Chapter 2548 Star God Tree

In the sky, the demon geniuses suddenly became quiet, their eyes converged to the source of the sound, and a shadow slowly flew out from the crimson beam of light. The figure was burly, and the eagle looked at the wolf and gave it to everyone. A strong sense of oppression.

Judging from the vigorous vitality carried by the latter, the other party not only got the inheritance of the Red Dragon Saint, but also condensed the Heavenly Dragon Seal.

"Chen Yun, why did Jin Tan die?" Jiang Tai's gaze fell on Chen Yun, and he asked in a deep voice.

Chen Yun frowned. Everyone is the inheritor of the Demon Temple, and they are all arrogant geniuses. He hates Jiang Tai's arrogant attitude, but the strength of the other party is recognized by the Nine Great Temples. The first strong.

"It was killed by a human genius." Chenyun said.

"Who is it? Who can kill Jin Tan?" A deep ice-like chill appeared in Jiang Tai's eyes.

"Shadow Killer."

Jiang Tai clenched his fists, and a hideous look appeared on his face. Although he and Jin Tan are brothers, they have joined different temples. Moreover, the practitioner has a long life. Even his own son is very likely because Shouyuan arrived, and died in front of him. In fact, such things as family affection are very indifferent.

But everyone in the demons knew that Jin Tan was his younger brother Jiang Tai. If this hatred was not reported, wouldn't it make everyone laugh in secret.

"Jin Tan had the magic weapon'Dark Gold Demon Seal' bestowed by the Dark Temple in his hand. It was created by rubbing the Dark Temple Town Hall magic weapon. Even if he loses his opponent, he should be able to protect himself and his life and escape, but he still died. ?"

"The opponent's strength should be the top genius in the human race, not to be underestimated."

Jiang Tai has a keen mind and is not arrogant enough to think that he is invincible in the world. He squeezed his fists and the joints creaked, "However, if I meet him, I can't just let him go."

In the sky, Ye Ziqin Qinqiao's face slightly changed color standing on the side, her eyebrows frowned, she was a little worried. She knew Jiang Tai's strength very well, recognized as the first strength among demon geniuses, which was quite terrifying.

"You must find an opportunity to inform Xiao Fan so that he will not meet Jiang Tai." Ye Ziqin secretly said in his heart.

After entering the ancient battlefield, Ye Ziqin didn't dare to use the Pisces jade pendant to send messages to Zhuo Bufan because there were always people from other demons around him. Now he can only risk reminding him.


The eastern region of the ancient battlefield, a barren land.

A lonely figure is sitting cross-legged on a rock, cultivating intently, this person is Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes, a touch of joy appeared on his face, and his palms, a crystal-clear jade pendant floating in the palm of his hand, blood lingering in the jade pendant.

"Xiao Fan, Jiang Tai already knows about your killing Jin Tan Shengzi. He will definitely seek revenge from you. Jiang Tai's strength is very scary. Don't do it, Ye Zi."

The language is very simple, but Ye Ziqin's deep concern is reflected.

Zhuo Bufan folded his five fingers together, held the jade pendant in his palm, and a soft arc was lifted at the corner of his lips.

"Jiang Tai? If you really meet, you don't know who will kill you." Zhuo Bufan smiled. During this period of tranquility, his six reincarnation martial arts have strengthened a bit, and he even yearned to meet a real opponent. , Can let him sharpen the blade.

He didn't reply to Ye Ziqin. He was already very happy to receive Ye Ziqin's message, proving that Ye Ziqin was also in this ancient battlefield, breathing the same sky with him, and the two could meet soon.

That kind of meeting hundreds of years later made Zhuo Bufan's heart surge, and his thoughts for five hundred years have been suppressed by him.

"In the universe, strength is respected, what demons, what star alliance, as long as you have stronger strength, no one can stop me from bringing you back." Zhuo Bufan clenched his fist, staring at the distant horizon, black pupil Nei's eyes became extra firm.

After receiving the Pisces jade pendant, Zhuo Bufan didn't reply to Ye Ziqin, because he was afraid that Ye Ziqin would have other demon geniuses around him. Now is not the time to expose the relationship between the two.

With a strong step on the sole of the foot, the rock under his foot immediately cracked, and Zhuo Bufan turned into an afterimage and swept straight ahead.

After about a few days, Zhuo Bufan’s sight was filled with yellow sand, and his body was covered with a barrier of true essence to block the erosion of wind and sand. Not far in front of him, he could vaguely see the outline of a city, judging from its outline, it was quite huge. The city wall has long since been eroded and turned into ruined walls.

On the ruins filled with wind and sand, a lot of dark shadows can be seen entering, obviously the geniuses rushing here.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and flew directly towards the ruined city in front of him.

According to the current situation, the fastest way to collect enough dragon yuan is to plunder.

And the ruined city in front obviously gathers a large number of geniuses with many dragon yuan, and everyone will try to collect dragon yuan as much as possible before rushing to the Ancestral Dragon Holy Land.

When Zhuo Bufan arrived at the gate of the city, the bluestone city wall with a height of about several hundred feet stood up, giving people a feeling of heavy oppression, and the bluestone was covered with moss, and some traces of the formation could be seen, but it is now damaged. Obviously It didn't work.

Entering the city, you can feel many powerful auras, and when Zhuo Bufan entered the city, he also felt the detection of many spiritual powers, but he took it back in an instant.

He now possesses the Heavenly Dragon Seal, which is already at the level of the ‘high-level genius’ in the ancient battlefield. Even if someone covets the Dragon Yuan on him, he still needs the strength to seize it. Otherwise, it’s just a goat.


Zhuo Bufan frowned. There were no battle fluctuations in the city as he imagined. The geniuses in each group seemed to be very peaceful and did not fight for Long Yuan.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan flew to the top of a tall building, looked towards the city center, his eyes widened.

In the center of the city, there was an extremely splendid brilliance. A sacred tree with a huge trunk grew there. The dense canopy covered hundreds of kilometers, occupying almost one-tenth of the entire city.

And above the sacred tree is protected by a transparent wave-like light shield, which blocks the breath it emits. This is why Zhuo Bufan didn't feel it for the first time after entering the city.

In the buildings on the four sides of the sacred tree, there are densely packed figures, including the geniuses of various groups. It seems that everyone is waiting for the sacred tree to fully grow up.

"That's how it is." Zhuo Bufan finally understood that these people did not fight for the Dragon Yuan the first time, it turned out that such treasures were growing in the city.

Zhuo Bufan's sight was still concentrated on the sacred tree. The branches of the sacred tree were dense and shimmering with brilliance. Upon closer inspection, the brilliance turned out to be like tiny stars, shining endlessly.

Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth slightly, his heart was shocked, "Is this a star tree?"

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