The 2340th chapter is overjoyed

"I encountered some special circumstances in the middle, which took a lot of time. I will introduce to you. This is a shadow killer. With his help, I escaped." Mu Qing looked at Zhuo Bufan and introduced: " This is Liao Yuan and Tang Fu, both of whom are my best friends."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the two of them, nodded slightly, and motioned.

The two also glanced at Zhuo Bufan, a look of surprise flashed across Liao Yuan's eyes. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan was also Rank 5 Shura, and nodded slightly.

"Fumei, look at what kind of baby I got this time. I got a Tianlin fairy chrysanthemum. With this baby, it should be no problem to help you step into the 4th Rank Asura realm." Mu Qing stared with scorching eyes. Tang Fu, even took out a fairy chrysanthemum wrapped in true essence.

Zhuo Bufan stood by and watched. After a short time of contact, he could probably see Mu Qing's character. He was obviously chased by three demons. If he hadn't met himself, he would have fallen in hatred, but he had not met two friends. Mention, the phrase has been easily carried.

The ‘Tianlin Xianzhi’ that I took out now, I thought it had been taken through all dangers, but didn’t mention it.

Seeing the treasure in his hand, Tang Fu's two agile eyes flashed brightly, but did not rush to take it, but looked at Liao Yuan aside with the corner of his light.

"Mu Qing, I didn't expect you to get such a good baby. Fumei is expected to be promoted to Rank 4 Shura. Fumei, don't you thank Mu Qing." Liao Yuan smiled.

"Brother Qing, thank you." Tang Fu stretched out his jade hand and took Tianlin Xianzhi.

"Fu Mei, as long as you are happy, what you do for you is worth it." Mu Qing said obsessively.

"General Mu Qing, I still have a few old friends in Longtai City, I have to meet them and leave first!" Zhuo Bufan also said in due course.

"Well, I thought I would ask you to have a few glasses of wine. If that's the case, then you should meet with your old friend first. Anyway, we have already kept the contact information of Shura Ling, so we can contact each other at any time." Mu Qing is rather regretful. Said.


Zhuo Bufan nodded, looked at Liao Yuan and Tang Fu again, nodded, and finally Yu Feng flew away and flew towards Longtai City.


Familiar buildings, familiar ruined courtyards.

Meng Yu, Golden Mouse, Dong Zi, Dongming Jiejiang and others are sitting on the stone bench in the hut.

"Brother Mengyu, Golden Mouse, Dongming General, I know you want to avenge the Shadow Killer General, but you know the strength of the Blood Emperor General, and he now has the top inheritance of the No.17 Asura Tower, even if we join forces. , It's not his opponent either." Dong Zixiu eyebrows close together, looking at the other three people, and said seriously.

"But, Brother Shadow Killer hasn't come back yet. He must have been killed by the Blood King Realm. We are friends of Brother Shadow Killer. Don't we dare to avenge him when we see our enemies? I can't bear this frustration." The Golden Mouse said angrily.

"My life was also saved by Brother Shadow Killer. Even if I die, I have no regrets or regrets." Dongming Jie also said.

Meng Yu sighed and groaned: "I know that you all want to avenge the Shadow Killer Brothers, but the blood emperor world general is too strong. Together, we are also hitting the stone with the pebbles. If you want to avenge, you must have a good plan."

After Meng Yu's words, everyone was also Chen Mo, sighing.

They all knew that Meng Yu's words were reasonable, but they had an extraordinary relationship with Shadow Killer. Shadow Killer had a life-saving grace for them. If they didn't take revenge, their hearts would be frustrated.

"Unexpectedly, I have such a group of good brothers in Shadow Killer, who actually want to kill a Rank 6 Shura to avenge me!" Suddenly, a hearty laughter sounded abruptly in the stone house.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the expressions on their faces became rich.

At the door of the house, a familiar figure walked in slowly, smiling.

"Brother Shadow Kill!"

"Brother Shadow Kill, you're not dead?"

"Fucking, it made me sad for a few days."

Meng Yu, Dong Zi, Golden Mouse, Dongming Realm General and others were all overjoyed. Meng Yu stepped forward, with red eyes, and slammed a fist on his shoulder, "I knew, you are not that easy to be caught by the blood emperor." The world will kill!"

"Almost, it was extremely thrilling, but luckily, I survived." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, he was also moved and excited!

The Shura battlefield is cold and merciless. After being framed by Luo Yingning from the same camp, Zhuo Bufan's temperament is even colder. Since meeting Meng Yu and others, he has let him know that even as a practitioner, even in the Shura battlefield, there is brotherhood. , There are also most affectionate and sexual friends.

"I'm back, my Golden Mouse doesn't have to fight the Blood Emperor Realm!" Golden Mouse laughed.

Everyone was happy, and the golden mouse even took out some wine, fruit, and delicacies. Everyone talked in the candlelight night, and the wine and laughter resounded through the small courtyard.

Zhuo Bufan also talked about all the interesting things he tried in the Asura Tower, such as obtaining magic weapons, killing savage beasts, gaining benefits through the trials in the secret realm, and the thrilling battle situation. All four of them were longing for it.

"It's a pity, we didn't have the opportunity to participate in the competition for the Asura Tower." The Golden Mouse said with a blushing face, drunk.

"No need to be a pity, I brought back a lot of evil spirits this time, and there are also a lot of fairy grass and precious fruits. When I give it to you, at least I can let you set foot in the three-turn Shura realm!" Zhuo Bufan raised his glass and looked up Drink it and speak.

Acquiring the No. 1 Asura Tower inheritance, triggering other Asura Tower visions, the blood demon stubble finally swallowed it, and now Zhuo Bufan's most indispensable may be the evil essence. This time, the blood demon stubble swallowed hundreds of millions of evil essences. .

As for other fairy grass elixir, Zhuo Bufan has also obtained a lot in the secret realm. With the help of the elixir, it is enough to make Meng Yu and others become the Shura realm. However, if you want to become a higher Shura realm, foreign objects cannot help, so you can only rely on it. Their Taoism.

"How can this be done, those treasures are what you can do with all your hard work, Brother Shadow Killer, how can we sit back and enjoy it." Meng Yu frowned and refused immediately.

Zhuo Bufan put down his wine glass and said with a smile: "Big Brother Meng Yu, Sister Dong Zi, Golden Mouse, and Dongming Realm, you are all friends of my Shadow Killer. We have experienced life and death, and these treasures are useless for me to keep, you To be polite with me again is to treat me as an outsider."

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's persistence, Meng Yu and others looked at each other and couldn't refuse.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan took out a space ring, which was filled with some elixir and immortal fruits, all of which were the magical medicine for the auxiliary world to swallow the evil essence. As for the evil essence, the blood demon can condense hundreds of evil essences at will, and allocate them to Meng Yu et al.

Everything is happy!

Seven days later, with extraordinary help, Meng Yu and others successfully swallowed ten evil elements, which was regarded as formally stepping into the category of Shura generals. During this time, the generals of Zhai Feng, the swordsmen, and the Qing The trio of Yujie generals also knew that Zhuo Bufan was not dead, so they came to visit him and asked him how to escape the blood emperor generals and the blue ox generals.

Zhuo Bufan briefly recounted it, and by the way told them that the Blue Bull Realm would have died on the peak of blood.

Seven days later, the two great geniuses of the Xie family, Xie Zhen and Xie Tianzhao, hosted a banquet, and Zhuo Bufan also received an invitation!

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