Chapter 2446 Blazing Lizard

The blazing lizard, a savage beast in the fire attribute world, is brutal and brutal by nature.

Even if many experts of the same level are not willing to provoke this guy easily, besides, in its old nest, the temperature in this desert is extremely high, the temperature in the air reaches 150,000 degrees, and the temperature in the desert exceeds 300,000. degree.

Although the practitioner always protects the body with true essence, otherwise the temperature here alone will be unbearable for the physical body.

The blazing lizard has reached the level of the world leader, and naturally senses the danger. Normally, there will be no practitioners in this desert. Even if one or two practitioners appear, they will eventually become food for its fullness, but this time A dozen practitioners appeared.

There is also a realm king class powerhouse among them, making it feel dangerous.

Suddenly, it found a practitioner flying towards it, only in the realm of Jiehou.

Although the rest of the practitioners followed behind, they had no intention of doing anything. It seemed that they wanted the practitioner to deal with him.

The blazing lizard made a weird roar and felt that he had been insulted. It was originally the king of this area. The other party actually only sent one person to deal with him, obviously not taking it in his eyes.

Waiting close.

Zhuo Bufan also saw clearly the face of the blazing lizard.

The body is thousands of feet long, the skin is hard and dark black, the rock-like shell covers the whole body, and some red magma-like liquid flows in the gaps, and the whole body is contained in the flames. The huge four hooves contain explosive power. The tail Slender, with sharp barbs standing on it.

"Does this guy really think that the Blazing Lizard is easy to deal with? This kind of brutal beast is very powerful, and in the area it is familiar with, even some world leaders will fall if they care about it."

"The shell of the blazing lizard is already comparable to the'quasi-extreme way' weapon. Without strong martial arts or extreme magic weapons, it is extremely difficult to break its defenses."

"If it were Master Xiaoyao, this blazing lizard would only have a dead end, but he is a realmist! It's difficult."

A series of slightly harsh voices rang in the air without any scruples.

Xiaoyao King did not speak, nor did he stop his men.

"Hmph, wait for you to see the real strength of the son, and see what expressions you will have." Shi Jian hummed angrily.

"Don't worry about them." Long Geyue said.


Suddenly, the blazing lizard opened its mouth, and a group of hot, high-temperature flames sprayed out like a pillar.

Everywhere along the way, the air was burnt and twisted.


Zhuo Bufan stretched out his index finger and drew a circle in the volley in front of him. The rhyme of the water flowed, the law of water formed a large shield, and the power of the law appeared.

The pillar of fire impacted on the water, sneered sneered, and the water vapor filled.


There was a sound of wind, and suddenly the blazing lizard saw that human cultivator flew directly towards him.

In close combat, the beast is never afraid of practitioners.

Although the blazing lizard is huge in size, its hard shell makes it very defensive. Normal practitioners don't want to break its defenses. What does not match his size is that amazing speed.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's red fist flying towards the blazing lizard, King Xiaoyao couldn't help squinting his eyes, and the dozen or so subordinates behind him were also stunned.

"Is this guy going to die?"

"Savage beasts are good at close combat, close combat, and don't even need weapons? He thought it was against a small lizard?"

Huh, boom!

Seeing Zhuo Bufan approaching, the blazing lizard’s eyes flashed sharply, and the hundreds of feet long tail moved suddenly, tearing the air, and slapped Zhuo Bufan as fast as lightning, trying to pat him into meat cakes. .

The seemingly huge tail is not as slow and clumsy as imagined.

As if a building blasted towards Zhuo Bufan, sonic booms exploded in the air.

A weird smile appeared at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, and blood surged on his arms, forming weird runes all over the palms of his arms, "My Asura body has reached the ninth level. See how powerful it is. Let's use you as a sharpening stone."

The fist entangled the blood qi, and the blood qi formed a huge fist.

Severely bombarded the blazing lizard's tail.

Awning! The dull sound exploded, and a wave of air spread out in the air.

The shell of the blazing lizard's tail cracked at the sound, and the blazing lizard was directly slammed and slipped out, sliding for dozens of kilometers, leaving a straight and long trace in the sand.

There was no sound in the sky.

Xiaoyao King's eyes widened too, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

"Roar!" The flaming lizard's tail was limp, and a place about the size of a house was **** and blood flowing in the sand, soaking a blood-red land, and the flaming lizard roared in pain and anger.

"Taste another punch." Zhuo Bufan's expression was Ling Ran, like a **** of murder.

The power of Shura's body has increased the level of his physical body, and his physical body is now comparable to the ultimate magic weapon, and his body seems to have inexhaustible power.

Just as Zhuo Bufan slammed a punch, the sand flow below surged like a wave, one wave was higher than one wave, and each wave was hundreds of feet high. The fist print was like a broken bamboo, blasting through the sand waterfall, and once again bombarded the blazing lizard. Physically, the huge figure rolled away.


Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. Just now, another blazing lizard got out of the ground and blocked a punch for the original blazing lizard.

Two blazing lizards crawling in the sand, both are savage beasts in the realm of Jiehou.


The original blazing lizard roared.

These two blazing lizards should be one female and one male.

Zhuo Bufan looked down and saw that there was a huge pit under the two blazing lizards. There were also two cubs about the size of a house in the pit, wailing, they should be their children.

"Xiao Fan, spare them." Long Geyue said hurriedly.

Zhuo Bufan had just left the customs, seeing this scene, could not help but accept the murderous heart.

The female blazing lizard also made a mournful sound, suddenly opened her mouth, and a ball of light flew out of her mouth, and slowly flew towards Zhuo Bufan. The ball of light was about the size of a Mopi ball, shone with divine light, and wrapped in it. It is a strange flower and grass, densely covered with hundreds of crystal clear seeds, each of which is as dazzling as a star, with icy cold air emanating from it.

"Baixingrui?" Zhuo Bufan said: "Since you are willing to hand over the treasure, I will spare your lives."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the two blazing lizards wrapped their cubs together, got into the bottom of the quicksand, and quickly went to abscond.

Xiaoyao Realm King and the rest of the Realm Kings and Realm Generals were all taken aback. Their expressions changed slightly. They couldn't think that Zhuo Bufan was so powerful, and he was defeated by the blazing lizard with two punches and handed over Bai Xingrui.

"These two blazing lizards have just given birth to their cubs. Their strength should be impaired, and they are afraid of hurting their cubs. They will not be able to display their full strength. Lord Zhuo, your luck is really good." Xiaoyao Wang looked at Zhuo Bufan, Said softly.

A light fluttering sentence summed up Zhuo Bufan's strength as'luck'.

"Good luck, if luck is bad, the two blazing lizards are probably dead."

"The Lord Xiaoyao is right. The two flaming lizards are afraid of hurting their cubs, so they dare not use their full strength."

Zhuo Bufan turned a deaf ear to these'ear-piercing' words, took Baixingrui and came to Long Geyue with a smile, and said with a smile: "Baixingrui has already been obtained, and it should be rare to see the year. The female blazing lizard should have just given birth. Cub, want to devour this Baixingrui to restore strength."

"Thank you, Xiao Fan." Long Geyue said joyfully: "With this Baixingrui, my'Suxin Sacred Palm' should soon reach Dacheng Stage."

"Baixingrui, her appearance is pretty good!"

An abrupt voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

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