Chapter 2292: Trouble Comes to the Door

"Young Master Shadow Killer, I know about the contradiction between you and Young Master Yanbei." Fairy Qingtong pursed her red lips, looking at him with water eyes, and said: "There is something wrong with Young Master Yanbei. I hope Young Master Ying kills not too much. I care about him, I have some Dragon Sea Star coins here, and I should be enough to buy the Shura Order!"


Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows clumped, "Yanbei wants to regret what he promised me, and now you want to help him pay off what he owes me?"

"I don't have enough Dragon Sea Star Coins, but I will find a way to collect Dragon Sea Star Coins to help Young Master Yanbei return it to you before the Asura Tower opens." Fairy Qingtong bit her lip with a complex expression.

Zhuo Bufan said: "Fairy Qingtong, go back, one person does the job, the other person, Master Yanbei is a man and shouldn't let a woman pay him back. I will settle this account personally."

Fairy Qingtong's face became stiff when she heard this, Zhuo Bufan's tone was firm, she could not persuade her.

The Bronze Fairy could only sigh, his expression gloomy.

"Young Master Shadow Killer, I have one more thing to remind you that General Ji Liejie should be making trouble for you. You'd better not go out for a while." The bronze fairy nodded slightly, then turned around, and walked away with lotus steps. .

"Let me go, this Young Master Yanbei actually has such an infatuated confidante, and the ancestral tomb is smoked?" The golden mouse looked at the back of Fairy Qingtong and said with jealousy.

"It's a pity that Young Master Yanbei is not righteous, and I feel sorry for this girl." Dong Zi sighed, both as a woman.

In the next few days, Zhuo Bufan stayed in the quiet room and sat cross-legged to practice, understanding his state of mind, and stabilizing Dao Xin.

Wanting to assault the 4th Rank Asura Realm, Zhuo Bufan felt that his physical body should be able to withstand Sha Yuan tempering, but Dao Heart did not dare to slack in the slightest. Dao Heart was unstable, and it was easy to be invaded by Sha Qi and fall into the magic way.

"Maybe you can go to Shura Square and exchange experience with Zhai Feng Shura and others."

On this day, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, stood in the quiet room, thought for a while, and did not tell Meng Yu and others who were practicing in retreat, and left directly to Shura Square.

There are many Shura generals stationed in Shura Plaza. Among them, there will be more Shura generals with the first and second ranks, and there are few third-rank generals. As for the four-rank Shura generals, there are only four. These four four-rank Shura occupy There are four stone pillars on the Asura Square, and each stone pillar is inscribed with mysterious runes, which will help the Asura world to purify the blood evil spirit and keep the mind calm.

Zhuo Bufan entered the square and greeted many generals, staring at the stone pillars, and there was a trace of envy in the depths of his black pupils.

"If I can practice on the top of the stone pillar and rely on the effect of the formation, I might be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Zhuo Bufan was secretly envious.

After entering the square, Zhuo Bufan also walked towards the area where the Realm General Zhai Feng and the General Dust Tribulation were located. Next to him was a Realm General who was wearing a cyan armor and left a cyan braid and long hair. He was taken aback. Immediately walked quickly to the other side.

This blue braided world will fly to the center of the square, standing in front of a huge stone pillar, and immediately transmit the sound to Ji Lie, who is cultivating at the top of the pillar.


A blood-red figure appeared. It was Realm General Ji Lie, who looked at the Realm General Green Braid and said: "A Qing, you said the Shadow Killer is here?"

"Yes, I have just seen him, he is walking towards the area where General Zhai Feng Jie is located!" Qing Zhuzi Jie said with great respect.

"Alright, it's time for me to settle our account with him today! During this period of time, I originally attacked the fifth round of Shura generals, but unfortunately because I was worried about the auction house, I was uneasy. If the shadow kill can be solved, My heart will calm down, and it's more suitable for devouring Sha Yuan cultivation." Ji Liejie faintly revealed a touch of excitement on his face.

After purchasing the Sixiang Yuxu Pill, Ji Lie wanted to seize the time to practice and strive to break through the level 5 Asura realm, but because of Zhuo Bufan, he was worried in his heart. If he did not solve Zhuo Bufan, he could not calm down. , If the heart is not clear and quiet, the evil spirit will surely be invaded by the evil spirit.

"Yanbei, come and see me soon." Ji Liejie will transmit his voice immediately.

In a moment, Young Master Yanbei appeared, but he didn't see Fairy Qingtong.

"Oh, where's Fairy Qingtong?" Ji Liejie asked in doubt.

"That stupid woman went to see the shadow killer. I scolded a few words and left with anger." Young Master Yanbei chuckled lightly.

General Ji Lie said: "Well, it's a woman. We pursue strength and strength. With strength and strength, we can't find any kind of woman."

"Brother said that." Young Master Yanbei nodded and said in doubt: "Brother, you suddenly called me, why is it?"

"The Shadow Killer has come to the square, I am going to clean him up, and by the way, solve your problem together." General Ji Liejie said.

When Young Master Yanbei heard this, he was overjoyed and said, "Brother, are you really ready to clean him up?"

"Well, come with me." Ji Lie nodded, and immediately flew towards the area where Zhai Fengjie was located.

The Shura Realm Generals are also divided into different groups. Except for the lonely Kongtong Realm General, the other three four-rank Shura, including the fifth-rank Shura Jingyuan Realm General, all have their own powers, and they are clearly distinguished on this square. .

In another place, Zhuo Bufan had just seen the world general Zhai Feng, saw the world general of the dust robbery, was chatting with them, and was going to ask about some experience about devouring Sha Yuan.

"Well, Ji Liejie is in the future?" Zhai Fengjie will look around, frowning slightly.

He and Ji Liejie have a normal relationship, and even because of the robbing of the Sixiang Yuxu Pill, the relationship between the two has become a little delicate, and Ji Liejie will not come to him for no reason.

The Dust Tribulation Realm General looked at Zhuo Bufan, frowning slightly, it seemed that Ji Lie Realm would not be coming to Zhai Feng Realm General.

"This Jie Lie Jie can't hold his breath so soon?" Zhuo Bufan felt cold in his heart, but he wanted to see how Jie Lie Jie was prepared to deal with himself.

"World General Zhai Feng." Ji Lie flew over with Young Master Yanbei, came to General Zhai Feng and the others, said hello to General Zhai Feng, but completely ignored Zhuo Bufan and General Chen Jie Two people.

"Jie Lie Jie, I don't know what wind is blowing today that can make you come here!" Zhai Feng Jie said with a smile.

General Ji Lie smiled, but his eyes looked at Zhuo Bufan, slightly gloomy, "I'm not here to look for General Zhai Feng this time. I'm here to look for this Shadow Killer General, and Shadow Killer defeats Long Xiang. Everyone in Longtai City knows that I have just reached a bottleneck in my practice recently, and I want to ask the shadow killers for advice and see if I can make a breakthrough."

The expressions of the world generals Zhai Feng and the dust robbery changed.

A Rank 4 Shura, to challenge Zhuo Bufan, the newly promoted Rank 3 Shura.

And many of the surrounding Shura generals cast surprised eyes upon hearing Ji Lie’s words, and then gradually moved closer. Things in the auction house have spread like wildfire, and many people know of Ji Lie. There will be contradictions between Zhuo Bufan, and there are very few who know the inside story.

"Jie Lie, you are the fourth round of Shura, challenging the shadow killer, you are a bit bully, right?" Zhai Fengjie sharpened his eyes, Zhuo Bufan is his person, and Zhuo Bufan is also at the auction. Helped him, how could he stand by and watch.

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