The 2300th Chapter 17

There are a total of 81 Asura Towers in the Asura Battlefield. Over the long years, fifty-two Asura Towers have been inherited by practitioners, and now only twenty-nine Asura Towers have not yet been opened. Many Asura world generals, Can only compete for the inheritance of these twenty-nine Asura Towers.

According to the numbering rules of the Asura Tower, the smaller the number, the stronger the inheritance of Asura Tower.

Therefore, for countless long years, the top ten Asura Towers, only two Asura Towers have been inherited, including the No. 5 Asura Tower and the No. 9 Asura Tower.

More Asura worlds will compete for the inheritance of the Asura Tower with a larger number. Although the Asura Tower is not as strong as the Asura Tower with a smaller number, it is also less dangerous and has a greater chance of being inherited.

The three Shura Pagodas closest to Long Haixing are No. 12, No. 17, and No. 23 Shura Pagodas. There are also several planets of the same nature as Long Haixing. There are also a large number of Shura world generals, and they will also go to these three Shura Pagodas. Towers compete for inheritance.

At that time, the competition will be extremely fierce.

"I also plan to go to the 17th Asura Tower. As for the No. 12 Asura Tower, it is estimated that the Jingyuan Realm and the Blood Emperor Realm will pass. The 5th Rank Asura of the other planets will also fight for it. Cheap." Zhai Fengjie nodded, and also transmitted to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is the fourth-ranked Shura, and his strength belongs to the upper-middle existence of Shura world generals. There is still a little hope to fight for the inheritance of the 17th Shura Tower.

"General Zhai Feng, you also go to the 17th Asura Tower. When we get there, we will both take care of each other." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

"That's natural, we are all friends." Zhai Fengjie also smiled and looked at Zhuo Bufan, slightly profound.

Half a year ago, the Debt Zhai Feng Realm General was already Rank 4 Shura, and his strength was very different from Zhuo Bufan. Although he did not despise Zhuo Bufan, he obviously regarded Zhuo Bufan as his subordinate, and now he deliberately came when the Shuluo Tower was opened. Talking to Zhuo Bufan, obeyed what he meant, and had already regarded Zhuo Bufan as an existence of the same level as him.

General Zhai Feng is also very happy. In the past six months, he has witnessed Zhuo Bufan's growth from a second-ranked Shura to the current fourth-ranked Shura, and he has grown to the same level as him.

Not only that, Zhai Fengjie will know Zhuo Bufan's arrogant character in his heart. He specially came to Zhuo Bufan for a talk this time. Unexpectedly, the other party guessed his thoughts at once, and said it in advance, which also saved him from embarrassment.

Even Ji Lie Jie General was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent, Zhai Feng Jie General believed that he could not take advantage of Zhuo Bufan's hands, so he came to form an alliance specially.

Friends and circles also need to look at the level and strength.

The two stood side by side in the air, and the other Shura leaders also stood together in twos and threes, apparently already forming an alliance, ready to take risks together.

Going to the Asura Tower to seize the inheritance is naturally a safer alliance.

"The Asura Tower is open, let's go!"

Zhuo Bufan and Zhai Feng also flew towards their target, the 17th Asura Tower.

The 17th Asura Tower is located in the southwest of Longhaixing. A group of Asura world generals flew toward the 17th Asura Tower. About less than a moment later, a towering tower appeared in the line of sight, floating in the void. in.

The tower is completely dark, with a faint blood-colored fog permeating all around it, covering a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and it has become a blood-colored ocean, full of strong evil spirits.

If it weren't for the generals of the Asura body, once they broke into these blood-colored mists, they would immediately be swallowed by evil spirits, flesh and bones, and annihilated in fly ash.

Whoosh whoosh!

Asura generals, take out their own Asura Order, and the Asura Order reaches nine stars, they can get the qualifications to enter.

Zhuo Bufan saw a Demon Asura taking out the Asura Order not far away. The Asura Order was suspended in the air, and a ray of blood flew in the **** ocean. After entering the Asura Order, there was a **** mark on the Asura Order, and then he took the Asura Order back. The space ring plunged into the blood mist.

"Shadow Killing World General, let's go in too." Zhai Feng World General also took out the Shura Order.

"Okay, but you can't be taken away by others." Zhuo Bufan nodded immediately and took out the Shura Order.

The two people's Shura Ling also absorbed a trace of blood evil, and there was a **** mark on the front of Shura Ling. Zhuo Bufan collected the Shura Ling and flew into the **** sea side by side with Zhai Fengjie.


Flying into the sea of ​​blood qi, Zhuo Bufan felt the evil spirit in his body immediately agitated, his whole body was like a hot spring, and his whole body was extremely comfortable.

For the Asura General, this level of blood qi is naturally not dangerous, but it makes people extremely comfortable.

Everyone flew towards the first tower of the Asura Tower, panicking, about two thousand people.

"So many people?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

The Shura Realm of Long Haixing will only have a total of more than 1,000 people, and the Shura Realm of the other two planets will also be here, adding up to about two thousand people.

No. 12 Asura Pagoda is the best one in the vicinity, but it is also difficult to obtain inheritance. Generally, the No. 12 Asura Pagoda will go to the No. 12 Asura Pagoda, and some fourth-level Asura who have confidence and capital will also go.

As for the No. 23 Asura Tower, some relatively weak Asura circles will compete for inheritance.

On the other hand, No. 17 Asura Tower is ranked in the middle. Some Asura leaders who seek to be safe will also come, and some Asura leaders who want to fight will also come. Instead, they become the Asura Tower with the largest number of people.

Within a few breaths, everyone flew in from an open giant gate at the bottom of the Asura Tower. The first floor was a huge and wide palace. Two thousand people entered it, and it didn’t appear to be crowded. Instead, it only occupied a small part of the place. The first layer is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of kilometers long.

On both sides of the palace hall, there are two rows of sculptures, thousands of feet high, both of which look like Shura with a hideous face and a sharp fork in hand.

"Well, they are here too?"

Zhuo Bufan stood in the palace, Yu Guang glanced to the right and saw a few familiar faces. General Ji Lie, Young Master Yanbei, General Longxiangjie and others also came to the 17th Asura Tower. Another Rank 4 Shura general who Zhuo Bufan recognizes-Kongtong general.

Zhai Feng also glanced at those people and was silent.

Afterwards, another person flew into the hall, and the complexions of Zhuo Bufan and Zhai Feng changed slightly.

I saw that the man who flew into the hall was a savage demon general. He was several tens of feet tall, his muscles were like forged steel, his body was covered with dense cyan scales, his eyes were also aquamarine, and his forehead had a black bend. Under the tyrannical coercion, he was actually a fifth-ranked Shura.

"Even Rank 5 Shura is here?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"It's the fifth rank Shura of the Barbarian Demon Race from Tasha Star, the Azure Bull Realm General, I didn't expect that he would come to the 17th Asura Tower." The general Zhai Feng Realm also had a solemn expression.

Come to the 17th Asura Tower, everyone wants to inherit, and naturally hope that the weaker the opponent's strength, the better.

"Even the Blue Bull Realm of the Barbarian Demon Race is here?" There was another arrogant laugh, and a figure flew in at the door again.

The faces of Zhuo Bufan and Zhai Feng were slightly discolored.

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