Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2620: Against the Thunder King

Chapter 2621-Battle Against Thunder King

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows tufted slightly, and he followed the sound, betting his gaze away, only to see the sky in the distance, thunder flashing, and a figure like a rushing thunder, a beard, appeared not far in front of him and stopped.

This figure is burly in shape and exudes a restrained and condensed aura. He is wearing a strong black dress, but the left sleeve is rippling in the wind, empty, it is actually a broken arm, the other side's eyebrows are like swords, and the mysterious eyes are exuding. With an ice-like chill, his eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan's face.

However, Zhuo Bufan could perceive that the coldness in the opponent's eyes was not aimed at him, but that he had such a cold look in his own eyes.

Zhuo Bufan's face was filled with suspicion, he couldn't remember how he knew each other, and what hatred he had with him.

"Thunder, presumptuous..." A middle-aged realm master swooped out from the Eight Meridian realm master, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, exuding majesty, staring at the burly young man, and shouted harshly.

Zhuo Bufan knew that this realm master was the realm master of the five veins-the realm master of Qingxi.

So, this burly young man is obviously also a child of Wumai.

"The patriarch and several masters are still here, it's not your turn to be presumptuous, let me go back." The realm master Qingxi said with a stern look.

The Thunder King seemed to have not heard his words, his eyes were still staring at Zhuo Bufan, and he opened his lips: "Do you dare? If you dare not, there are several masters who protect you, and I will not take it. How are you!"

Zhuo Bufan is not stupid. The other party is a child of the Five Meridians. It is obviously for the Blue Eagle King to find his trouble. He crushed the Blue Eagle King’s pass token. Qinghao King had warned him that there was another Blue Eagle King. This extremely powerful brother is obviously the one in front of him.

Seeing the Thunder King so presumptuous, the Qingxi realm master frowned tightly together. Just as he was about to shoot, Zhuo Bufan flew in front of the Thunder King, with a look of expectation on his face, saying: "Just from the Huaqing Pool Come out, I also want to try the strength of the physical body now, and I accept your challenge."

"Patriarch." The leader of the Qingxi realm asked, turning his gaze on the patriarch.

"Compare with each other, until you click." The clan leader Qingyan said in deep thought.

With the approval of the patriarch, the Thunder King turned his head, looked at a valley in the distance, and said, "It's not appropriate to fight here. Let's go there."

After speaking, the whole person once again flew like a thunder, sweeping towards the valley not far away.

"The King of Shadow Killer." Qing Huan frowned, but stopped Zhuo Bufan who wanted to follow Zhuo Bufan immediately. She stood in front of him and said with a worried face, "Do you know who he is?"

"King Thunder, a man of five veins, the elder brother of King Lanying?" Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows slightly.

Qing Huan shook his head and said: "The Thunder King was once the strongest genius of the Qinglong clan. He has reached the Realm Emperor level. However, because of being attacked and attacked, he was seriously injured and his realm fell to the Jiuyuan realm... he was not so easy. To deal with."

"The realm has fallen?" Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Thunder King was once a powerhouse who stepped into the realm of Realm Emperor.

"Let's give up this competition. With the patriarch and several masters, he doesn't dare to force it." Qing Huan's head lightened, his clear eyes filled with worry.

Zhuo Bufan lowered his head slightly and fell into silence.

Qing Huan is his friend who has experienced the ancient battlefield together. She has also seen her own strength and can make Qing Huan say these things. It is conceivable that the Thunder King is not a general generation with a mere name.

"Zhuo Bufan, if you are scared, you should give up quickly, so as not to be beaten to find teeth and lose your face." On the side, King Qinghao had a contemptuous look on his face, and he sneered without any sneer. Tao.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head, his gaze fell on him, a sneered arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "King Qinghao, you don't have to say such things to arouse me, since I have agreed to the challenge of King Thunder, I won't shrink back. On the contrary, you... behave like a villain, for fear that it will insult the name of the'first genius of the Qinglong clan'."

Hearing this, King Qinghao was immediately speechless, his face was red, full of embarrassment and anger, but the patriarch was still here, he didn't dare to shoot Zhuo Bufan directly, his palms could only be clenched into fists, gritted his teeth. Said: "Sticky teeth, wait a minute to be beaten to cry father and mother, I see if you can say these things."

Qing Huadai frowned, pursed her lips, and sighed lightly. She already knew in her heart that even if she told Zhuo Bufan this information, this guy would not give up easily.

"Don't worry, it's not my style to give up before starting the fight." Zhuo Bufan smiled at Qing Huan, and then his figure flashed and turned into a stream of light, flying towards the distant valley, his black eyes restrained in the depths. Excited brilliance, he also wanted to try, how capable this recast body is.

The valley, the trees are as dense as the sea, and the blue water swept across.

The two figures stood facing each other in the sky over the valley.

And everyone knew that when Zhuo Bufan agreed to face the Thunder King, the noise of the sky suddenly sounded, and they gathered around the valley, wanting to witness the battle with their own eyes. Thunder King was once the strongest genius of the Azure Dragon clan, and was once a brilliant. And the dazzling pearl.

"Brother Lei Ting is actually very poor. He was conspired by the Jinpeng clan in the ancient magic land. Not only was he seriously injured and fell, but even his fiancee was buried in the hands of the Jinpeng clan..." In the crowd, Ji Cai Cai pursed her lips and blinked With bright eyes, the sockets are all red.

Demon King Bai took a deep breath and said: "Even if Brother Lei Ting has fallen to the realm of the Realm King, his strength should not be underestimated. Even some Realm Emperor level masters are unwilling to fight him. Zhuo Bufan will lose this time. Up."

In fact, Demon King Bai still thought carefully. He and Zhuo Bufan made a bet. As long as he could successfully enter the Huaqing Pool, Demon King Bai would apologize to Qing Huan, but with the spirit of Demon King Bai, how willing he was.

The valley was mid-air, and the opposing two looked at each other.

With a faint smile on his face, Zhuo Bufan looked at the former and said: "The strongest physical melee of the Qinglong clan, if it really fights, it is very likely that this valley will be destroyed. It is better for us to fight melee and fight with the flesh."

The sound reverberated in the valley, immediately quieting the noise of the sky, and then, the noise of the sound of inhalation was turned away, and the sky's eyes were focused on Zhuo Bufan's body with a shocking color.

"This guy, I don't know if it's an idiot or really arrogant. He wants to fight melee with Brother Lei Ting?" After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, King Blue Eagle gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with sullen and fierce colors.

"This Shadow Killer has a fever in his brain? Dare to fight melee with Thunder King?"

"Why did the Thunder King give the pass token to the Blue Eagle King? That's because his body has reached the pinnacle level of the realm king... actually he wants to fight melee physically?"

Even the indifferent face of King Thunder was slightly moved, frowned, staring at Zhuo Bufan, and said, "Are you serious?"

"I don't have a humorous cell, and I don't like to make jokes." Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, his eyes showed toughness, and he looked directly at each other.

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