Chapter 2506 Dragon Race History

"The default?"

Although Zhuo Bufan looked confused, the Hongshan Realm Master looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile but not a smile: "Shadow Killing King, I have also heard about you, and it is reasonable to be internally determined."

Zhuo Bufan knew that the realm master of Hongshan might also think he was Jiang Cheng's disciple, so he would get the default quota.

But the mystery of this, he is inconvenient to explain, he can only choose to default.

"Hongshan Boundary Lord, I don't know where the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land is?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

He has checked some related materials in the Star Alliance, among them, the ‘Great Nirvana’ and the ‘Ancestral Dragon Holy Land’ are kept secret, and there are not many records.

"In addition to telling you to go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land this time, I will also explain to you the reason for the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land." Hongshan Jie said.

"The dragon race is the pinnacle race in the universe, even countless times more powerful than the mechanical race, but relatively speaking, the number is extremely rare, even rarer than the mechanical race. It has been recorded in history that when the dragon race reached its peak, the number of people No more than two million."

The universe is vast and endless, and there are tens of trillions of practitioners like the human race, which is indeed extremely rare compared to the two million people of the dragon race.

Although every practitioner of the Dragon Clan is strong, the number is too scarce after all.

"The dragon blood of the dragon can activate the'power of blood' in the practitioners. It is known as the supreme treasure in the universe. It is something that countless practitioners dream of. The dragons did not participate in the war in the universe, but they are innocent. For its sins, the powerhouses of all races covet the dragon blood of the dragon clan."

"That was really an era when the strong came out in large numbers. At that time, I was just a little guy who had just set foot in the realm." The realm master Hongshan said slowly, his eyes a little misty, as if he recalled the original era.

Although wars broke out in the universe and conflicts between groups continued, the names of amazing people emerged in that era, and a peerless powerhouse with a shining reputation in the past and present emerged.

"Although the dragon race is powerful, all the peak races, including the strong people of the human race, covet dragon blood. Dragon blood can activate the bloodline and strengthen the Eucharist. Some people even use dragon blood to strengthen their Eucharist to the'prime ancient' level. "

The three levels of Beast, Ancient, Primordial, and Eucharist.

"Countless people are crazy about it, and the dragon clan is in the greatest crisis. Seeing that the dragon clan is about to perish, at this time Emperor Shang has appeared." When the Lord Hongshan talked about the two words, the expression on his face became extremely awed.

"Is Emperor Shang again?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and listened carefully.

"Emperor Shang helped the dragons to avoid the crisis of extinction. The powerhouses of the peak groups were also frightened by the emperor. They promised not to invade the dragons. However, they still coveted the dragon blood, so they reached an agreement with the dragons After a while, geniuses from all races will go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land in exchange for dragon blood."

Hongshan Realm Master slowly explained: "Now the time for the opening of the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land has come again, all ethnic groups will send their geniuses into the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land. In addition to capturing dragon blood, this is also a trial and battle for the geniuses of all ethnic groups. "

"That's it." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

He is currently at the nine levels of the Asura body, in fact, it can only be regarded as a ‘beast’ level Eucharist, and the clone fused with the Gorefiend’s sacred body, I’m afraid it has reached the level of the ‘Ancient’ Level Eucharist.

"Now each family has sent strong people to the Star Alliance to compete. In the end, there will be about a hundred geniuses eligible to go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land. After about a year, you can set off together." Hongshan Jie said.

One year.

One year later, go to Zulong Holy Land.

Ye Ziqin said that he received a mission and mentioned in the letter that ‘the two will be able to meet soon’. Could it be that Ye Ziqin will also go to the Ancestral Land.

In this regard, Zhuo Bufan faintly has some expectations.

"Shadow Killer, I have told you everything about the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land. You should also prepare well. After all, those who can go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land are all super geniuses of various races. The Celestial Star Territory appears, and the Shadow Killer has already fought with them." Hongshan Realm Master warned.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, thinking of Flitta, his expression became more solemn, that guy's strength was indeed the strongest genius he had ever encountered, even if it was Xie Tian, ​​in front of Flitta, he couldn't be called a genius.

"I have played against each other, it is indeed very strong." Zhuo Bufan said.

"The sword's edge is sharpened. The Ancestral Dragon Holy Land is a sharpening stone. Who can sharpen it more sharply? Who will smash the halberd and sink the sand in it, and there will be a result at that time." Hongshan Boundary Master smiled, "Me too It's almost time to return to the Star Alliance."

"The realm master Hongshan is so anxious to leave? I haven't fulfilled the friendship of a landlord yet." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Next time, when the King of Shadow Killer returns from the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land, it will be fine to host a banquet for me." Hongshan Realm Master said.

"Well then, I'll send it to Hongshan Realm Master." Zhuo Bufan stood up and said.

Sending the Hongshan Realm Master out of the mansion, the opponent's figure was illusory, and he teleported directly away from the charm star.

Zhuo Bufan carried his hands on his back, raised his head, looked up at the endless sky, and pressed his lips tightly into a straight line and raised them slightly, "Ancestral Dragon Holy Land, the powerhouse of all races in the universe, and perhaps someone stronger than Veritas, or People look forward to."


The Star Alliance headquarters, a floating continent.

Thousands of towering jade pillars linger in the white mist, and an arc of light in the sky falls down like a large bowl, covering an extremely wide area, forming a barrier on which there are various primitive runes wandering.

And above this continent, there are countless cultivators standing in the air, with a strong desire to fight in their eyes.

A young man with long black hair in strong clothes stood in the air, with a slashed face with a bit of fortitude. I saw flashes of electric arcs all over him, giving people a very dangerous feeling. .

"Lei Yuan, it's been a long time since I saw you." At this moment, a young man with short steel stab hair flew next to him, with a sunny smile on his face, his mouth opened, revealing two rows of white teeth.

"Zhang Su?" Lei Yuan frowned as he stared at the young man in front of him.

"Lei Yuan, the challenge is about to begin. I don't know if I can get the quota to go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land. I heard that including the Star Alliance, there are many groups of geniuses in the universe will also go there, I also think Go, I want to fight them." Zhang Su said.

For this fanatical fighting frenzy, Lei Yuan also had a headache. Looking at the appearance of harmless humans and animals, in fact, his strength was heart-shaking, even he had suffered a lot from Zhang Su's hands.

Lei Yuan said: "If you want to get the quota to go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land with your strength, there should be no problem."

"It's best for us to fight Lei Yuan. The last time we played against you was a thousand years ago. I heard that you have already cultivated the Lei Xuan Body of the Lei Family, and your strength should have improved a lot." Zhang Su Staring at Lei Yuan with scorching eyes.

"Really? But you still have to listen to the arrangement of the Tianqi master." Lei Yuan said.

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