining the eyebrows and bending the waist, or preferring to be unyielding, not afraid of power.

"Blood Emperor." Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath, staring at the figure shrouded in the blood mist, his voice was flat, and he was not afraid because the other party was Rank 5 Shura, and said: "You are a rank 5 Shura general. Although it is a general of the Demon Race, although you and I are in the opposing camp, I respect every strong man."

The blood emperor world in the blood mist will not speak, listening quietly.

However, many people around saw Zhuo Bufan's appearance of neither humble nor arrogant, and they couldn't help raising him to a higher level in their hearts, and there was a look of approval in their eyes.

"Long Xiangjie will take the initiative to provoke me and want to kill me for treasure. I have defeated him now and left his life. As long as he is a treasure, this treasure will be the price he paid for provoking me, blood. If Lord Emperor wants to help him retrieve the treasure, I will fight with Shadow Kill." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

Zhuo Bufan said these words in an unusually calm manner, his attitude was not rebellious, but a very peaceful tone, but the more he said this, the more amazing he was, and he was not afraid of power.

Don't hesitate to fight?

When he said these words, Longxiang Realm General was also stunned. At Rank 5 Shura, even Realm Marquis did not dare to provoke the existence, this kind of strength can completely defeat ordinary Realm Marquis, Zhuo Bufan dare to say it. Don't hesitate to wait for a battle?

There are many strong players in the Asura battlefield, especially the Asura body generals. They stay here for the opening of Asura inheritance. Their strength may have been able to advance to the rank of leader. It is only for Asura inheritance that they have struggled to suppress their cultivation.

The generals of the Demon Race were also surprised and amazed. Most of them looked at Zhuo Bufan with a kind of disdain. The fifth rank Shura represented the strongest general in Longtai City, Zhuo Bufan. Fan's posture was angering Lord Blood Emperor, quite a little overwhelmed. There were only a handful of people who were a little sensible, and he had some appreciation for Zhuo Bufan.

The Star Alliance world generals were also shocked and angry. Longxiang World would lose to Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan took his treasures as a price. This was a matter of reason. I did not expect that the blood emperor of the Demon Clan would make an appearance for Long Xiang. , This makes most people feel angry.

"It's really a hard bone. The Blood Emperor is Rank 5 Shura. He dared to say such things. It seems... this guy is hard and soft." Young Master Yanbei was also surprised when he saw all this, and then squinted slightly. Eyes, do not know what is thinking in my heart.

Fairy Qingtong squeezed a pair of jade fists, a pair of clear eyes penetrating the dark night, looking into the sky in the distance, a slightly lonely figure, but there was some admiration in her heart, arrogant and cold plume, rather unyielding.

"Do you hesitate to fight me?"

After a moment of silence, the figure in the blood mist only slowly said, his voice was very cold, he is Rank 5 Shura, the strongest general in Longtai City, Zhuo Bufan is just a Rank 2 Shura, although he defeated To Long Xiang, these remarks were a kind of provocation to him.

As soon as the words came out, Zhuo Bufan felt a strong oppressive force suddenly formed in the space around him, as if the force of a huge boulder was oppressing him from all directions.

Zhuo Bufan clenched his fists and clenched his teeth, but his eyes were extremely tough.

The physical body was squeezed by the pressure of the space, and the bones made a gurgling sound. The five-turn Shura's ability to manipulate the space was terrifying!

Zhuo Bufan's whole body trembled, and his legs trembled. It seemed that the pressure of the surrounding space could shatter all his bones at any time, causing him to kneel down.


In the blood mist, the Lord Blood Sovereign gave a slight hey, slightly surprised. He is Rank 5 Shura, and he understands the gap between Shura bodies better. The pressure he exerts makes him surrender even at Rank 3 Shura. Zhuo Bufan actually resisted it.

"Relying on the strong and bullying the weak, as a fifth-ranked Shura, she actually bullied a second-ranked Shura." Dong Zi bit her silver teeth, resentful.

"How come Captain Dust and the others can't come?" Meng Yu frowned, his resolute face showing worry.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan is suffering from great pain. He used to fight against Long Xiang and consumed a lot of true essence. In order to dissolve the blood and evil spirit accumulated in his body, his physical body has become overloaded, and now he has encountered Shura of Rank 5. Oppression is undoubtedly worse.

Zhuo Bufan's right knee violently rattles, slowly bends downward, and bows down towards the blood emperor.

"What about Shura at Rank 5, give me time, and I can surpass you." Zhuo Bufan clenched his fists, his nails sinking into the flesh of his palms, and the pain stimulated his tenacious will.

Suddenly, a drop of blood oozes out of Zhuo Bufan’s skin. For a while, his whole body is stained with blood, like a blood man, and then the blood burns and turns into blood mist, covering his whole body. Qi keeps rising.


The Blood Emperor Realm was surprised once again.

And in the surprised eyes of many people, the blood qi that enveloped Zhuo Bufan's body was once again absorbed inward by Zhuo Bufan, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Breakthrough, actually broke through Rank 3 Shura?" Someone opened his mouth wide, exclaimed.

Then, everyone in the mountain range made a sound of inhaling cold breath. No one thought that at this moment, Zhuo Bufan would actually break through.

Originally fighting with Long Xiang, the accumulated blood energy has been completely squeezed out. Now facing the pressure of the Blood Emperor, Zhuo Bufan has successfully merged with those accumulated blood energy with complete willpower and strong Dao heart, and successfully broke through. , Is also expected.

"Fucking, how is it possible?" Long Xiangjie's eyes widened, looking at Zhuo Bufan incredulously.

Zhuo Bufan gritted his steel teeth, his already bent right knee was once again difficult, and he slowly stood up, his eyes gleaming, without fear, staring at the blood emperor in the blood mist.

"Temporary breakthrough to Rank 3 Shura, it's no wonder Long Xiang is not your opponent, but this strength is not enough." The blood emperor said coldly, and the pressure of the surrounding space rose to a new level, Zhuo Bufan's face was painful. , Jian eyebrows raised.

The Blood Emperor looked a little unwilling to give up, and the killing intent appeared in Zhuo Bufan's eyes, ready to sacrifice the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword to fight the opponent fiercely.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to start his hand, he suddenly felt that the pressure suddenly lightened, and there was an invisible force that helped him resist the pressure of space.

"Blood Emperor Realm General, so elegant, if you want to find someone to discuss, why not bully a Realm General who has just entered the third rank of Shura?" A laugh sounded in the mountain sky, and several silhouettes appeared immediately. Beside Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw that the world general of the dust robbery, the world general Zhai Feng, and another man wearing a black armor and strong facial features.

"Jing Yuanjie general." Zhuo Bufan's heart moved.

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