The 2296th chapter is unexpected

Ji Liejie is constantly'purifying' the blood evil spirit in his body. Only Ji Liejie and Zhuo Bufan can feel this subtle change. As for the others, they can only see that Ji Liejie will be entangled by the chain of meditation. , Unaware of the'dangerous situation'.

"The evil spirit in Ji Liejie Jie's body is actually disappearing?" Zhuo Bufan was also taken aback for a while, also very puzzled.

The Dragon Locking Coffin belongs to the seal and restraint type of Ming technique, and obviously has no such effect, unless it is the unexpected effect produced by the ancient Ming pattern on the Great Desolate Monument, which constantly consumes the evil spirit in Ji Liejie General's body.

At this speed, it won't take long before Ji Lie Realm will fall from Rank 4 Shura to Rank 3 Shura Realm General.

"Jie Lie, if you admit defeat, I will let you go!" Zhuo Bufan said suddenly.

The generals of the Demon Race world and the Star Alliance world around were very surprised, but they only restrained Ji Lie, and actually made Ji Lie surrender.

"Shadow Kill, have the ability to untie the shackles, I will fight head-to-head with you." Ji Liejie will bite his teeth, his eyes eager to breathe fire.

Ji Liejie's eyes were about to split, regretful and angry in his heart, Zhuo Bufan could have interrupted when he performed the Dragon Locking Coffin Nether Art, after all, he needed some preparation time to perform this kind of sealing art, and he had a chance to destroy it.

It was just that Ji Liejie underestimated the enemy in his heart, did not put Zhuo Bufan on the same level with him, and was unwilling to directly interrupt him to perform the meditation skills. He wanted to see Zhuo Bufan's strength, but he didn't expect that he would now be difficult to ride a tiger.

"Jie Lie Jie, I use the sealing technique, you can't crack it yourself, can I help you crack it?" Zhuo Bufan laughed: "There is no reason for the challenge. If Ji Lie Jie will not be willing to give up, I You can continue to wait, I'm afraid Ji Liejie can't wait anymore!"

"Despicable villain." Ji Liejie gritted his teeth, wishing to swallow Zhuo Bufan alive and into his belly.

Among the crowd, Young Master Yanbei frowned and looked at Jie Lie, "What the **** is the brother? Can't you break free of his bondage?"

The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged it will be for Ji Liejie.

Feeling the suffocating suffocation in his body, General Ji Lie was also very anxious. If this goes on, the suffocating qi in his body dissipates, how long it takes him to recondense the Asura body, and the time before the opening of the Asura inheritance is about to come.

"Jie Lie, what are you thinking about?" Zhuo Bufan said.

Ji Liejie will be angry, his face in the flames is full of resentment, urging the vitality, urging the law to fight for the bondage, and the Vulcan law behind him is constantly burning, struggling, and wanting to break free from the chains of Mingli. But no matter how hard he tried, Mingli Chain was always tough.

Realm Zhai Feng and Dust Tribulation Realm looked at each other, both felt a little weird, but didn't know the secret.

Jing Yuanjie will indeed have his eyes condensed slightly. He is a fifth-ranked Shura, and his response to the Shura body far exceeds that of others. He has slightly sensed the changes in Ji Liejie's body's evil spirit, and he can't help but raise his head and look at the huge stone monument in the sky. Thoughtful.

"Shadow Killing World General, I'll give you three million Dragon Sea Star Coins. This time the competition ended in a tie." Ji Liejie will immediately transmit the voice secretly, his voice slightly anxious.

Zhuo Bufan calmed down and turned a deaf ear.

As time goes by, Ji Liejie will become more and more anxious, gritting his teeth and saying: "I, I surrender."

There was an uproar.

The generals of the Demon Race and the Star Alliance are like sculptures, standing in the air.

Ji Liejie will give up...

With just one move, Ji Liejie was forced to surrender. This result surpassed most people's expectations and was full of dramatic changes.

Among the crowd, the most distressed and angry, besides Ji Lie, there is probably one person.

Long Xiangjie had his eyes flushed and bloodshot, staring at the great waste monument in the sky, and his heart was painful like a drop of blood. This great waste stele was his treasure, and it was so powerful.

He wants to **** the Great Desolate Monument, but he knows in his heart that once he snatches the Great Desolate Monument, the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword that surrounds him will immediately penetrate his body. He was originally not an opponent of Zhuo Bufan, not to mention that Zhuo Bufan is no longer a match. Stepped into the realm of the third round of Shura.

Zhuo Bufan's hand condensed the seal again.

The Mingli chains were retracted one by one, and inside the Great Desolate Monument, the Nether Pattern on the Great Desolate Monument was also depressed, and once again changed back to the size of half a foot, and returned to Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Zhuo Bufan solemnly retracted the Great Desolate Monument into the space ring. It seemed that the gains of Longtai City this time made him quite satisfied.

"Jie Lie, since you have surrendered, should you give me the promised bet?" Zhuo Bufan looked at Jie Lie with a smile.

General Ji Liejie's face was like red iron, his fists clenched his fists, and his body was full of flames like tides. He wanted to rush forward and fight Zhuo Bufan desperately.

"Jie Lie, now that he has promised, he should fulfill his promise." Jing Yuanjie will speak at the right time.

Ji Liejie will hold back the desperate urge to find Zhuo Bufan, gritted his teeth, looked resentful, waved his hand, and flew towards Zhuo Bufan with a shimmering azure radiant pill.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out and grabbed it, and said with a smile: "Thank you Ji Lie, general."

"Humph." Ji Liejie general snorted coldly, then turned and flew towards the distance.

Now that I am embarrassed, to stay here is undoubtedly a humiliation.

"Jie Lie, you promise to give me the possession of the stone pillars, and hope that Ji Lie will not forget." Zhuo Bufan immediately reminded.

Ji Liejie, who was flying away, turned pale, and blood spurted out with anger.

There are some world generals who are secretly celebrating with Ji Lie Realm. They are very happy. It is hard to see Ji Lie's aggrieved appearance. As for the Shadow Killer Realm General, many people have subtle changes in their eyes when they look at him.

Even the fourth round of Shura Kylie gave up? Although the loss was inexplicable, it did not prevent Zhuo Bufan from becoming a rising star, enough to enter the frontline position of the Shura world, comparable to the four-turn Shura.

As for the cyan pill that Ji Liejie will throw out, many people know it. The four-xiang jade pill that sold 22 million Dragon Sea Star coins at the auction site is the envy of many people, but everyone’s extraordinary strength. They have all witnessed that the extreme weapons, the underworld masters, and these extraordinary trump cards have also reduced the greed in the eyes of many guys a lot.

Zhuo Bufan also took back the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, feeling very good.

"Shadow Killing Realm General, this Ji Lie Realm General can be said to be stealing a chicken and not eroding a handful of rice." Dust Tribulation Realm would laugh.

"Congratulations, General of Shadow Killing." General Zhai Feng also smiled.

A thrilling duel that made Dezhuo Bufan once again promoted his fame in Longtai City. He faintly wanted to compete with Jing Yuanjie, Blood Sovereign and others. Many people secretly looked forward to waiting for the Asura Tower. The inheritance is open, don't you know that the Shadow Killing Realm will fight the Blood Emperor Realm?

It was only after Meng Yu and others came out of retreat that they heard about the challenge of Zhuo Bufan and Ji Lie.

After that, Zhuo Bufan also began to prepare to step into the fourth-ranked Shura cultivation, obtained the four-image jade virtual pill, and obtained the qualification of the stone pillar. He was also confident to attack the fourth-ranked Shura realm.

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