The 2400th Chapter Xuanyanghou

Congratulations to some generals from Xuanjiezong and some lords who participated in the banquet.

There are servants in the manor who are responsible for the guidance, and Zhuo Bufan is also on the list of guests for the banquet. Furthermore, even if there is no invitation, the Taoist Lord will not refuse people thousands of miles away.

"This is Master Zhuo. The master has already ordered it. If you see Master Zhuo coming, I will personally invite Master Zhuo to the inner hall." As soon as he arrived at the door of the mansion, a male servant came forward with his face hanging on his face. With a cordial smile, it gives people a clever feeling.

These so-called servants are actually disciples of some sects, and they are only arranged to practice in the Star Alliance'Miscellaneous', but even for the miscellaneous practice, these places have caused many sects, families, and dynasties to compete for their heads. After all, in the Star Alliance Any resource is a super treasure for those sects.


Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Carrying Long Geyue and Shijian two beautiful family members, followed behind the servant and walked into the Hou Mansion.

The mansion is very wide and large, and various buildings are distributed in it. If there is no one to lead it, I am afraid that I will get lost. Of course, I can use mental power to sense it, but doing so is undoubtedly a means to provoke the owner of the mansion. Therefore, enter generally The mansions of others will recover the spiritual power radiated out.

"The host said, there are many guests here this time, some are friends, some are friends with water, friends are invited to enter the inner hall to slowly relive the old days, as for friends with water, they will all receive it in the lobby, and they will also take care of themselves. Leave." The servant whispered while leading.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, and Yu Guang also looked towards the main entrance hall. As expected, there were people coming and going. Among them, some of them were powerful, crowded into the main hall, and some were followed by others. Fairies and fairies with youthful appearance and unique temperament.

"Young Master, this Daoist doesn't seem to be a person who'dislikes the poor and loves the rich', even some of the realms are not qualified to enter the inner hall." Shi Jian whispered.

The so-called poor in the busy city, no one asks, rich in the mountains and distant relatives, don't believe it, but watch the wine at the banquet, first respect the rich and honorable.

"How can you achieve great cause by being a villain?" Zhuo Bufan said.

Soon, under the guidance of the servants, they passed through the wall courtyard and came to the inner hall. There were already a dozen people in the hall. They were all old friends. They were all generals from the Xuanjie Sect, Yu Wang and Luo Yu'er was among them, and there was also a Jiehou besides.

The Star Alliance has gathered the top powerhouses of the entire Taiyi universe human race, and within this large group, there are also various factions.

For example, some Jiehou belonged to the faction of the ancestors of the Xie family and held some positions in the Star Alliance. Few people were able to take care of themselves.

"Xuanyanghou!" Zhuo Bufan walked into the hall, arched his hand towards the Jiehou, and connected.

The only Jiehou who entered the inner hall was naturally Xuanyanghou, the master of the Xuan Jie Sect.

"Shadow-killing world general, you are now a world general-level status, you don't need so much courtesy." Xuan Yanghou said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan said: "In any case, we are all from the Xuanjie Sect."

Xuanyanghou smiled and nodded. The Xuanjiezong can emerge a famous expert, which is actually a good thing for Xuanyanghou, which can make his position in the Star Alliance more stable.

"These two are the wives of the movie-killing generals?" Xuan Yanghou asked with a smile, looking at Zhuo Bufan's side, a small and gentle beauty, a brave beauty.

Hearing this, Shi Jian's face flushed immediately, and his hands were even swinging.

"Ha, this is my disciple Shijian, and this is my wife Long Geyue." Zhuo Bufan introduced.

Shi Jian and Long Geyue were also generous and decent, courteous and courteous, and cried respectfully: "Master Xuanyanghou."

After that, Zhuo Bufan chatted with Luo Yu'er, Yuwang, and some old friends of Xuanjiezong, and then he found Xuanyanghou again, and the two walked out of the hall and came outside from the courtyard.

As for Shi Jian and Long Geyue, Luo Yu'er helped introduce the guidelines, it would not be too embarrassing.

In the courtyard, the vegetation is prosperous, the stream is next to the ancient trees, and the moonlight is pouring down, like a silver gleam, sparse shadows and slanting water.

"Unexpectedly, Daojun could break through to the Realm Marquis level in such a quick time. I think it took me thousands of years to break through to the Realm Marquis level." Xuan Yanghou stopped and put his hands behind him. He raised his head, looked towards the brightly lit hall, and said with emotion: "He is indeed a rare and unparalleled genius."

Zhuo Bufan nodded in agreement: "When I came in, I saw many Jiehou coming in with young and beautiful women. It seemed that Daojun was ready to choose."

Those young and beautiful women are naturally not the wives and concubines of the world's hous. On other planets, there is no such thing as equality between men and women. Especially for the strong, there are usually many wives and concubines, and they will not take them when they go out.

So Zhuo Bufan guessed that those young and beautiful women should be the daughters of the princes. As for why they are brought to see Daojun, it is a matter of the benevolent seeing the benevolent and the wise.

"Haha." Xuanyang Hou smiled and said: "Although the Star Alliance is the strongest force in the entire human race, it has no special restrictions. Many realms will come from the same star field and form various factions. For example, some realms are also. The star owners of a certain star field have their own interests involved."

"The Daoist entered the Star Alliance and broke through the Realm Rank in just a few decades. The potential is extraordinary. At this time, these Realm Realms won't win him over. I am afraid that even Realm Kings and Realm Kings will try to recruit him."

Zhuo Bufan nodded in agreement, it was very difficult to be alone in this complicated environment.

"I already know what happened to you in the Starfield Battlefield. I am afraid that your true strength is not weaker than that of Jiehou, right?" Xuan Yanghou turned his head, smiled, and looked at him.

Zhuo Bufan showed a look of surprise.

Xuanyanghou said: "Chifenghou is my good friend. You and Yushanhou are tied, and I know all about offending the ancestors of the Xie family."

"So it turns out that Chi Fenghou is a good friend of the Sect Master, so it's no wonder that he will come to help me." Zhuo Bufan suddenly realized.

"The ancestor of the Xie family is the master of the realm, and has a very strong influence, but this is the Star Alliance, he dare not come directly to find your trouble." Xuan Yanghou said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded and said: "Now I am not worried about myself, but because I am afraid that the ancestors of the Xie family will vent their anger on me and send someone to the earth. That would be troublesome."

"Have you been to the Jianshen Stone Forest?" Xuanyanghou suddenly said: "The saint once said that if anyone can surpass the martial arts he left behind in the same realm, he will realize the other party's wish. Your talent is outstanding. , Comparable to Daojun, I believe you can do it."

When Zhuo Bufan heard the words, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

If he can surpass the martial arts left by the saint in the same realm, the saint will realize his wish. This is just a promise left by the saint. It is not an'official' document stipulation, so he wants to pass the identity order. The card is connected to the Star Alliance’s brain system, and this rule is definitely not available.

"Xuanyanghou, I have one more thing I want to ask you." Zhuo Bufan said, and said the materials he needed, which needs to be exchanged by Jiehou.

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