Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2450: The Might of the Bloodspur

Chapter 2451 the power of the blood thorn

Shiyin is about the size of an adult’s fist, and it grows sharply. In a few breaths, it has turned into a towering mountain, densely packed with a breath of life and death. That kind of pressure makes Long Geyue and others standing in the distance feel that Frightened.

Life and death magic weapon.

Even the Golden Heaven Realm Emperor did not own it. It was not a surprise that the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor relied on such a behemoth as the Xie Family to possess a life and death magic weapon.

"It is your honor to let me use a birth and death magic weapon to deal with a world leader!"

The Hundred Battle Realm Emperor looked savage, his palms suddenly pressed down into the void, and rumbling, the peaks above the void suddenly smashed down, and the thunder blasted every inch of the way it passed, like a millstone crushing the void, and the surrounding space shattered, revealing something Space disillusionment scene.

"The son."

Shi Jian's eyes widened, his face turned pale, and he hurriedly wanted to fly over.

Long Geyue took her arm again and again, shook her head, bit her thin lip and said, "I believe Xiao Fan, he must have a way to deal with it. You and I will not be able to help but also distract him."

"The way? It is already his honor to force the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor to sacrifice the'life and death level' magic weapon. It is already his honor to die in the hands of the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor, tusk, but it is a glorious thing." The corner of King Bibi's mouth evokes a gloomy look. Sen's smile, sneered.

Even Xiaoyao King and other realm lords and generals are sure that Zhuo Bufan will die in the hands of the realm emperor of Hundred Battles.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the constantly falling mountain. The space around him solidified and made him sink into the mud, unable to avoid it. This mountain magic weapon had already locked his breath.

Hundred Battles Realm Sovereign looked at Zhuo Bufan, but was surprised to find that the despair and fear he had imagined did not appear on Zhuo Bufan's face.

"Life and death level magic weapon, not only you have it." Zhuo Bufan said.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Suddenly, several vines tens of thousands of kilometers long and hundreds of kilometers thick appeared on the Gorefiend's porch, like lightning bending and turning in the air, the vines pierced through the void, and instantly entangled the mountain peaks.

"Haha, you want to resist my'life and death magic weapon' with the blood demon lizard, it's really whimsical." Upon seeing this, the Hundred Battle Realm Sovereign froze for a moment, and immediately laughed disdainfully.

The ordinary blood demon dou can not resist the life and death magic weapon, but the blood demon dou is fused with the extraordinary soul, and has experienced the death ‘baptism’ on the bridge of reincarnation.

The mountain continued to press down, but the speed was obviously slower, and the vines entwining the mountain burst into terrible wounds.

"Huh?" The Hundred Battle Realm Emperor was also surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan's Gorefiend could slow down the speed of the mountain peak, which was beyond his expectation.

"Hmph, struggle, depending on how you struggle, you have to die today." The Hundred Battle Realm emperor's palm pressed down again, and the power on the mountain increased sharply, and the blood demon hissed, bursting with blood-red holes. It seems that it is almost unsupported.

The corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth suddenly outlined a faint arc, and the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor quickly caught this weird scene, frowning, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"Blood Demon Snake is not my trump card. Psalm world." Zhuo Bufan suddenly sneered.

Suddenly, blood lines shot out from the wound on the vine. Upon closer inspection, it was a weapon with two sharp ends and a smooth middle. It was the Shura blood spur. Eighty-one Shura blood spurs have been kept in the Gorefiend.縢内.

Hundred Battle Realm Emperor's pupils shrank suddenly, revealing the color of fear.

Eighty-one blood thorns are made from eighty-one blood peaks, and the blood evil aura contained in them is unspeakable horror.

In particular, the Hundred Battle Realm Sovereign is also the Nine Rank Asura body, and can clearly feel the horror hidden in it.

Whoops Whoops Whoops Whoops Whoops! !

Eighty-one Shura thorns entangled in flight, woven into a red net, shrouded the mountain peaks in it.

In the World of Psa, it is the secret killing technique inherited in the No. 1 Asura Tower, which requires magic weapons such as flying swords and blood thorns to be used.

Asura blood thorns belonged to the ‘life and death magic weapon’ and there were a huge number of them. The mountain peaks were immediately trapped in them, and the pressure that had crushed the heavens and the earth disappeared in an instant.

The Tianlei Bamboo Sword has a total of eighteen handles, and when combined, it is a complete set of extreme weapons.

The Shura blood spurs are more fierce, and each blood spur is a magic weapon of ‘life and death’, and the power of the combination is naturally self-evident.

"You, you actually have a magic weapon of life and death. What is this? What a strong blood and evil aura." The Hundred Battle Realm Emperor's face changed suddenly, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. It was a kind of fear and tremor from the soul. .

The Asura bloodline is affected by the Asura blood thorn, and the Asura blood spur gathers all the blood evil auras in the Asura Tower, which will exert blood pressure on the monks who also have the Asura body.

"Dark Star Kill!"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

Suddenly, a red star appeared in the pupil of the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor.

Faster and faster, carrying great pressure, so that the emperor of the Hundred Battles Realm has a sense of crisis in his heart.

"I'm not reconciled." The Hundred Wars Realm Emperor bit his tongue and tried to restrain the suppression of the blood, his eyes burst with two blood-red rays, and he slammed his long knife and blasted forward.

The ten Shura blood thorns were connected end to end, blasting to the front of the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor.

Bloody mist burst out in the void, and the Hundred Wars Realm Emperor was bombarded so that his body continued to fly backwards, and a muffled noise burst out from behind.

After a while, the void fell silent.

The peak of blood turned into a stone seal, suspended in the air, the emperor of the Hundred Wars world stood in awkward form, standing in the sky with a languid breath, opened his mouth, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was like white paper, and his body was restored to its original size. The long hairs are also taken back into the body.


The Ice Emperor Yujian turned into a cold light, had already reached the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor, and suddenly stopped.

"Second elder brother, I have warned him from the Asura Realm Master that he will not trouble you anymore, and you will spare the emperor of a hundred battles. After all, the Xie family also belongs to my Star Alliance." Jiang Chen's thoughts sounded in his mind. sound.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the embarrassed Hundred Wars Realm Emperor, his true essence collapsed, and he was able to stand up straight. He also had a trace of respect in his heart, saying: "Hundred Wars Realm Emperor, I will spare you today. If you dare to provoke me again, I will not forgive you. As for this stone seal, it is the price you paid."

After that, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the true essence flew into his hand with the stone seal.

The Hundred Battle Realm Emperor couldn’t believe that he would actually lose to Zhuo Bufan, and even the life and death magic weapon would fall into his hands. Although the Xie family had a big family, but the life and death magic weapon was not Chinese cabbage, he only had one, he was impatient. Heart attack, another spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

And this kind of result also made King De Suibi and others fall into silence, and the void was silent.

Xiaoyao Wang and the others were dumbfounded, the Hundred Battle Realm Emperor was defeated, and lost a magic weapon of life and death. Who can think of this.

Although the Hundred Battle Realm Sovereign was not reconciled, he understood that Zhuo Bufan already had the strength to kill him, and if he tried harder, he might lose his life here, "Let's go."

After the words were over, a group of people flew directly into the spacecraft.

Zhuo Bufan also took back the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and Shura Blood Sting. In this battle, he almost had all his cards and his true essence was exhausted.

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