Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2584: Blood Shark Shura Body

Chapter 2585 Blood Fiend Asura Body

Demon body!

At this moment, the practitioners around, deliberately suppressed a series of exclamations. As one of the few geniuses who have cultivated to the ‘Ancient Level’ Eucharist, Jiang Tai’s Demon God Body has long been famous and fierce.

"King of Shadow Killer, you should feel lucky to let me use the demon body to kill you." Jiang Tai raised his palm, his entire arm was filled with lines like magic ants, surrounded by a cold black mist, and the palms were separated from each other. Facing Zhuo Bufan's throat, with an extremely provocative taste, lightly stroked it.

Zhuo Bufan remained silent, but he could obviously feel that Jiang Tai seemed to be in pain when activating the Eucharist, and he seemed to have not fully manipulated it yet.

On the contrary, the brows of Qing Huan, Lei Yuan, Ning Wang, and others have become a knot. Jiang Tai was completely irritated, and he had actually stimulated the power of the Eucharist.

"King Ning, who is stronger, your Eucharist or Jiang Tai's Eucharist?" Lei Yuan asked in a low voice while looking at King Ning.

King Ning frowned, then shook his head slightly and said: "My Eucharist has just stepped into the threshold of the'Ancient Eucharist' level. Jiang Tai's Demon God's physique has reached perfection. He only needs the power of the Ancestral Dragon's blood to fully activate the Eucharist. , You will be able to step into the legendary'primordial sacred body' level. I am afraid that by that time, even if you encounter a world master, you will have the power to fight."

King Ning has a steady personality, and he is definitely not the kind of guy who is aimless. Hearing his answer, the worry on the faces of Lei Yuan and others has become even more solemn.

"It seems that the outcome is about to be determined..."

"There is no great guy in the Star Alliance. Some famous people are just trying to come from nowhere, and they are just vain."

"It's a pity, in order to show off, I have to come out and die..."

On the Mozu side, some narrow-minded guys are not stingy with these ridicules at this moment.

Although the geniuses on the Star Alliance side were angry, they were somewhat speechless. Jiang Tai's strength was already there, and if he was tough to use his tongue, he would seem a bit petty.

Although many people outside of Lei Yuan and others are not familiar with Shadow Killer, at this moment, Zhuo Bufan represents their Star Alliance after all. Of course, their hearts are also on the same line with Zhuo Bufan, hope Zhuo Bufan was able to win.

"Jiang Tai, do you think you alone can inspire the Holy Physique?" Zhuo Bufan's lips slightly raised, revealing a curve of contempt, his palms were suddenly clenched into fists, his body was like a rushing river, and thunder rang out from his body. Voice.

A feeling of fiery heat came from the body, burning bones and flesh.


Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth and let out a deep sullen drink.

Under the skin, the squirming blood became more and more intense, and after a short while, all the skins were outlined with strange blood red runes, and the whole body was surrounded by a fierce aura, like a Shura death **** who walked out of hell.

That kind of terrifying and fierce fluctuations made many practitioners who had gathered far away feel the coldness of Bianstone's muscles and bones, and a chill appeared behind them.

"You are the first opponent to let me use Shura's blood evil body, so it should be your honor!" Zhuo Bufan looked at Jiang Tai in the distance, and there was a cold feeling on his face that was not sharp. .

After the tempering of the Azure Dragon True Essence, Zhuo Bufan has completely reached the perfection level of the ‘Ancient Saint Body’, and his physical body can carry all the evil spirits to emerge.

But the only drawback is that the evil spirit is too strong, eroding the Shenhai all the time. In the Shenhai, the rich blood is rolling, trying to invade the soul, but the soul of the demon Tan Lengyan is like a beautiful green lotus, in full bloom In a turbulent river, the river rises with a bright moon, shining on Qinglian, blocking all the scarlet evil spirits that try to break in.

After opening up the spiritual world, Zhuo Bufan has no fear of the erosion of this fierce aura.

At the moment of seeing this scene, the whole space was silent for a moment, and then there was a loud noise resounding.

"Damn it, this guy has so many hidden cards, it's actually at the level of the ancient sacrament?" Lei Yuan's eyes widened and couldn't help but break with excitement.

The sarcastic guys who had just spoken were flushed, and they felt like they were immediately beaten in the face.

"It's also an ancient-level sacred body, it can be a good fight." Jiang Tai was taken aback when he saw this, and then the astonishment in his eyes disappeared completely, replaced with an extremely cruel expression, and his palms were held in the void. A black trident emerged out of thin air.

The trident is densely covered with mysterious and mysterious runes, and the whole body is entangled by mist snakes, revealing a very fierce aura.

Zhuo Bufan also pulled out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and held it in his palm.


Two sharp sounds of breaking the air sounded at the same time, leaving only two vague afterimages in the space.

Jiang Tai clenched the trident in his palms and danced violently. The fierce breath instantly cut through the air and slashed at Zhuo Bufan's head with an extremely domineering attitude, as if he wanted to cut off the former's head directly.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes shone with a stern light, and he grasped the hilt of the sword and swung it out quickly.


The two super magic weapons collided together, and while the sparks flew, a clear sound of gold and iron sounded.

"The King of Shadow Killer, no matter what you have, today you are destined to be my stepping stone." Jiang Tai held the trident tightly, his eyes were faintly entwined with gray mist, his eyes were like electricity, fixedly staring at Zhuo Bufan.

Facing the former's gaze, Zhuo Bufan didn't have the slightest fear. Instead, there was a curve of contempt at the corners of his lips, "I don't know how many people want me to be a stepping stone, but in the end, the results of those people are not very good."

The two collided once, and immediately retreated 100 meters each, looking at each other in the air.

"The devil's sea bites the sky!" Jiang Tai waved the trident in his hand, and swarms of majestic true essence poured into the trident, making the black fog on the trident even more dense.

In an instant, under Jiang Tai's body, a rushing black sea appeared, just like the substance, the black sea rolled and boiled, and the meteorites and fragmented continents in it were completely annihilated. That terrifying sight has caused many people. The scalp is numb.

Jiang Tai's fame is extremely martial arts, and the horror is here.

Zhuo Bufan was running the star wheel Yanyu map at the same time, his eyes were filled with fiery warfare, he opened his mouth lightly, and uttered two words: "Wujiang!"

The golden light blooms on the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, and a vast and boundless aura suddenly spreads. The golden light is transformed into a thousand horses. The golden golden horse and the killing air of fighting on the battlefield suddenly rages open. Under this breath , Anyone will have a sense of insignificance.

The two exhibited the ultimate martial arts at the same time.

Glancing at each other, the two once again brandished the magic weapon in their hands and swept toward each other like lightning.

And the Black Sea below swept away, screaming and rushing as if it flooded the world; the sword light turned into a thousand horses, and with an aura of fearlessness and respect for death, it crushed the clouds and rushed to the black ocean.

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