Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2534: The secret of Qing Huan

Chapter 2535 Qing Huan's Secret

After the mad eagle king finished speaking, he snorted softly, and swept away towards the afterimage of the realm master with a strong wind.

King Kai'Sa and Holy Son Jin Tan also hesitated for a while, and chose a world lord's remnant to fly in. The challenge was successful. Not only could they gain some martial arts insights, but also a large amount of dragon yuan.

On the mountain, only Qing Huan and Zhuo Bufan were left. Neither of them was in a hurry to choose a challenger to shoot. The key is that their eyes converged in the direction of the dragon's head at the same time.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, and he felt a strange feeling in his heart. There was power in the center of the dragon's head that attracted him, and the blood in his body began to boil.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was puzzled, Qing Huan, who was next to him, suddenly flew out and flew away in the direction of the dragon's head. Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but stunned for a while, his expression was a bit weird.

A sense of oppression came from the direction of the dragon's head. The closer to the dragon's head, the more intense the oppression between heaven and earth.

Qing Huan flew in the direction of the dragon's head, which also attracted the attention of King Ning, Kaisha, Saint Son of Jin Tan, King Crazy Eagle, and others. While they fought with the remnant shadow of the world lord next to them, they were secretly surprised. Can't get too close to the dragon's head, Qing Huan can actually pass.

"It seems that the rumors are true!" King Ning was taken aback first, and then secretly said in his heart.

"How can she resist such a strong sense of oppression? Even I can't go deeper." The King of Crazy Eagle was also shocked.

The doubts and surprises in the hearts of Saint Son Jin Tan and King Kai'Sa are no less than that of King Crazy Eagle. Only Zhuo Bufan recovered calm after being surprised. Walking with Qing Huan all the way, this woman hides too many secrets. Is this secret about to be revealed now?

"It's time for me to act." Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist and looked in the direction of the dragon's head, and a frenzy appeared in his black eyes.

There seemed to be something calling him in that direction, that felt like a bloodline connection.


Zhuo Bufan also followed Qing Huan's figure and flew directly in the direction of the dragon's head. Suddenly, a powerful pressure filled in the air poured into his body like a tide.

Facing the pressure from the outside world, the star wheel Yanyu map in the dantian has automatically started to operate. The power of countless stars are connected to each other to form a mysterious starry sky pattern. The swallowing force and the pressure in the air can be swallowed.


"He dare to go in too?"

"what happened?"

King Kai'Sa, King Crazy Eagle, Saint Son of Jin Tan, including King Ning, noticed that Zhuo Bufan was also going to enter the direction of the dragon's head, and their faces showed a touch of surprise.

These two dark horse figures really don't look simple.

Zhuo Bufan and Qing Huan came to the position of the dragon head one after the other, and saw a dragon head with only white bones standing upright. Even if it has been dead for tens of thousands of years, the majesty of the Qinglong Sage cannot be desecrated.

Facing this kind of pressure from the saint, Zhuo Bufan's skin wriggled with blood evil spirits, and blood evil spirits emerged, sketching out the strange and mysterious runes, and the Shura body unexpectedly moved out of its own accord.

In addition to feeling the coercion of the dragon saints, there is also a strong and extreme blood evil aura.

I saw under the white bone dragon head, there was a round blood pool, filled with a thick **** mist, extremely viscous, and even turned into a liquid form from a misty state.

"It's a strong **** breath..." Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised.

Although the aura in the blood pool is not as much as that in the Shura battlefield, in terms of quality... I am afraid that the blood crystal peak can't match it.

Zhuo Bufan's Asura body started to operate automatically, and it also had a great relationship with the blood pond. The attraction he felt at the top of the mountain should also come from the blood pond.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan's sight shifted from the blood pool to mid-air, and a figure in a green robe stood in the air. It was Qing Huan. Qing Huan's body was surrounded by a blue aura, and his arms were already covered with dense blue scales, together with that cold tip. There are also a few blue scales on the side of Qiao's cheeks.

"In fact, half of my body’s blood is the Azure Dragon bloodline. My mother is from the Azure Dragon clan. My father is a strong player in the Star Alliance. But since my mother followed my father and left the Azure Dragon clan, the Azure Dragon clan has removed her. This time To go to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land, my purpose is to let the Azure Dragon clan accept me and recognize me.

A faint voice suddenly sounded in Zhuo Bufan's mind.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Qing Huan to have such a secret. Some of the previous things can now make sense. It is no wonder that Qing Huan's keen perception of Long Yuan is stronger than him. This can also explain why Qing Huan was able to set foot on the top of the mountain.

"Do you want to gain some inheritance from the Azure Dragon Sage?" Zhuo Bufan's eyes condensed on the dragon's head, a cloud of emerald green mist, "but it should not be easy, and even dangerous."

Zhuo Bufan could feel a kind of potential danger from that Bi-color Danqin, even he did not dare to enter it easily. Qing Huan had half of the Azure Dragon bloodline, maybe he could try, but obviously it was not that easy to complete the inheritance.

"After all, I need to try it, otherwise I can't fulfill my mother's wish. This trip to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land is also wasted." Qing Huan said calmly, "Anything is not easy, you have to pay if you want to get it."

After all, Qing Huan's robe flew, and there was only a sense of determination in his beautiful eyes, and he flew straight to the dragon head with the green egg.

When Qing Huan approached the group of emerald green eggs, a group of green light immediately wrapped it, and then ‘swallowed’ it in.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, wondering if Qing Huan could successfully obtain the Blue Dragon Inheritance, and then his gaze fell below the dragon's head, a round pool filled with a strong blood evil breath, and the strong evil aura was sticky. Intention, the fluctuations that came from it made Dezhuo Bufan's body uncontrollably excited.

The Asura body cultivates the fierce and evil aura, and although the amount of the evil aura in this blood pool is not comparable to that of the blood crystal peak, its quality is far beyond that of the Asura battlefield.

"Could it be..." Zhuo Bufan suddenly rounded his eyes and thought of a terrible thing.

Is it possible that what remains in the blood pool below the dragon head is the remnant thoughts and fierce aura of the Lord of the Candle Dragon Realm? The dragon aura above the dragon head has been suppressing this strong fierce aura.

"Since I'm here, there is absolutely no reason to shrink." Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath, his black pupils gleamed, and then he flew directly towards the blood mist under the dragon's head.

As soon as the body entered the blood mist range, the traction fluctuations suddenly became violent, blood qi under the skin began to squirm, forming strange runes all over the body, palms, arms, neck, and cheeks were squirming blood. For the first time, the Shura body passively stimulated its complete form.

"Blue Dragon Sage, let me go out!" A stern roar was like thunder.

Zhuo Bufan furrowed his sword eyebrows, and at the same time he jumped in his heart, only to feel his scalp numb. Isn't he still dead?

In the blood mist, in front of him, a vague and huge figure slowly emerged. From vague to clear, an indescribable sense of pressure caused De Zhuo Bufan to slow down his breathing rhythm.

"Lord of the candle dragon!" Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and said in deep thought.

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