The 2338th chapter astonishing vision

At No. 69 Asura Tower, several figures flew out of Asura Tower. Among them was a white figure, followed by three demons world generals, who were chasing and killing the person in front.

"Mu Qing, leave the treasure and spare your life!"

"Leave the treasure to us, and spare you not to die."

"Grandpa, the treasure I got by my skills, why should I give it to you, I think it is beautiful!" The white figure stopped, his face flushed, and there were glaring blood stains on the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had experienced a difficult fight in the Asura Tower.

The white figure is a young cultivator named Mu Qing who is also a cultivator of the Star Alliance camp. Because he obtained a secret realm inheritance in the Asura Tower, he obtained treasures and Asura secret techniques, but was discovered by three demons. , Was chased and killed by the three people. In the end, Mu Qing could only give up the top inheritance and escape with all his strength, but he did not expect the other party to follow.

Mu Qing is a Rank 4 Shura. Among the three Demon World generals behind him, there is one Rank 4 Shura and two Rank 3 Shura. The strength of the three is superimposed, and he is naturally invincible.

"Damn it, a group of difficult little ghosts, I didn't expect Grandpa to run out and follow me." Mu Qing cursed inwardly.

"Even if Grandpa dies, he won't easily give you treasures. Killing one is enough for you and killing two to earn money." Mu Qing wiped off the blood stains on the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand, and sacrificed two white swords with brilliance. Posture.

This appearance made the three demons hesitate.

The three of them are also temporary'teams', and they don't trust each other. If Mu Qingzhen works hard, whoever dies in his hands is naturally unlucky, and the treasure falls in the hands of other people. Therefore, it has formed a stalemate. No one dares to act rashly.

Seeing this, Mu Qing quickly thought about how to escape and how to survive.


Just when the four people stood facing each other in the void, the Asura Tower No. 69 suddenly shook, and a pillar of blood burst out from the top, shining nine days and ten places, and the raging fire burned on the Asura Tower, and then the blood beads above the Asura Tower turned into an arc of light. , Flying quickly in one direction.

The sudden scene made the four of them stunned like sculptures. They raised their heads and looked at the huge blood-colored beam of light in the void.

A series of blood-colored light beams appeared in the sky one after another, coming from other directions, but drawing an arc in the same direction.

"What's the situation?" Mu Qing was shocked and puzzled.

The other three demon world generals were also horrified and stood there. After a long time, one of the four-turn Asura world generals suddenly roared: "A blood-colored beam of light appeared in the Asura Tower. Legend has it that only the top inheritance of the No. 1 Asura Tower has been obtained. This kind of vision will appear!"

Hearing this, Mu Qing was even more shocked to the point that someone had obtained the inheritance of the No. 1 Asura Tower.

Not only the four of them, but practitioners in or near the Asura Tower have seen this magical scene. The Asura Tower No. 1 has existed in the Asura battlefield for countless eras. This time the Asura Tower was opened. The original Asura Tower No. 10 was acquired by others. The acquisition of No. 1 Asura Tower has horrified many people. Now that even the top inheritance of No. 1 Asura Tower has been acquired, this is undoubtedly a blockbuster.

"No matter who has obtained the inheritance of No.1 Asura Tower, we have to decide your treasure." Among the three demon world generals, the 4th Rank Asura showed a hideous color on his face, and suddenly a blood claw carried fierce energy. The wind blasted directly towards Mu Qing.


Mu Qing immediately manipulated the two white flying swords, one of which was named'Golden Wind', flew head-on, and the other named'Yulu' intercepted the other two and three. Zhuanjie will.

Originally, he could escape when the three Demon Realm Generals were shocked, but he was also shocked and didn't grasp the timing.


The blood claws blasted directly at the sword body, making a sound of gold and iron, and the flying sword was shaken and turned over and flew upside down in the air.

The four-turn Shura Realm will blast away the flying sword, his figure accelerated, and he immediately reached Mu Qing's, his hands were like sharp claws, extremely sharp, two **** claws across the void, bringing out ten **** claw marks, actually eroding out the space. Faint traces.

"Eight pole shield."

Mu Qinglian raised his right arm, and a round golden light shield appeared on his arm, densely covered with array patterns.

Ten **** claws grasped on the golden light shield, piercing and piercing, the sound of stinging eardrum sounded, and the light waves on the golden light shield were rippling, and there was a faint feeling that it could not be supported.

Mu Qing has mastered skills and is not good at close hand-to-hand combat.

Originally, two flying swords could trap the 4th Rank Shura, but there were two 3rd Rank Shura next to him. He could only separate a flying sword, and distracted him to control and resist.

"If you continue to fight, you will definitely die in their hands." Mu Qing changed his mind, and the flying sword of the'Golden Wind' that had just been shaken out immediately went around in the air and pierced the back of Turn 4 Demon Race Shura.

Turn 4 Mozu Shura turned back and wanted to shoot the flying sword with one claw, but the flying sword stopped suddenly, and then flew away from the side. Mu Qing also took the opportunity to flew forward and escaped.

"If you want to escape, you can't escape. Obediently hand over the baby." Turn 4 Demon Race Shura shouted with a grim face.

Mu Qing ran away desperately, and the three of them didn't dare to chase too close. They were afraid that Mu Qing would fight to death and capsize the ship in the gutter. No one would want to be a bad luck.

"I don't want to die yet, Fu Mei hasn't promised to marry me." Mu Qing ran away desperately, but the three behind were like tarsal maggots, their ghosts lingering.

Mu Qing is also a cultivator, and he has gone through a lot of hardships and dangers before reaching today's state. He has also encountered things like being chased and killed many times. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's up to you this time!". ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

After that, Mu Qing flipped his palm, and a bronze coin appeared in his hand.

This copper coin was a treasure he got in a cave. Originally there were three of them, but he has already used two of them. Both coins helped him escape the catastrophe and retrieve one life. Now his life is at stake, he can't care about the heartache. , Intends to use this precious copper coin.

According to his understanding, this copper coin is a kind of magical treasure, which has the effect of seeking good luck and avoiding evil and deducing life.

The copper coins crumbled into a pinch of powder, and then drifted away to the northwest.

"Over there, it's Shengmen." Mu Qing didn't care about the loss of the heartache copper coins, and immediately speeded up and flew towards the northwest.

The next three demons will follow, and the distance between the two will keep getting closer!

After flying for about a little while, Mu Qing discovered that he had actually appeared near No.1 Asura Tower. He saw a black-haired and black-clothed young man standing in the sky, looking at No.1 Asura Tower.

"Daoist, save my life, there must be a treasure!" Mu Qing found the former and sensed that the other party was not a demon general, and immediately transmitted the voice.

The black-haired and black-eyed young man turned his head and saw Mu Qing flying towards him, followed by three demon world generals behind him. The sword eyebrows were slightly furrowed, he hesitated, and he offered the sword behind him. The sword turned into a stream of light. Passing through the void, and then shot three sharp sword lights, heading towards the assassination of the three demon world generals.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

Three fierce swordsmanship traditional three people's abdomen, leaving a bowl of blood hole, the three demon world will be shocked, this injury will not kill them, but the three also know that the black-haired young man is not To provoke him, he immediately turned around and ran away decisively.

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