Chapter 2448 Shadow Killing World Marquis

"Illusion?" Long Geyue doubted.

Both of them can really feel the astonishing chill of the pythons in the void, and the form is so real, it doesn't look like an illusion.

Zhuo Bufan has experienced five hundred years of tempering on the Bridge of Reincarnation. Whether it is Dao Xin or mood, he has reached the level of ordinary world masters. Naturally, this level of illusion can not confuse him, and he can even see through it at a glance.

The three Zhuo Bufan stood motionless.

When Xiaoyao Wang and others watched this scene, they naturally knew that Bi Snake performed a certain spell on the crutches of King Bibi.

"It's just a little Jiehou, dare to speak wild words, don't put me in your eyes, even the Xie family dare not put it in your eyes, the old man will not let you suffer, you really think that you are a person Is it?" Wang Weibi sneered.

"My illusion, as well as the level of the realm king caught in it, is difficult to crack, let alone a small realm."

Illusion arts attack the human spirit, state of mind, and Taoism. Once damaged, the strength will not improve in the future, the realm will be regressed, and the soul will fall into a state of madness and disillusionment.

"Xiao Fan, what should I do?"

Long Geyue raised her head and looked at the hundreds of giant pythons around her. The goose bumps jumped up instantly, but she tried to calm herself, the sword was injected with true essence, and the sword body buzzed, ready to strike at any time.

"The bright moon shines on the river!"

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes and suddenly opened them, his black pupils gleaming.


Suddenly there was a sea surge, and the sound of the wave hitting sounded in the void.

Immediately, a Yangtze River appeared for hundreds of millions of miles, surging in the void, and beneath the river, a beautiful round moon emerged. The moonlight was bright and bright, shining on the pretty faces of Dragon Geyue and Shijian, making it even more beautiful. The sense of beauty.

In terms of Dao Xin and mood levels, Zhuo Bufan is already comparable to the realm master.

The bright moon rises, and the moon shines on the land, everything is melted, including those terrifying pythons, screaming and screaming, turning into ashes and annihilation.

The surrounding scenes changed again, and Long Geyue and Shi Jian found that they were still standing above the desert.

The green snake on the crutches of King Su Bi was languishing, and the blue color of the snake's pupil dimmed in an instant.

"My illusion, how can you crack my illusion so quickly?" Wang Bibi showed a hint of surprise on his face.

"This kind of illusion is okay to deceive children. King Xie Jiajie is only of this level, so he can only scare people by his name?" Zhuo Bufan said.

As a realm of Jiehou, Zhuo Bufan was able to crack King Suibi's illusion so quickly, even King Xiaoyao and the rest of the world doubted whether his illusion was too weak.

The muscles on King Subi's face twitched fiercely. He had never encountered a guy more mad than himself.

"Wange Snake Plague"

The snake stick pointed forward, and suddenly the green gas burst.

"Go away, Zhenyuan protects the body." Zhuo Bufan said.

Shi Jian and Long Geyue immediately retreated, and at the same time the True Essence formed a barrier. This green aura obviously contained strong toxicity.

Xiaoyao Wang and others also hurriedly retreated to the distance.

"Look at whether you have a strong poisonous gas or my **** evil aura." Zhuo Bufan urged the Shura body.

The blood surging, patterns of strange lines formed under the skin, the blood evil aura surging out of the hidden body, and the terrifying blood mist wrapped around the surface of the body.

Seeing this scene, King Bibi's pupils suddenly shrank like needles.

This kind of breath is too familiar to him.

The green energy turned into a giant snake, terrifying and terrifying, opened its mouth, revealing sharp fangs, and bite towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist, his body suddenly turned into a straight long arrow, smashed the poisonous snake transformed into green energy with one punch, and then rushed in front of King Suibi.

The three world marquis who followed King Suibi immediately blocked the front of King Suibi. King Suibi was good at spells, and his ability to fight in close combat was very weak. Once he was close, he would definitely not be able to resist.


Zhuo Bufan yelled and handed both fists forward at the same time. The **** evil aura that entangled his body poured into his arms, transformed into two magnificent brutal beasts, and hit the three Jiehou and King Bibi fiercely. Four People flew out at the same time, and there were sonic booms in the air.

Puff puff! !

The three Jiehou were shocked with their faces like golden paper, and they opened their mouths and sprayed bleeding arrows.

King Subi looked pale, and his whole body was surging with blood.

A realm of a realm prince, a realm king, and three realm princes, this kind of combat ability really shocked everyone's attention.

"What a strong combat power, this guy really only has the realm of Jiehou?" Xiaoyao Wang's mind was completely confused, and he stared at everything in front of him dumbfounded.

The few Jiehous who had mocked Zhuo Bufan before were even more bleak, and a chill came out of their backs.

"Who are you?" King Suibi was shocked and angry, his eyes fixed on Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo Bufan."

"You are Hou Zhuo Bufan in the Shadow Killing Realm?" King Bibi suddenly opened his pupils. "It turns out that it is you. I should have guessed that you have an Asura body. I advise you to kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, after a while , I’m afraid I’ll lose my life."

"I have notified the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor that he is nearby and will be there soon."

It turned out that King Suibi did not act alone. This time, he accompanied the Hundred Wars Realm Emperor to the'Tianjie Constellation' to capture a Realm Emperor-level brute. He was the advance unit and happened to come to Taigu Xing to find Baixingrui by the way. Zhuo Bufan.

Everyone in the Xie family knew that Xie Tian was buried in the Secret Realm of the East Tomb Realm, and that Xie Zhen was deposed. It was Zhuo Bufan's work, so he was very familiar with his name.

"It turned out to be him." Xiaoyao Wang heard it, and only felt that his scalp was numb and his limbs were cold.

"Sir Xiaoyao Wang, who is he?" A Jiehou asked in doubt next to him.

"He was the one who killed the Jinxiao Realm Emperor. He didn't expect it to be him." Wang Xiaoyao muttered to himself, with great regret in his mind. If he knew earlier, how could he dare to think about Long Geyue? Fortunately he didn't. Make a big mistake, otherwise Zhuo Bufan can kill him by moving his fingers.

For a time, the Jiehou and Jiejiang who followed Xiaoyao King took a breath of cold air.

Zhuo Bufan killed the Golden Heaven Realm Emperor, and everyone in the Star Alliance made a noise. Although 500 years have passed, more and more people have heard of this, but only a small part of it is really seen. So, at the beginning No one recognizes Zhuo Bufan.

"Hundred Battle Realm Emperor?" Zhuo Bufan said lightly, "I am waiting for him here."

King Suibi laughed: "The realm emperor of Jinxiao is not ranked in the realm of realm emperor, but the realm emperor of Hundred Battles is an advanced realm emperor. Even in the realm of emperor, he also ranks in the forefront. A good thing comes at a price."

"Is it a good thing? You won't know until a while."

Zhuo Bufan said calmly. He came out of the bridge of reincarnation this time and didn't want to be too low-key. Otherwise, there would be a steady stream of trouble. The Xie family must have killed Xietian, but the earth is protected by the Xia Ling Saint. The Xie family cannot go to the earth.

And Junior Brother Jiang Cheng should prevent the Shura Realm Master from attacking him, so that Zhuo Bufan has no worries.

He killed the Golden Heaven Realm Emperor and showed the Wind and Thunder Mountain, which would arouse many people's jealousy. At this time, showing his strength can shock some greedy guys.

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