Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2558: Endless devouring

Chapter 2559 Endless Devouring

The sudden scene made everyone in the field stunned. No one expected that the sacred tree would suddenly'explode', turning into countless turquoise light and dust, and these light and dust contained terrifying star power. .

The light that originally condensed in the palm of the mandala was also directly dissipated. At this moment, it is no longer suitable for fighting to seize the source of stars.

Zhuo Bufan, who was surging with surging vitality in his dantian, also condensed his aura, staring at the green light and dust around him in shock.

"Hurry up and take in the star power!"

"Speed, we can also swallow star power..."

For a time, countless geniuses sat in the void, using their own means to swallow the star power that filled the sky and the earth. The tree of stars was completely transformed into an energy body. Even the geniuses who did not get the star source can quickly absorb the star power. , Condense the power of stars.

Upon seeing this, Mantuo, Big Rock King, Teng Snake King and others also gave up the fight, directly searched for an open place, and began to swallow the star power in the air.

While they were devouring the star power, a green circular barrier appeared on the surface of their bodies, which enveloped them, apparently because they had a star source. When they absorbed the star power, the Astral Tree would automatically give it to them. They form a defensive shield to avoid being attacked by others.

Zhuo Bufan also looked for an open area and began to sit cross-legged. Sure enough, the star source in his body was dragged by the star force, and took the initiative to form a defensive shield.

This kind of power is connected with the power of the entire sacred tree. I am afraid that even if the world master descends, it is extremely difficult to smash this energy shield.

"Star Wheel Yanyu Tu!"

Zhuo Bufan circulated the star wheel Yanyu map in secret, and a strong devouring force burst out in the dantian, and the continuous green air current in the space gathered towards him like a match.

Each of Lei Yuan, Luo Xin, and Chen Hui gathered ten emerald green energy bands, while Mantuo had twelve air currents. As for Tianmei and others, ten air currents gathered.

Zhuo Bufan's body has hundreds of air currents training, and he has become a powerful vortex, whose speed is far surpassing other geniuses with star sources.

In the dantian, what is constantly converging is the power of the stars formed by the power of the stars.

In a short time, the power of tens of thousands of stars was born in the dantian... and this speed is still increasing.

The practitioner's body and the dantian are like containers, and how much the power of the stars can hold is closely related to the physical body and the strength of the dantian.

"Sura body!"

In order to condense more star power, Zhuo Bufan directly aroused the Asura body.

Time passed slowly, and now Zhuo Bufan's dantian had accommodated the power of about one hundred thousand stars, and it was still growing. Both the physical body and the dantian had a faint feeling of reaching a bottleneck.

The power of the stars is too much, and there is no refining. If it is too much, it will burst out and damage the dantian.

At this moment, the star wheel Yanyu figure differentiated a kind of suppressive force, entwining all the power of the stars, suppressing the power of the stars.

About a moment later, Luo Xin opened his eyes first, and the blue light mask on his body also disappeared, and then the light masks on Chen Hui and Lei Yuan also disappeared, and the power of the stars they absorbed had already reached. limit.

Including the Demon King Sky Demon King, the Rock King Big Rock King, and the Savage Monster King Teng Snake King also opened their eyes.

Naturally, the rest of the geniuses need not say much. Without a star source, they are slow to breathe in and cannot control the power of so many stars.

When everyone recovered again, they discovered that only Mantuo and Zhuo Bufan were left in the arena, who were still absorbing the star power, especially the latter was wrapped in hundreds of green pistols, and the speed of swallowing caused People were horrified.

"How can this guy absorb so fast, can he accommodate so much star power?" Lei Yuan stared at Zhuo Bufan in horror.

"Shadow Killer, there should be some hole cards." Although Luo Xin's expression did not change much, the shock in his eyes was not much weaker than Lei Yuan.

As for Chen Hui and others, they were a little numb by Zhuo Bufan's performance, standing in place like a sculpture.

After about half of the incense stick, the mask on the surface of the mandala of the mechanical race also disappeared, then opened his eyes, stood up, moved some arms and neck, with a bright smile on his face, clenched his fists, and looked away. Jingmang said: "The feeling of strength is really good."

Suddenly, King Mantuo glanced at his head, then widened his eyes, and saw that not far from him, there were people who could insist on absorbing the star power, and the absorption speed was ten times faster than him.

"Who is this guy?" Manduo Wang frowned and squeezed his fists.

"King Mantuo, this guy is the shadow killer of the human race, and his strength is very strong. I am afraid that it is above the thunder source." Teng Snake King Secret Art transmitted voice.

"King of Shadow Killer, what a familiar name?" King Manduo frowned more tightly, but his eyes became extremely cold. The other party could absorb so much star power, and he was obviously carrying a strange treasure.

Flita escaped from the territories of the human race after being defeated by Zhuo Bufan. This incident vaguely spread to the machine race. However, Flita ordered no one to tell the situation at the time for the sake of face. Manduo King also only knew about it. .

The power of stars in Zhuo Bufan's body had reached an extremely terrifying amount at this time, and the dark pubic field without Gen was lit by countless stars, like a vast and bright starry sky, containing endless power.

In the center of the dantian, there are five Yuanli vortexes.

Zhuo Bufan’s physical cultivation base, his spirit and state of mind, have fully met the requirements. What he lacks is the power of stars. Now he has the power of endless stars, and he directly condenses the vortex of vitality by relying on the stars of the star tree. Because of the isolation of the breath of heaven and earth, the robbery cloud has not been lowered for the time being.

After half the incense stick, the aquamarine mask on Zhuo Bufan's body also disappeared.

"King of Shadow Killer, hand over your treasures, otherwise I will kill you immediately." Manduo King saw Zhuo Bufan's body mask disappear, his face appeared hideous, and his eyes were full of greed and desire.

"If you want my treasure, come and get it by yourself!" Zhuo Bufan's mouth turned up, revealing a weird smile.

King Mantuo didn't put him in his eyes either. After all, he had already checked Zhuo Bufan's strength just now. He was just a realm king who had gathered a vitality vortex. There must be some heaven-defying treasure on his body before he could get the star source.

The figure of King Manduo disappeared in place, turning into a strong wind and rushing towards him.

"The King Manduo is really greedy, but sometimes it's not a good thing to just forget about the opponent by looking at the treasure." The Heavenly Charm King held his slender arms in both hands, opened his red lips slightly, and murmured softly.

"What do you mean, King Tianmei? Don't you say that the Shadow Killer of Human Race is stronger than King Manduo?" Teng Snake King frowned and asked.

The mechanical clan is recognized as a group of strong people in the universe. Although the number is small, its strength is undoubted, especially the strength of the Manduo King, which is completely comparable to the Eight Elementary King.

"Just look at it and you will understand." Tianmei Wang said lightly, his beautiful eyes staring at Zhuo Bufan for an instant.

When Zhuo Bufan saw King Mantuo roaring, he directly unlocked the seal of his dantian, and the five Yuanli vortices turned crazily, and the dark clouds in the sky gathered from all directions to a point, like a heavy collapse.

"Jie Yun?" King Mantuo naturally sensed it, and even raised his head with a look of surprise on his face.

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