Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2604: Second Young Master

Chapter 2605 the second young master

There was silence in the forest, and even the sound of the wind seemed to have disappeared, only the faint fragrance of vegetation diffused and penetrated into the tip of the nose.

"Is there anyone in the forest?" Qing Huadai frowned, followed Zhuo Bufan's line of sight, and looked into the depths of the forest ahead, her jade hand tightened slightly, her silver teeth biting lightly, "This is really enough trouble today. ."

Obviously, even the cold tempered Qing Huan, under the repeated provocations, has been angered a little, and a touch of irritation has appeared on the sharp face.

"Hehe, the runner-up from the ancient battlefield is somewhat capable!" Suddenly, a frivolous voice came from the silent forest, and then a figure walked out from behind a thick tree, with the soles of their feet on the ground. There was a rustling sound on the leaves.

Zhuo Bufan and Qing Huan looked intently, only to see that it was a handsome and handsome young man with fierceness between his brows. He was wearing a dark cyan outfit and a long knife in a scabbard behind his face. With a faint smile, he approached them.

"Eight Yuan Realm King Realm?" Zhuo Bufan took a look at it, and he felt the other party's realm in his heart.

The young man in front stopped at a distance of ten meters from the two of them, and looked at the faces of Qing Huan and Zhuo Bufan, and the corners of his thin lips raised a slightly provocative arc.

"Second cousin, you, why are you here?" Qing Huan suddenly widened his eyes, staring at the former in amazement, and a clear voice followed.

Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment, and moved his gaze to the former's forehead, and he saw that there were two faintly raised bone marks on his forehead, and the other party had a rather pure and strong dragon energy on his body. He turned out to be a practitioner of the Qinglong tribe. .

Under the lineage of the Qingyi realm master, in addition to a daughter, there are three sons. It seems that the young man in front of him is the second-ranked grandson of the Qingyi realm master, the second young master of the Qinglong clan, and the king of the Bai Yao realm.

Bo Yao's eyes suddenly became cold, staring at Qing Huan, and sternly shouted: "Shut up!"

Qing Huan's sharp and pretty face was slightly unnatural, her teeth bit her lower lip, her eyes drooped, and a look of sadness filled her eyes.

"My Bo Yao does not have your cousin. There are half of the human blood in the body and half of the Azure Dragon blood. You are a... bastard!" Bo Yao realm king said in a cold voice, and when he said the last two words, a touch of contempt appeared on his face. expression.

"I..." Qing Huan raised her head, her pretty face was stunned, her clear eyes were filled with crystal tears, and her eyes were flushed. Obviously the kind of grievance made her extremely uncomfortable. She clenched her palms into fists and had nowhere to rest.


Suddenly, a rapid and sharp sound suddenly sounded.

A straight line of blood was drawn in the air, and with an extremely fierce aura, it violently shot at the Bai Demon Realm King.

The pupils of Demon King Bai suddenly shrank, and he saw a blood spur that was flat in the middle, sharp at both ends, engulfing evil spirits, and rapidly enlarged in his pupils. As soon as his palm was lifted, the cyan dragon aura formed a cyan vortex in his palm, causing the blood thorns that had flown rapidly to immediately. Fall into a solidified state.

"Haha, are you looking for a human being as a backer? Just like your mother, she will only betray our Azure Dragon tribe." The Bai Yao Realm King gritted his teeth, his expression gloomy.

"Fuck your mother's shit!" An angry shout suddenly resounded in the forest.

The face of Bai Yaojie Wang Junlang immediately showed a hideous expression. His eyes gradually became sharp and cold. He stared indifferently at the guy who was ranting in front of him, and the muscles under his eyes twitched a few times. In the Qinglong clan, No one has ever dared to talk to him like this.

Qing Huan Qiao's face was also a little surprised, his eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan's face, his heart seemed to be grasped by one hand, tightly tightened.

In her gaze, Zhuo Bufan’s slightly soft face was now full of evil spirits, like an evil spirit climbing out of hell, with a strange and cold evil spirit creeping on the skin of her arms, even her eyes The signs of redness give people a terrible feeling.


Zhuo Bufan thought of the humiliation he had suffered in Zhuo's family, and he could empathize with Qing Huan's mood and experience at this moment.

"You sent those three people just now?" Zhuo Bufan looked at King Bai Demon Realm, his voice was as cold as Xuanbing.

"Yes, I sent it." Bo Yaojie Wang didn't deny it.

"Master Zulong, the patriarch of the Qinglong clan, and the realm master of the Qingyue clan have already admitted that Qing Huan is a member of the Qinglong clan. Let her enter the Qinglong clan and let her return to the genealogy. You are the second young master of the Qinglong clan. I can't tolerate a woman." Zhuo Bufan sneered coldly.

Bai Yaojie King's face tugged fiercely again, his complexion changed, and the aura of the blue dragon condensed in his palm suddenly intensified, and the blood thorn flew out. The blood spur spared a circle in the air, and once again turned into a **** light and returned to Zhuo Bufan's spatial ring.

"It's good to speak, have the ability to fight with me?" The king of the demon world Bai Bai has a cold look, with a bit of fierce light emerging, his arms suddenly appearing in a blue dragon spirit, and the skin of his arms bulges sharply. Green scales.

"Second cousin, the King of Shadow Killer was injured and he has not fully recovered." Qing Huan heard the words and stopped aloud.

The corners of Zhuo Bufan's lips lifted slightly, and he sneered: "The Demon King Bo even sent someone to bully you and hides in the dark to take a peek. This kind of manly demeanor has been done. How can I care if I am injured? Maybe What Bo Demon King is best at is to take advantage of others?"

Hearing extraordinary words, Bai Yaojie Wang's mouth twitched, his expression gloomy, what this guy said made him feel as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.


With a resounding sound, the king of the demon world Cypress shook away the cyan dragon energy entangling his arm, and all the dragon scales that appeared on the surface of his skin were retracted into his body. I will teach you a lesson and let you know the consequences of speaking badly..."

"You just want to leave like this?" Zhuo Bufan sneered.

"What do you want?" Bai Yaojie Wang frowned, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a cold light.

"Apologize to Qing Huan, even if you don't recognize his cousin, but you send someone to attack her for such an indecent thing, shouldn't you apologize?" Zhuo Bufan said.

Qing Huan bit his thin lip, glanced at Zhuo Bufan with gratitude in his clear eyes, and said, "Thank you, Shadow Killer, no more."

Zhuo Bufan has just entered the Azure Dragon clan, and he has been praised by the patriarch at the clan assembly. There are already some signs of being a big fan. Now that he offends the second young master of the Azure Dragon clan, I am afraid that the future will not be peaceful.

"Let me apologize?" Demon King Bai stared at Zhuo Bufan, was silent for two seconds, and suddenly said with a smile: "You should be going to'Huaqingchi' to practice? If you can successfully enter Huaqingchi, I will Apologize to her, if not... what should I do?"

"If you want to kill or cut, listen and respect!" Zhuo Bufan also responded with a smile.

"Innocent guy." Bai Yaojie squeezed his fist, his lips curled up with contempt.

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