Chapter 2523 Lunar Eclipse

Before Zhuo Bufan was in front of Zhuo Bufan, the violent aura surrounding the Iron Rhinoceros King’s body had already destroyed everything around him. The trees and grass were turned into dust, the soil stirred up layers of waves, and the earth trembled. The geniuses who are fighting hard and fighting are looking sideways.

"Oh, it seems that the Iron Rhinoceros King was irritated, and he even took out the Golden Rhinoceros Eucharist!"

"Hey, I think that Human Race kid is suffering."

"Although the Iron Rhinoceros only condenses the Six Seals of Dragon Yuan, it is not because the two brothers, the Yin Eagle and the Mad Eagle, have swallowed too many dragons. In terms of strength, the Iron Rhinoceros is no weaker than the owner of the Eight Seals of Dragon Yuan. "

Whispering one after another, slightly meaningful voices sounded softly from the mouths of the geniuses of the Barbarian Monster Race.

It can be recognized by all the arrogant and arrogant monster geniuses, and the strength of the Iron Rhinoceros can be seen.

As for the geniuses of the human race, they looked worried. Although Zhuo Bufan defeated the electric leopard king, the strength of the electric leopard king is not top-notch, can he block the attack of the iron rhinoceros?

Zhuo Bufan activated the Asura body, and every part of his body skin, including the lower layer of the skin on his face, was creeping with a strange blood evil aura. His whole body was already enveloped in blood, and the Asura body was not weaker than any ‘beast body’.

After all, the ancestor of the Asura body was the pinnacle wild beast in the universe. Although it did not fully activate the power of the bloodline, it was still not an existence that could be underestimated.

"Stars and Shadows-Lunar Eclipse"

A low voice from the throat sounded, Zhuo Bufan's right fist immediately condensed the **** evil aura, the fluctuations that the rich evil aura radiated, made the heart and body chill at the same time, and the hairs burst.

Star Shadow Transformation is a very powerful close killing technique in Shura's Secret Art, and the lunar eclipse is also after Zhuo Bufan exercised the Shura body to the ninth level before it could be mastered.

Rumble! The surrounding air began to be eroded by the rich evil spirit, making a thunderous sound, forming a disc in front of his fist. The whole body was blood red, first the size of a compass, and as the blood evil breath poured in, it gradually grew bigger and bigger, just like one. The blood moon rises.

Together with the color of the surrounding air, it also showed a dull scarlet.

The eyes of King Iron Rhinoceros were cold, full of animal nature, and his huge body was in front of Zhuo Bufan in an instant, and Zhuo Bufan's fists also rushed away, naturally accompanied by that round of blood moon.

The two touched and collided, but they were strangely silent.

And this kind of silent collision is obviously more thrilling than that kind of grandeur.

At this moment, even the barbarian monster geniuses and human geniuses who were fighting with each other around stopped, their eyes widened, staring at the scene in the distance.

The blood moon is like a wheel, slowly turning, releasing endless evil spirits.

The iron rhino king's whole body condenses pale golden light, like an ancient rhino beast, with a machete-like rhino horn on his forehead.


Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and spit out a word gently.

Click! Click...

Cracks appeared in the rhino horn that first came into contact with the blood moon wheel, and the cracks increased at a faster rate.

In the end, the golden light condensed on the surface of the Iron Rhinoceros King was metalized into dots of light, disappearing in the air.

Awning! After a loud noise, King Iron Rhinoceros' body flew upside down like a cannonball, and fell heavily on the ground, splashed with dust, and a splash of scarlet blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Long Yuan, let me save it for you." Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm, the blood-red evil spirit turned into a palm and slapped on the chest of King Iron Rhinoceros, and then a space ring flew out and was tightly held by his palm. , Flew back in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Divine Sense swept away, and there were 612 dragon yuan in the space ring. After swallowing these dragon yuan, it should be possible to break through the earth dragon seal.

Just when Zhuo Bufan solved the Iron Rhinoceros King, there was also a figure flying up in the sky not far away, and then falling heavily. It was the Seven Seals Demon King of the Savage Demon Race, the Black Scale Snake King.

Afterwards, a figure in the forest flew up into the sky, with some tattered clothes and a disturbed breath. Although a little embarrassed, it stood in the air as a victor.

He Xu's strength is not very weak. Although he paid some price, he also successfully defeated his opponent.

He Xu turned his head and his gaze suddenly condensed. The original cold face suddenly tightened. He looked at the Iron Rhinoceros King lying on the ground, his gaze moved, condensed on Zhuo Bufan's body again, and his pupils narrowed slightly.

Somewhat unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan actually defeated the Iron Rhinoceros King. He was shocked by the fluctuations here just now. If it weren't for the entanglement with the Black Scale Snake King, he would want to come over and see the battle.

The strength of that Iron Rhinoceros King is probably higher than that of Black Scaled Snake King. Zhuo Bufan solved the opponent without even being injured, which is enough to make people surprised.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head, looked at He Xu in the sky, and nodded slightly. Then, his line of sight was to look into the distance, where there were tracts of trees collapsed. The battle between Qingzhu and the vulture is not over yet, and he has a strong seal of Nine Dragons. However, it is not so easy to solve.


Zhuo Bufan's figure jumped and ran away directly.

At this moment, the eagle eagle is fighting fiercely with Qinghuan. The little girl who originally thought that it can be easily solved is extremely annoying to the female eagle. Qingyun's attacks are like continuous water, always indecisive, and the defense is very tight and unmarked. Findable.

"Qing Yu Zhan!" Qing Huan let out a soft sigh, two bare hands swept across the air, cyan dark light flowing from his fingertips, and then a wave of fierce blue light condensed in the air, facing the Yin Eagle King like a gust of wind and rain. Burst away.

"Little girl, you irritated me." Yin Jiu King looked fierce and roared.

Suddenly, a large amount of black mist emerged from his body. These mists turned into terrifying savage beasts in the air, which actually blocked countless blue feathers, his pupils tightened, and then he saw a black mist rushing towards him.


Qing Huan ran his palm across the air, and a circle of cyan magic shield emerged, shimmering with a cool luster.

"Jie Jie!" The black mist suddenly wriggled strangely, and a sullen face appeared in front of her eyes, Qing Huan's heart was cold, and the secret was bad.

It turned out that the deity of the Yin Eagle King turned into this black mist, opened his mouth, and said with a grinning smile: "This kind of mother-in-law battle should be over."

The sharp claws lingered in the black mist, directly the traditional cyan array shield, and a cloud of black mist slammed into Qing Huan's abdomen.

The latter flew upside down immediately. The cyan robe was applauded by the wind and broke three tree poles in succession. It finally stopped. The delicate and cold face became paler, and the thin lips overflowed. Very bright blood.

"Do you really want to use that kind of power?" Qing Huan's eyes drooped, her teeth biting her lower lip, and a tangled color appeared on her face.

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