Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2458: Shock the princes

Chapter 2459 shocking the princes

The old man's face is clear and thin, his body is thin, but the powerful aura surging through his body demonstrates his powerful strength.

Jiehou state?

"The old man is the steward of the Lei Mansion. If the second son is reckless in his actions, the old man will make amends for him. I hope that the old man will raise his hand. It is not wise to make enemies for himself when he first came to Mei Xing." Slowly and authentically.

Although these words were decent, but the tone was cold and hard, and there was a hint of threat in it.

"Leibo." The second son of Lei was overjoyed and shouted.

This Leibo was the steward of Lei Mansion, and also a master in Lei Mansion. Even in the realm of Jiehou, he could be ranked higher, and the average Jiehou was not his opponent.

After the old man finished speaking, his eyes looked like a cheetah ready to attack and prey at any time, staring at Zhuo Bufan.

"I have a lot of enemies, and I don't mind having one more. When I first took office, some people didn't buy it. I heard someone say that without the approval of Lei Mansion, the order I issued would not even be able to leave the Domain Lord Mansion." Zhuo Bufan calmed down. Tao.

Leibo's face became cold and his aura continued to rise. The crimson profound energy in his body became a giant ape brutal beast about ten feet tall, exuding a terrifying aura, "Master Shadow Killer, if I let you take it away. My son, the steward of Lei Mansion failed to fulfill my duties, faceless facing the Patriarch, if you want to forcibly take away the second son, you must pass my test first."

In an instant, two breaths surged in the hall, and some tables and chairs could not bear the pressure, bursting into wood powder.

The others also gathered Zhen Yuan secretly to resist.

Once the two powerhouses of the realm fight against each other, everyone in the city will probably be aware of it.

"The old man practiced the technique of'Quie Ape', he was good at close combat. Once he started to fight, his men couldn't take any inches. Does Lord Shadow Killer really want to fight?" Leibo continued, shook his head immediately, "He lost an inch under his hand. It's no wonder the old man is killed by Deying."


The great ape transformed into the crimson mystery of Leibo also raised his head and roared, his arms stretched out, his fists beat his chest with both hands, making a shocking sound.

"Really? I really want to see what's so great about your'quick ape' technique." Zhuo Bufan singled behind his back, raised his arm, buckled the **** with his thumb, and lightly flicked it.


There was a clear sound.

A fierce sword aura burst out from the fingertips and bombarded Leibo.

The condensed crimson mystery of the giant ape vanished in an instant, and flew out directly with Leibo. Wherever he passed, the ground was cracked, and the steps were all turned into stone dust, and his body hit a wall heavily, with countless cracks on the wall facing away. Spread in all directions.


Leibo's face was like white paper, his mouth was opened, a mouthful of blood sputtered out, his neck skewed, and he fainted.

In the hall, there was no sound.

The Second Young Master Lei opened his mouth, as if standing still in a daze, no one thought that Zhuo Bufan flicked a finger, and Lei Bo was defeated so thoroughly.

Li Quan and the rest of the guards were also shocked. They didn't expect this new domain master to be so powerful.

"Bring him away to me." Zhuo Bufan glanced at the second son Lei and said.

Several guards finally reacted, and went straight forward, took out the thunder shackles and hung them on the second son of Lei. Being oppressed by Zhuo Bufan's breath, the second son of Lei had no resistance.

"Lord Shadow Kill, I'll take this account down first. You will regret it one day." Second Young Master Lei looked at Zhuo Bufan with bitter eyes, "At that time, don't cry and beg me."

Long Geyue said coldly: "It seems that this second son Lei is very energetic, and your thunder shackles should be more important." After saying that, with a wave of his bare hand, a real yuan hit the thunder shackles, and the shackles splashed with thunder and fire. , Got into the body of the second son Lei, grinning with pain.

Zhuo Bufan also left Lei Mansion.

Many family helms who stayed in the living room looked at each other in surprise.

The new deputy domain master seemed to be different from what they had imagined. Many people looked worried and feared that Zhuo Bufan would seek them out.

"You said, what is the origin of this deputy domain master, so arrogant, and directly arrested the second son of Lei Palace?" a middle-aged man said.

"Who knows, but his strength sounds terrifying, even Leibo was knocked out by him." Someone shook his head.

"Don't worry, you guys, I bet the new domain owner won't be able to play for long, maybe the second son will be out tonight, have you forgotten what is behind Lei's house?" Someone said surely.

His words were echoed by many people, and they nodded one after another.

This night, the charm star is destined to sleepless.

The news that the new deputy domain lord Shadow Killer broke into Lei Mansion and forcibly took away the second son Thunder, like a hurricane, spread to many families, and many families have arranged spies to inquire about the news quietly.

There is an underground prison in the domain master’s mansion, inscribed with the seal formation, even if the realm king level powerhouse wants to forcibly rob the prison.

Clang Clang!

The second son of Lei was hung with thunder shackles, his face was pale in pain, as if thousands of ants were gnawing flesh and blood, his muscles trembled, but his eyes became more and more resentful, and he was pushed into a prison by his guards.

The prison is made based on the ‘thunderland’, communicating the power of the thunder and the fire, all over the prison, unless it is a realm-level powerhouse.

"Shadow Kill, wait for me. I can get out of this prison today. When I get out, you must be good-looking." Thunder grinned with pain, but his mouth kept cursing.

He has now been arrested and put in jail, and Lei Palace will definitely use his relationship as soon as possible to pressure Zhuo Bufan to let him go.


Lei Mansion.

Leibo had already regained consciousness, thinking of being fainted by Zhuo Bufan just now, he still couldn't believe it. How dare you take the second son?"

There are only two possibilities for people who dare to move the Lei family, one is that he doesn't know the background of the Lei family, and those who don't know are not afraid.

Second, he knows the background of the Lei family, but he is not afraid of it, indicating that he also has a strong background behind him.

If it is the second case, it will be difficult to handle.

Regardless of the situation, the most important thing now is to rescue the second son of Lei. The second son of Lei will reach the realm, but they rely on resources to pile up.

"Leibo, what should I do now, do you want to notify the Patriarch and Grand Prince?" a guard asked.

"The family and the eldest son went to'Suruoxing' to deal with important affairs. Don't disturb them for the time being. I immediately wrote a few letters asking Lord Meng Haixing, Jing Yunhou and others to help. He is a newly appointed deputy domain master. He probably won't Don't buy face." Leibo pondered.

After that, Leibo took out a token, wrote a line of handwriting on the air with his finger, and then sealed these handwritings into the token.

"If nothing happens, the second son will be back tonight." Leibo said.

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