Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2477: Madam, please respect yourself

Chapter 2478 Madam, please respect yourself

In the hall of the Star Lord's Mansion.

Zhuo Bufan sat in the hall with Jin Mouse and Meng Yu.

"Shao Zhuo, Tuoman and Tuoyou have been imprisoned, and I have sent someone to take care of them," Meng Yu said.

"Well, Golden Mouse Tuoman and Tuoyou will leave it to you. They must confess to colluding with the Lei Family to mine the Purple Frost Vein." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

The Golden Mouse nodded and frowned and said, "Young Master Zhuo, this matter is too much trouble now. I am afraid that many people in the entire Celestial Star Territory have heard the wind, and the Lei Family will definitely not sit back and wait for death."

"It's okay, the bigger the trouble, the better." Zhuo Bufan thought.

As he was talking, the identity token glowed purple, Zhuo Bufan frowned, and the spirit of spirit penetrated into the identity token, and a line of small golden characters appeared in the sky.

"Shadow the deputy domain master, quickly return to Meixing to discuss important matters, Pengyu Realm Emperor autographs!"

Meng Yu and Golden Mouse looked at each other. It seemed that the Lei family had already begun to act. Did the Pengyu Realm Emperor be moved by the Lei family?

"The Shadow Killer will immediately return to the Charm Star." Zhuo Bufan wrote seven characters in the air and entered the identity token.

"I don't know what benefits the Lei Family has promised to make the Realm Emperor Pengyu want to help the Lei Family?" Zhuo Bufan frowned and thought secretly.

Although the Lei family has a tyrannical background, the Emperor of the Pengyu Realm is a party leader, and it is excusable to sell the Lei family a bit of affection, but it will never become the dog's leg of the Lei family.

"Brother Mengyu, Golden Mouse, and Rat Luoxing will be left to the two. We will deploy more staff to stay in jail." Zhuo Bufan said with a serious face.

"Young Master Zhuo, don't worry. Just leave this to me and Big Brother Meng Yu." The golden mouse patted his chest and agreed.

Next, Zhuo Bufan arranged wine and delicacies. He had not met his old friends for hundreds of years. The three of them drank and chatted together, recounting some of the things that happened in the past hundreds of years, and talked about the days when they fought and fought in the Star Territory Battlefield. , The gathering Fang hated the time is short, until dawn, Zhuo Bufan left with the sword and Long Geyue.


Charm star.

In the Star Lord’s mansion, the backyard is full of flowers like the sea, and a graceful figure is slowly walking on a gravel path, with a dark fragrance floating, which makes people can’t help taking a deep breath, just feel relaxed and happy.

"Madam." At this moment, a guard hurriedly came to her.

This graceful and charming woman is Wanrou, the wife of Master Meng Haixing.

"What's the matter, panicked." Wanrou frowned and screamed.

"Madam, we just received the news that Jing Yunhou and the four deputy domain masters are rushing to Meixing." The guard knelt on one knee and said respectfully with his head down.

"Jing Yunhou is the apprentice of the Emperor Pengyu Realm, the left capital of the Celestial Star Territory, plus the four sub-domain masters, tusk, this Master Shadow Killer really has a lot of face, I'm really interested to see this The shadow kills the lord." Wanrou pursed her lips, her charming flowery face with a charming smile.

The guard with his head down couldn't help but raise his head, but took a peek, only to feel dry mouth and head dizzy.

This scene happened to fall in Wanrou's eyes, and smiled: "Am I good-looking?"

"Subordinates don't dare." The guard company lowered its head in horror.

"Well, you report this matter to Master Meng Haixing. The Master will go out to patrol, and I will go to see the Master of the Deputy Domain Master instead of the Master." Wan Rou said.

"Yes!" The guard nodded, bowed back and then turned and left.


Meixing, in the mansion of the deputy domain master.

When Zhuo Bufan returned with his sword and Long Geyue, Li Quan was already waiting at the mansion, and the two came to the study together.

Li Quan learned that Zhuo Bufan had arrested Lei Hao, the eldest son of the Lei family, in Rat Luoxing. He was already surprised. Today, he received a letter from Jing Yunhou and the four deputy domain masters saying that he was going to visit Meixing. Killing an adult makes him worried.

The Lei family has extensive contacts in the Celestial Star Territory, and has friendships with several sub-domain masters. Obviously these people are here to put pressure on Zhuo Bufan.

Back to the study, Li Quan said, "Master Shadow Killer, Jing Yunhou and the four Vice-Domain Masters are all coming to Meixing, it should be for the Lei Family."

"It has been verified that Lei's privately mined the Zishuang veins, and the evidence is solid. It's useless for anyone to say anything." Zhuo Bufan said.

"It's just..." Li Quan stopped talking.

"You don't need to worry, now you send someone to check it out for me. I want to know where the purple frost ore has flowed." Zhuo Bufan said.

He was always puzzled. The Lei family was looking at mining the purple frost ore, and would definitely find a channel to sell it. However, in the black market of Rat Luoxing, only a small amount of purple frost ore circulated, and a large amount of purple frost ore disappeared.

Li Quan nodded: "I make people from all planets move and go to the black market to investigate whether there is any purple frost ore circulating."

"Well, you go out first." Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and said.

"Yes, my lord." Li Quan arched his hand, and as soon as he turned around, he saw a guard walking to the door.

"Master Shadow Killer, Master Zuo Du." The guard respectfully said: "Master Meng Haixing is out on patrol, Mrs. Meng Haixing asks to see Master Shadow Killer."

"Let her come in." Zhuo Bufan said.

Li Quan knew that Lord Meng Haixing had a very close relationship with the Lei family, and now that the Lei family was suppressed by Zhuo Bufan using thunderous means, the Lord Meng Haixing’s wife came to see him, probably to show her loyalty.

Not long after Li Quan left, a curly figure of Hiring appeared at the entrance of the study, leaning back, and his voice was soft and charming, "The woman is gentle and gentle, and I am here to visit Lord Shadow Killer."

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and took a look, his eyes also showed a fascinating color. If Long Geyue and Shijian belong to the kind of flowers that have just bloomed, then the woman in front of him is like a charming and charming flower, in full bloom. Extreme, looks and temperament, all with mature charm, belong to the kind of role that takes all ages.

I had heard that Mrs. Meng Haixing was smart and smart, with a Qiqiao and exquisite heart. I didn't expect her appearance and temperament to be so breathtaking.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Meng, please come in." Zhuo Bufan said.

Wanrou raised her head and looked at Zhuo Bufan with a pair of Qiushui eyes. She only felt that she had an elegant temperament and vigorous vitality. It was not like the old school she had imagined, and she also brought some young heroic soldiers. Just a few days after taking office, she could overwhelm the Lei family. But anger, belongs to the kind of rare existence.

She stepped into the study room, and suddenly heard her oops, tilted her body, her footing was unstable, and she fell directly into Zhuo Bufan's arms.

Nephrite jade is fragrant, and the fragrant breeze is tangy.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, completely unexpected the other party's move.

"I'm sorry, Lord Shadow Killer, the little girl is too nervous." A blush rose on Wanrou's cheeks, but she did not immediately get up. Instead, she stretched out her slender fingers to grasp Zhuo Bufan's arm and squeezed it lightly.

"Madam, please take self-respect." Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows tufted, and soft power gushing out of his body, directly supporting her.

Upon seeing this, Wanrou had to stand up, winking like silk and said, "Master Shadow Killer, I heard that you have imprisoned the second son of the Lei family, Lei Ting, and now you have arrested Lei Hao, the eldest son of the Lei family. The Lei family has already begged. Jing Yunhou, and four deputy domain masters, I heard that they will be coming to Meixing soon."

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