Chapter 2302 Green Bull

The two Demon Realm Generals were shocked, and then their backs became cold, and the two of them unexpectedly found no one behind them.

Zhuo Bufan is Rank 4 Shura, with strong space hiding ability and strong soul. He has the intention to hide his breath, and the two of them naturally can't find it.

"Fourth Rank Shura World General, a member of the Star Alliance?"

The two demon worlds will turn their heads and look at the black-haired young man walking out of the woods, their eyes immediately become fierce, with a deep chill.

The two of them are three-level Shura generals. If they fight alone, they are obviously not Zhuo Bufan's opponents, but they are two.

The two glanced at each other, not wanting to give up the dragon blood in front of them, and gritted their teeth. The two immediately aroused the Asura body, sacrificed weapons and magic weapons, and galloped directly toward Zhuo Bufan, flanking left and right.

"I have given you a chance!"

Zhuo Bufan let out a cold snort, his sword eyebrows erected, and the Sky Thunder Bamboo Sword leaped out of the space ring and blasted towards the two demon world generals.

"Extreme weapon!"

"He has extreme weapons!"

The moment the two saw the appearance of the Tianlei Bamboo Sword, their expressions changed suddenly, and they turned to let go. The magic weapon and true essence were all blocked in front of them to resist the attack of the Tianlei Bamboo Sword.

The sky thunder bamboo sword, like a blue streamer, blasted the two of them upside down. Cracks appeared on their magic weapons and weapons, which made them feel distressed.

However, fortunately, there was a magic weapon that withstood most of the attacks, and both of them suffered only minor injuries.

"Give you another chance, get out!" Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

Two demon world generals stood in the air with pale faces. Although they were not reconciled, seeing Zhuo Bufan's strength knew that there was only a dead end to stay here, they immediately turned back and flew towards the distance, preparing to look for the scarlet light beam and leave the secret realm.

When Zhuo Bufan made his move, he sacrificed the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword. It was also to frighten the two of them, making them afraid and leaving quickly. After all, if you want to get the dragon blood, you have to deal with the blood shadow people in the square, and it is impossible to predict. There will be others who will enter the secret realm.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must obtain dragon blood as quickly as possible.

The two demons will leave, and Zhuo Bufan looks at the blood shadow man in the center of the square.

"Dragon blood, I want it!" Zhuo Bufan manipulated the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword to connect a string.


The Tianlei Bamboo Sword immediately blasted towards the blood shadow man, the blood shadow man was blasted into retreat, and his figure dimmed a little.

Zhuo Bufan disappeared in place, and suddenly appeared behind the blood shadow man, his fist condensed his true essence, and slammed the blood shadow man's vest fiercely. The violent true essence immediately destroyed the blood shadow man, and the blood shadow man disappeared without a trace. .

As far as Rank 3 Shura is concerned, although the Blood Shadow Man is powerful, Zhuo Bufan is Rank 4 Shura, and he is assisted by the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword. This Blood Shadow Man can't stand it.

Seeing the blood shadow man disappeared, Zhuo Bufan did not take back the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, but let the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword surround his body. In any unexpected situation, he could attack and defend as soon as possible.

Zhuo Bufan stepped forward and walked to the stone platform of the square. There was a little dark golden blood in the cup, full of violent and **** aura. Even his own blood seemed to be affected by dragon blood and it boiled.

"Is this the dragon's blood?" Zhuo Bufan stared at the dark golden blood, which was full of surging power.

"With the help of Dragon Blood, I should be confident about assaulting Rank 5 Shura!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm, his complexion suddenly changed, his hand movement immediately accelerated, Zhenyuan sealed the cup, and incorporated the cup and dragon blood into the space ring.

Just as Zhuo Bufan finished all this quickly, a blue light and shadow appeared on the horizon like lightning.

"Huh? It's the breath of dragon blood. Have you got dragon blood?"

Zhuo Bufan's scalp was numb, and the blue figure in front of him was actually one of the two Rank 5 Asuras, the Blue Bull Realm General of the Barbarian Monster Race.

The Azure Bull Realm brought the green eyes to Zhuo Bufan, staring straight at Zhuo Bufan, "Boy, hand over the dragon blood, I will spare your life."

"Dragon blood? I didn't see any dragon blood at all." Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

Unexpectedly, the luck was so bad, and he encountered a tricky stuff right after he got the dragon blood, and the strength of Rank 5 Shura Zhuo Bufan was not sure to be able to defeat it.

"Huh? I clearly smelled the smell of dragon blood. You must know that our barbarian monsters are best at distinguishing the smell of blood. You don't want to give it to me when you get the dragon blood?" The Azure Bull Realm will frown, and the true essence begins to surge. When he got up, his breath rose sharply.

Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, it seemed that he couldn't fool him.

"I did get the dragon blood. The treasures in the Asura Tower are all for us to fight for. Is this dragon blood yours?" Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes, his black eyes shone with brilliance, and said in a deep voice.

"A four-wheeled Shura, and a star alliance general, dare to bargain with me, really think I dare not kill you?" The Azure Bull Realm General said coldly, Yu Guang looked around Zhuo Bufan's body Tianlei Bamboo Sword, "Or do you think you can beat me with extreme weapons?"

"Is it possible to fight? You don't know until you have done it." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth. It seemed that this battle was unavoidable.

The Azure Bull Realm made two white mists appear in the nostrils, snorted coldly, and immediately urged the Shura body. The original huge body was covered with red bloodshot eyes in an instant, and the look was extremely hideous. Both palms were held empty and appeared. With two giant axes, the giant axe also carries an aura of obliteration. Although it is not a true extreme weapon, it is also a quasi extreme weapon.

"I just entered the Asura Tower, you should be the first person to die in my hands."

The Blue Bull Realm will roar in rage, waving two giant axes in both hands, and in an instant it swept across with huge coercion and wind.

Zhuo Bufan grinned: "The Green Bull Realm General, who wins and loses, it is too early to say now."

"Sword formation!"

Eighteen Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Swords formed a sword formation, attacking from all directions towards the Blue Bull Realm. The extremely sharp sword light was erratic, giving people a dreamlike illusion.

Zhuo Bufan also drew out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, inspiring the Asura body, and facing the Azure Bull Realm General.


The two soldiers intersected, making a sound of gold and iron, Zhuo Bufan's body immediately flew out, the bluestone slabs in the square cracked inch by inch, a long trace slid out, and rubble splashed.

"A lot of strength!" Zhuo Bufan stood up immediately.

The two of them have the same true essence, the Asura realm will be a realm higher than him, not to mention the blue ox realm will be the barbarian demon clan, the barbarian demon clan is naturally strong.

Keng! Keng! Keng!

Under the siege of Tianlei Bamboo Sword, it also broke through the wind shield and slashed on the arms and back of the Blue Bull Realm General, making a sound of metal collision, the green scales broke, and several **** wounds were shocking.

The corner of Zhuo Bufan's eyes twitched.

The Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword is an extremely powerful weapon. It broke through the defense of the Blue Bull, leaving only a few **** mouths.

The green bull itself has a strong physical body, and it is also a fifth-rank Shura body. With the addition of green scale defense, the defense is extremely amazing. The two heavenly thunder bamboo swords are a set of sword formations, and the eighteen-handed heavenly thunder bamboo sword is called the extreme Dao weapons, the power of a single-handle sword is naturally not strong.

"Damn it!" The Azure Bull Realm will look at the wound on his arm, his eyes are extremely angry, the wound is squirming, and it heals and repairs quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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