Chapter 2603

The geniuses of various races come to the Dragon Clan to grind. Once there are enough powerhouses in this space, the second Dragon Clan also has some powerful methods for cultivating physique. You only need to create a certain value for the Dragon Clan to enjoy some training resources. .

On the third day after the clan meeting, Zhuo Bufan finished a set of boxing techniques outside the bamboo house, and his breath was transparent. Although his strength had not been restored to its peak state, he had already recovered about six or seven floors. It only took some time to be able to Completely restored.

"Daojun, next time I fight, I won't fall down so easily." Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fist, looked at the greenery in the distance, and grind his teeth hard.

And when fighting against Daojun and Furita, he sensed the obscure and weird aura from both, but he is still not sure how Daojun and Furita got that kind of power. .

Is it the same as yourself? When he unlocked the seal of the Azure Dragon Sacred Stele, he used the powerful swallowing power of Star Wheel Yanyu Tu to seal that power into his body.

Thinking of this, the light in Zhuo Bufan's eyes converged slightly, revealing a trace of worry and heavy color.

No matter what kind of torrents you will face in the future, only with strong strength can you stand firm under the impact of the turbulent waves. As for worrying about things that have not happened in the future, it is better to take a good footing.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuo Bufan looked at a straight mountain peak directly in front, which was surrounded by white mist.

Huaqingchi is the mountain in front, and that mountain belongs to the territory controlled by another realm master of the Qinglong clan, "Qinggu". The eight realm masters of the Qinglong clan are divided into eight veins. They came to the dragon clan for a few days, Zhuo Bufan also learned something about the Qinglong tribe from Qing Huan's mouth.

The eight veins of the Qinglong clan are commanded by eight realm masters. The Qingyan realm master is the weakest one, and the Qinggu realm master is the strongest of the eight channels.

Zhuo Bufan did not rush to practice in the Huaqing Pond, but cultivated for three days and restored his strength to about the sixth or seventh level, because he knew that he wanted to cultivate in the Huaqing Pond, and I am afraid it was not so smooth sailing.


Turning into a stream of light, Zhuo Bufan flew directly towards the distant mountain peak surrounded by clouds and mist. Suddenly, his figure solidified in mid-air, and then frowned, looking down at the forest below, where some fierce fighting came. Fluctuation, and among them, there is also an aura that he is very familiar with.

In a dense forest below the mountain.

There are three male practitioners, exuding strong and introverted aura fluctuations. They are all strong in the five-dimensional realm king state. Among the figures, there is a blue and elegant figure, one side is dangerous and dangerous. The attack of the three people, one side returned color.

The tall trees all around collapsed, and the ground also left large traces of mess because of the battle.

"I don't know the three of you, why did you suddenly attack me!" The cyan figure flew to avoid the attacking room, and said angrily.

"Fairy Qing Huan, the three of us know that you have just entered the Azure Dragon clan and there is still half of the Azure Dragon clan bloodline in your body. We just want to discuss it with you. If you are willing to give us the space ring, the three of us will stop immediately." Among the three besieged, a brawny brawny man said, but his fist was condensed with vigorous true essence, and he slammed out, causing the two bucket-thick trees to explode into powder.

A cyan arc light lit up, blocking the fist marks from the blast, and the violent air wave spread in a ring shape instantly, turning the thorns and vines in the forest into powder.


The cyan figure was suspended in the air, and a pair of clear and beautiful eyes showed sharp rays of light. There were several broken places on the dress robe, biting silver teeth, and said angrily.

There are many cultivators from outside of the Azure Dragon tribe. For this kind of private struggle, the Azure Dragon tribe generally opens their eyes and closes their eyes, as long as they don't cause too much trouble.

When cultivating here, other people will naturally not take into account that Grandpa Qing Huan is by the side of the realm master of Qingyu. As long as no life is lost, the masters of this kind of fighting will not care. Any genius wants to grow up Will never avoid difficulties in the shade of life background.

"Hey, Fairy Qingzhu, hand over the space ring." Among the three, a man with a clear face and a slightly pale and gloomy smile sneered. After saying that, a black light flew out of his hand, Ula...a sound in the air. Sharp noise.

Seeing this, Qing Huanmei's eyes burst out with sharp rays of light, and a green lightsaber shot out from the cuffs, heading towards the sudden black light.


A crisp crash sounded.

The black light is a sharp dagger, haunting the gloomy black light, the tip of the dagger touches the tip of the Hidden Blade, and in that instant, a circle of ripples swept away.

All three of them are in the realm of the five-dimensional realm king. Although Qing Huan is the six-dimensional realm king, it is obvious that his fists are hard to beat with four hands.

"Fairy Qingzhuo, don't blame our brothers for deceiving too much. Today, the treasure in your space ring, the three of us will decide." The brawny man laughed coldly. Immediately, his body blasted towards Qingzhuo like a cannonball. An earthy yellow halo spreads across the surface of its body, like a human-shaped weapon.


A jade hand protruded from the cuff, stroking the void, a green water curtain blocked in front of the beard-bearded man. The impact of the beard-bearded man was immediately blocked, and his two palms wrapped in yellow light slammed into the water curtain. Want to tear it apart abruptly.

Qing Huan's pretty face was now white with a touch of white, and he was dealing with three people at the same time, and the consumption of true essence and mental power was extremely astonishing.

"Fairy Qing Huan, take things to us, you are the granddaughter of the realm master of Qing Yu, we dare not kill you, but there is no seriousness in your hands that hurt you, no wonder we are." Suddenly, a gloomy and treacherous voice suddenly appeared. Behind Qing Huan sounded.

Qing Huan's face was tense, her eyebrows frowned, and her heart sank, just dealing with the attacks of the two people in front of her, forgetting the third person, and wondering when she had been behind her.


The realm king behind him stretched out his palm, and the majestic true essence condensed into a palm print, whizzing towards Qing Huan's back.

If she withdraws her true essence at this moment to resist the attack from the rear, then the black light dagger and the horned man will immediately get close. She can only resist the palm of her back, and then is looking for a chance to fight back, but she can’t solve the three of them without injury. If you are injured, I am afraid there will be no chance.

Just when the palm prints behind him were close at hand, suddenly a golden light flew from the sky, directly smashing the palm prints condensed by the true essence, and the strong wind flow spread out, sweeping away the dead leaves on the ground, exposing the moist black soil. .

The pupils of the man behind him suddenly shrank like needles, and his body swept back at the same time.

"Three men bullied a woman and attacked from behind. Your cheeks are so thick that they are unheard of." A faint voice sounded, and then a light and shadow in the sky had been swept down.

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