Chapter 2286 Auction

"Good, good!! What a shadow-killing world general." Ji Liejie took a deep breath and slapped the table with a slap in his eyes. The long cases were destroyed by the violent Zhenyuan.

Young Master Yanbei's complexion was also stiff. Originally, he thought he would ask Ji Lie to come forward. No matter how arrogant Zhuo Bufan was, he couldn't help but buy it. He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would really not give any face.

"It's just that you have defeated Long Xiang, and you're promoted to the third rank of Shura, dare you ignore my senior brother like this?" Young Master Yanbei was also angry, his eyes flickering with cold light.

Green pupil fairy Liu eyebrows merged, beautiful eyes flowed with a complex expression, and he whispered softly: "Master Yanbei, it's better than..."

"Shut up." Young Master Yanbei's chest rose and fell, turned his head, staring at Fairy Qingtong with a fierce look, "I want to see how crazy this shadow killer can be, I don't want to give it to him."

"Brother, this guy didn't put you in his eyes at all, it was too arrogant." Young Master Yanbei still looked at Jie Lie.

General Ji Lie also frowned and his face was blue. He took a deep breath and said: "I will help you solve this matter. I also want to see what the confidence of this shadow killing world will be, even me. I don’t care about it either."

"Thank you brother, he will definitely regret it at that time." Young Master Yanbei was overjoyed and replied.

Leave the box.

Dongmingjie said angrily: "I didn't expect that Young Master Yanbei would actually invite his senior brother to go out of the way, wanting to suppress others and deny him."

Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently, when he saw Ji Lie, he had expected this situation.

Meng Yu was worried and said: "Brother Shadow Killer, just now the fourth-rank Shura Jilie Realm General, if you don't give him face, won't he come to trouble you?"

"Water comes to cover, soldiers come to block, he really wants to help Yan Bei, I am not afraid, besides, I also want to try how strong Four Rank Shura is." Zhuo Bufan said with a calm expression.

"What **** four turns Shura, Brother Shadow Killer killed him by slaughtering chickens and dogs. When I return home, I can still brag to those boys, saying that I also know a great man." The golden mouse chuckled.

The original tense atmosphere was ridiculed by the golden mouse, which immediately resolved a lot.

"Big Brother Meng Yu, don't worry, this is Longtai City. Even if he is reborn, he dare not directly kill me, and even if he has the courage, I won't necessarily lose to him." Zhuo Bufan spoke to Meng Yu.

Meng Yu's worried face was only slightly slower.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan and his team found a staff member of the auction house and entered another box. Of course, it was not as elegant as the courtyard. It was just a very ordinary room. Everyone was ready to exchange some Dragon Sea Star coins for the next auction. If you encounter something you like at the meeting, it's better to auction it.

When they left the exchange room, everyone looked bitter and exchanged treasures for Dragon Sea Star Coins. The ratio was very low. Zhuo Bufan's treasures collected over the years were also exchanged for seven or eighty-eight. Only then had he exchanged for 2 million Dragon Sea Star Coins. The price of yuan generally fluctuates between 100,000 Dragon Sea Star Coins and 200,000 Dragon Sea Star Coins.

"I should be able to buy ten Sha Yuan." Zhuo Bufan was rather helpless.

Sha Yuan is too precious, even in Long Haixing, some people trade Sha Yuan, but the price is quite expensive.

"Shadow Killing World General, Mengyu World General..." As soon as everyone appeared from the exchange room, they met acquaintances.

"Captain Shen Lie."

"Captain Shen Lie."

Zhuo Bufan and others saw Shen Lie walking towards them, with a smile on their faces: "I know that you will definitely participate in today's auction. I am specially instructed to invite you to go to Box No. 7 to prepare to participate in the auction."

Box No. 7!

The auction site was built in the shape of a'well', surrounded by seating platforms, and set up some boxes, all prepared for some famous generals, Zhuo Bufan was a three-turn Shura, and he became famous last night in World War I, so he is naturally eligible to sit here. Waiting for a box that symbolizes noble status.

Shen Lie led the people into the box. The box was a quiet room with tables, chairs, stools, and fine fruit and wine. This auction will last at least three days. There is a crystal wall in front of you, and you can clearly see the outside. In circumstances, people on the outside can't see the inside, and it has the effect of isolating the divine sense from detection.

"Brother Shadow Killer, thanks to you, my Golden Mouse can still come to this box to participate in the auction." The Golden Mouse laughed.

"Captain Shen Lie, thank you." Dong Zi smiled.

"This is all commanded by General Jing Yuanjie. I just do it. The Shadow Killer General defeated the General Longxiang last night. He has earned enough face for my Star Alliance. General Jing Yuanjie is also very happy." Shen Lie watched. Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, "Captain Shen Lie, thank you General Jing Yuanjie for me."

"Well, you guys take a rest first, and the auction will officially begin in the evening." Shen Lie nodded and left the box.

"Everyone should take a good rest and see if there is anything needed in this auction, and try to buy it." Meng Yu also said.

Everyone nodded, and they all began to sit cross-legged and adjust their breaths into concentration.

That night.

The generals of the demon world and the Shura world all entered the auction room. Suddenly, this huge auction site became lively and boiled. The familiar world leaders all sat and chatted together, and the topic was nothing more than what they needed for this auction. Of course there are many people talking about what happened last night.

"Longxiang Realm General is the third-ranked Shura, and he was actually defeated by a Star Alliance second-ranked Shura, which really embarrassed our demons."

"Who said no, let us not hold our heads up in front of those **** in the Star Alliance."

The two demons world will sit together and talk in a low voice.

"Shut up, are you two impatient?" Suddenly a cold voice sounded.

The two raised their heads, only to see three Demon Realm Generals walking towards them, it was the Longxiang Realm General, Zuoan Realm General, and Yundong Realm General.

"Long Xiang-sama!" The two demons became pale with fright, and immediately said respectfully.

No matter how bad Long Xiang is, it is also the third level Shura, and it is also their existence that the ordinary world will need to look up to.

"Go away." Long Xiangjie glanced at the two of them, his expression pale.

The two of them flew away in a desperate manner and dared not stop for a moment.

"The shadow kill, the shadow kill... the guy who made me ashamed of the Demon Race." Long Xiangjie looked gloomy and took his seat.

Not only did he embarrass him, but he was also deprived of the right to enter the box to participate in the auction, and he could only sit outside, which made Long Xiang extremely depressed and uncomfortable.

"Long Xiang-sama, I heard that Shadow Kill was arranged in the No. 7 box." Yun Dongjie said in a low voice.

"Huh." Long Xiangjie glanced at the location of Box No. 7 and gave a cold snort.

With the influx of people, after taking seats one after another, the once-a-month auction finally announced the official start. According to the agreement between the Mozu and the Star Alliance, each time the auctioneer has people from the two camps taking turns, this time it just happens to be the turn. Star Alliance.

Below the ‘well’ shaped auction site, a rock platform floated up and flew into the air before stopping.

On the rock platform stood a star alliance general, a middle-aged man, who was the auctioneer of this auction.

"The auction officially begins." The auctioneer said, his voice contained true yuan, spreading throughout the auction house.

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