Chapter 2580

"It's all for this reason, it's impossible for King Bei Cang to give up the opportunity."

"Always try, even if I lose, I am willing."

Seeing the two golden vortexes appearing in the sky, the genius practitioners on the square raised their heads, and many people's eyes flashed with hot light, and then they swept into the sky and rushed into the golden vortex of their respective camps. .

Zhuo Bufan shook the gold medal in the handshake, and also rushed into the sky with Lei Yuan, King Ning and others. Lei Yuan and King Ning knew that it was not easy to stand out among the heroes, but they were able to fight against some masters, and they also had some influence on their own cultivation. Considerable benefits.

What's more, if you choose to give up easily in the face of difficulties, you will plant a heart demon for the Taoist heart on the road of spiritual practice in the future, and it is extremely difficult to erase the influence.

In the demons camp, a man with long black hair and black stomachache raised his head, his gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan who had entered the golden vortex, a rather cold arc was outlined at the corner of his mouth, and he murmured: "Shadow Kill the king, this time is your death date."

When the voice fell, the latter also turned into a black mist and rushed into the golden vortex.

About 30% of the geniuses left in the square chose to give up this opportunity to compete for the blood of the ancestor dragon. It is life-threatening to compete.

The remaining geniuses were all entrenched in the square, and they simply sat cross-legged and began to meditate and practice. Those who can enter the ancient battlefield, who are not outstanding practitioners and geniuses of various groups, but here, their original light becomes dim. After I got down, I only knew what it was like.

"Every patriarch also come in with me." The old man Zulong said softly.

Later, the patriarchs and landlords of all races rushed into the palace. The palace was not magnificent, but there was a sense of solemnity.

The old ancestor dragon sits in the first place. As for the patriarchs of the four tribes, they sit on both sides, and the leaders of the other tribes take their seats in turn.

"Qingyan, the seal of the sacred stele of your Qinglong clan has been unlocked?" The old ancestor dragon looked at the Qinglong patriarch and asked.

The patriarch of the Azure Dragon arched his hands and nodded: "Well, yesterday, the Shadow Killer helped us the Azure Dragon clan to break the seal on the Azure Dragon Sacred Stele."

"Shadow Killing King?" The old man Zulong nodded slightly, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, he was chosen by Emperor Shang as the inheritor?"

"The Qingyan patriarch, I would like to congratulate you, the Qinglong tribe. For tens of thousands of years, the Qinglong tribe has been at the bottom of every clan ratio. Now the seal of the Qinglong sacred stele has been released. I believe it will not be long. Be the last one at a time."

A middle-aged man in a black robe sat opposite the Qinglong Patriarch, who looked at him with a smile and said.

"Patriarch Black Dragon, you don't need to worry about our Qinglong tribe's affairs. Next time, you still think about whether your Black Dragon tribe will become the bottom." The Qingyan patriarch hummed softly.

The Black Dragon Patriarch's face sank slightly, and he also snorted softly.

The old ancestor dragon is not surprised at this. Although they are all members of the dragon clan, there are also battles and comparisons with each other. This kind of internal fighting will only make the dragon clan internally competitive, but it will not cause major troubles, right. Therefore, he also opened one eye and closed one eye.

"Are there any better practitioners of your races?" The old man Zulong asked with a smile.

"Our Qinglong clan is naturally the Shadow Killer, and Lei Yuan, the inheritor of the Thunder God Realm Lord, the direct descendant of Ning Ni Han War God Realm Lord..." The Qinglong patriarch returned.

The black dragon clan chief said: "Our black dragon clan has accepted Jiang Tai, the saint son of the Demon Temple, the first temple of the demon clan, and the saint Luo Lianxin of the Ice and Snow Temple, and the disciples of the Star Alliance saints Yu Wei and Yaohu. , It's a good seed."

"We, the Red Dragon clan, have Zhang Su, the great disciple of Saint Xia Ling, and the King of Blow Yan from the Yan clan..." said the Red Dragon patriarch.

The eyes of everyone fell on the patriarch of Jinlong.

"Human cultivator Daojun." The patriarch Jinlong pondered for two seconds before suddenly speaking.


Just such a person?

"He doesn't have a strong background, but according to the information from the Star Alliance, he should be from the same doomsday planet as the Shadow Killer, and finally joined the Star Alliance, but the strength of this person, I can only use two words. Describe-horror." Jinlong Patriarch said with a serious expression.

Hearing the evaluation of the Golden Dragon patriarch, the leaders and patriarchs of the various races showed a hint of surprise, allowing the Golden Dragon patriarch to say these two words, which shows that the strength of the former is indeed extraordinary.

"I hope there won't be any accidents this time." There was a dark color in the depths of the old man Zulong's eyes quietly passing by, in the ancient battlefield, he faintly felt the familiar and dark aura.

"Patriarch Qinglong, do you want to make a bet?" Patriarch Black Dragon suddenly looked at the patriarch Qinglong and asked with a smile.

"Oh, what do you want to bet on?" Clan Chief Qinglong frowned.

"It's very simple, just bet that the one who can get the most Dragon Yuan is the genius from your Azure Dragon tribe or the genius from my Black Dragon tribe." Heilong clan chief said.

The patriarch of the Qinglong frowned slightly. Although the Qinglong clan has a shadow killer, there are more famous geniuses on the black dragon clan, including the saint son and saint of the demon clan, as well as the descendants of the two star alliance saints.

"The patriarch, since the Black Dragon patriarch wants to add some color, it is as his wish. It happens that my Azure Dragon needs a lot of dragon yuan for the juniors to practice. After all, the seal of the Azure Dragon Sacred Stele is cracked, and the cultivation techniques in it will consume the dragon yuan. It's also quite big." At this moment, the realm master Qingyan who was sitting aside suddenly said.

The patriarch of Qinglong looked at the realm master of Qingyu, and saw some confident light in the latter's eyes. It seemed that the realm master of Qingyu was also very optimistic about Zhuo Bufan.

"Well, I don't know what Black Dragon Patriarch wants to bet on?" Qinglong Patriarch said.

"How about ten million Dragon Yuan?" The Black Dragon patriarch smiled slightly. In his opinion, this time was enough to make the Azure Dragon clan lose a fortune.

"Okay, I promise you." Clan Chief Qinglong said readily.

"Lord Zulong testifies, no one can go back." Heilong patriarch showed a triumphant sly smile on his face.

This bet is harmless, and the old man Zulong did not oppose it.


Rushing into the golden vortex, a burst of time and space chaos.

When Zhuo Bufan saw his surroundings thoroughly, he realized that there was a barren starry sky.

"It is unpredictable to be able to create a time and space." Zhuo Bufan was secretly surprised.

He could feel the true essence flowing in this space, and he was sure that it was not an illusion or a small secret realm, but a real time and space.

After reaching the realm of the realm, mastering some laws of time and space, you can construct a space on your own, and possess the supreme power, but even some realm owners may not necessarily be able to evolve a time and space.

Only a few realm masters who understand the laws of time and space can do this.

And in this time and space, their every move may be known to Lord Zulong, but Zhuo Bufan is not worried about revealing too many secrets. After all, the dragon and human races are friendly. From the first generation of Lord Zulong and Emperor Shang The relationship can be seen. When the dragons were attacked by powerful people from various groups, the Emperor Shang stood up to protect the dragons and prevent them from being overthrown.

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