Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2525: Earth Dragon Seal

Chapter 2526 Earth Dragon Seal

"Mine?" Qing Huan looked at Zhuo Bufan in surprise, shook his head and refused: "You defeated the Yinjiu King. This is your thing."

"I just missed it. You just fought him fiercely for so long, and it cost him a lot of energy. Moreover, we are all from the Star Alliance, and we are friends along the way. These things are what you deserve." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's eyes firm, Qing Huan bit her lip, and finally accepted the space ring. She really needed Long Yuan very much.

"Thank you." Qing Huan said softly.

"Well, we should continue on the road. It's late, but the treasure will be taken away by others." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

After such a fierce battle, among those human geniuses who had disdain for Zhuo Bufan, they were completely settled down. After all, Zhuo Bufan got the'default' quota, which has made many people feel unbalanced and want to challenge. His impulse.

Although Zhuo Bufan proved his strength by defeating the electric leopard king, his strength was not enough to match the ‘default quota’.

It was not until this time that Zhuo Bufan defeated the Yin Eagle King, and he completely silenced some unconvincing guys, and the team of Faint Yin gradually led him. Although He Xu felt a little unhappy, he respected his strength. It is also very clear that even he cannot defeat the Yin Eagle King.

The group set off again. After walking for about a day, they found a relatively empty area with some brutal beasts around them. These brutal beasts live here all year round, and they are more aggressive than the brutal beasts outside in terms of fierceness and strength. .

But the only advantage is that the savage beasts here also contain a fairly strong dragon qi, and it is precisely because of the dragon qi that they become vicious.

Everyone decided to rest, Zhuo Bufan planned to absorb some dragon yuan, and the others planned to hunt around to see if they could get some dragon yuan.

In an open space, Zhuo Bufan sacrificed Shura's blood stab and looked around his body to form a protective net.

Then he took out the Dragon Yuan, and the Iron Rhinoceros King got six hundred Dragon Yuan and about 500 Dragon Yuan from the Yinjiu King, which was enough for him to condense the Dragon Seal.

Rotating the star wheel to spread the universe, countless combinations of the power of the stars, bursting out a strong attraction.

The six hundred dragon yuan was directly crushed by the true essence into an earthy-yellow dragon energy, lingering in a ball, and then sensing the huge attraction generated in Zhuo Bufan's body, one after another pouring in from the skin pores, and then converging to the Dantian place.

Dragon Qi is also a kind of energy, but it is stronger than true essence, such as the scorching sun, allowing Zhuo Bufan to exert tremendous power when he displays his boundlessness.

A circle of earthy yellow viscous aura condensed in the dantian, about the size of a baby's fist.

The six hundred dragon yuan swallowed by Zhuo Bufan turned into aura, poured into the dantian along the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, and then turned into strands of light yellow aura and drilled into the sticky mass, making the earthy yellow light mass larger. One point becomes more solidified.

"I don't know what changes will be made by absorbing more Long Yuan?" Zhuo Bufan was a little curious and expectant.

Generally speaking, if you don’t have the pure blood of the dragon clan, you can’t absorb the dragon element. Even the practitioners who have swallowed the dragon blood like Zhuo Bufan and Lei Hao can’t absorb the dragon element, but Zhuo Bufan’s star wheel Yanyu is strong. Incomparably, the dragon was forced to press in the Dantian.

Qing Huan is also absorbing Long Yuan, does she have any secret treasures and methods that can suppress the dragon's energy?

Zhuo Bufan was also curious about Qing Huan's ability to swallow Long Yuan.

After swallowing, after five hundred dragon yuan, Zhuo Bufan spread out his palm. The five thin dragon-qi threads in the palm of his palm have disappeared, replaced by a vague dragon-qi, with a faint “dragon” form, but it is not counted. complete.

"Is this the earth dragon seal formed after having a thousand dragon yuan?" Zhuo Bufan lowered his eyes, looking at the dragon qi in his palm. The earth dragon seal is only the first step. To deepen the earth dragon seal, he needs one. Wanmeilongyuan is upgraded by one rank, and only after five ranks can it reach the Tianlong seal rank.

Fifty thousand yuan?

An extremely terrifying number, I am afraid that only the top guys can achieve such results in cruel battles.

The seal of the earth dragon is just a ticket, just a threshold for the strong to compete.

On the other side, Qing Huan also awoke from the meditation, stood up, spread out his jade palm, and a yellow qi lingered in the palm of his palm, forming a dragon mark in the gathering place.

"The nearby wild beasts have swallowed a lot of dragon energy. Killing them can also get Long Yuan." Qing Huan turned his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, moved his muscles and bones, and said with a smile: "No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat. While hunting savage beasts, let's move forward."

Although the Dragon Yuan collected by hunting wild beasts is not much, compared to fighting against other geniuses and snatching the dragon Yuan from other people, the risk factor is much smaller.

Everyone hunted the brutal beasts all the way, and moved closer to the center of the Azure Dragon Holy Land. At the same time, other teams were doing the same thing. In addition to meeting the Eagle King, Zhuo Bufan and others also met some geniuses from other races. The strength can not be compared with the Yin Eagle King.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan has two owners of the Earth Dragon Seal in this team, and this level of strength is quite not weak.

After some coveted guys discovered the strength of Zhuo Bufan and Qing Huan, they quietly retreated and fled.

Therefore, during the twenty-day journey, I did not encounter too many twists and turns, but I met a genius of the tree clan. Although the number was small, it was extremely difficult to deal with, but in the end I was defeated and fled, leaving a lot of Long Yuan. .

"It takes ten thousand dragon yuan to reach the first-grade earth dragon seal. With this collection speed, who can collect more than ten thousand dragon yuan?"

Zhuo Bufan put a dragon yuan into the space ring, the air was filled with a **** smell, and a ferocious savage beast corpse was lying on the ground, with a huge wound on his abdomen.

In the past twenty days, Zhuo Bufan had only collected a thousand Sha Yuan, which obviously smelled like more wolves and less meat.

I raised my head and looked into the distance. At the end of where I saw my line of sight, I could see a huge green gas hitting the sky, and a thick blue cloud formed in the sky. There should be the center of the Blue Dragon Holy Land, at the current speed. Looking at it, it is estimated that it will be reached within ten days.

"Zhuo Bufan." Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking, a light voice came from beside him.

Zhuo Bufan retracted his mind, turned around, and watched Qing Huan walk in front of him, her eyebrows frowned slightly, her pretty face with a complex color.

"Ms. Qingyun, what's the matter?" Zhuo Bufan asked in confusion.

"I found a place with a strong dragon aura entrenched, but it is obviously hidden by something. The aura is very vague, I am afraid that some geniuses of other races have discovered it." Qing Zhuo whispered and solemnly said.

"Strong dragon spirit?" Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows clumped.

He has already opened up the spiritual world, and the spiritual power is probably comparable to the level of the quasi-world master. Moreover, he has swallowed dragon blood and has a keen sense of dragon energy. He has not found any strong dragon energy entrenched, and Qing Wei has actually discovered it .

"You don't have to worry about how I discovered it, but the dragon spirit is very vague and should be occupied." Qing Huan seemed to see Zhuo Bufan's doubts and said directly.

"We are here to collect Long Yuan, there is no reason to hand over treasures to others." Zhuo Bufan smiled.

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