Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2626: Polar Crystal Fairy Bow

Chapter 2627 Polar Crystal Immortal Bow

"Tell me, how did you get the blood burning technique at the bottom of the Huaqing Pond?" Qingyan asked directly.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, concealed the star wheel Yanyu map and the black wooden sign he had obtained, and said what he had sensed the origin crystal, and then found a seal under the origin crystal, which contained the flames left by the master of Cangfeng. Blood technique.

"It turns out that Junior Brother Cangfeng sealed the blood burning technique to the bottom of the Huaqing Pond. No wonder the clan has not been able to find any traces." The patriarch Qingyan nodded slightly, and his palm lightly stroked the white beard.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Junior Cangfeng was the junior of the Qingyan patriarch, but the other party could create this secret technique that stimulates the body's potential and temporarily boosts combat effectiveness. Back then, he was also a stunning talent.

"Patriarch, the Burning Blood Technique belongs to the Azure Dragon Clan, I am willing to hand the Burning Blood Technique to the Azure Dragon Clan." Zhuo Bufan arched his hands.

Hearing this, the patriarch of the Qingyan shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Although the blood burning technique is powerful, it can temporarily activate the potential and increase the combat effectiveness, but it has advantages and disadvantages. This is to burn the power of blood and blood. If it lasts too long, It hurts the foundation of the bloodline and it’s not good. The Junior Brother dare to perform this secret technique only because of the strength of Qi and blood."

"You have a way to restore the power of qi and blood, but you can use it. Our Qinglong clan has always regarded this secret technique as a forbidden technique, prohibiting the cultivation of the Qinglong clan's children, otherwise, the younger brother would have inherited this secret technique." The patriarch shook his head and slowly explained.

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that the Qinglong clan would actually ban the practice of burning blood, because he had the Shura blood thorn to continuously absorb evil spirits, but he could not hesitate.

But as the Qinglong patriarch said, if the blood burning technique is used for too long, it is easy to damage the foundation.

"So that's it." Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

"I didn't want you to surrender the blood burning technique. Since you can get Junior Cangfeng's blood burning technique, it proves that you have a relationship with it, so you can use it with caution in the future." Qingyan said.

"Kid, remember." Zhuo Bufan gave his hand.

Zhuo Bufan thought that the patriarch Qinglong asked him to come to the clan hall to make him surrender the blood burning technique, but he had just guessed it wrong.

"This time I summoned the masters of various veins, including some geniuses from various veins. It was actually for the affairs of the Ancestral Dragon Ruins." Qingyan said: "The Shadow Killer, you also listen to it by the way. This matter is related to your human race. There are also some relationships."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reduced the indifferent color of his face, but frowned his sword eyebrows, revealing a dignified color.

Qingyan said: "Our dragon ancestor Zulong is the first generation ancestral dragon of our dragon family. He also united the dragon family and made all dragons recognize him as the ancestral dragon. His position in our dragon family is equivalent to yours. The Emperor Shang of the Human Race, and the generation of Zulong and Emperor Shang are also good friends."

Zhuo Bufan thought of the statue he saw in the Ancestral Land of Ancestral Dragon. That heroic generation of Ancestral Dragon was with a wretched man. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. Although he hadn't seen Emperor Shang with his own eyes, he also saw it in the remains of Ice Emperor. Guo Shangdi's back is definitely not the kind of wretched appearance.

No matter how you look at the statues cast by a generation of ancestor dragons, they are a little suspicious of the emperor.

"The most recent generation of Ancestral Dragon Relic Seals shows signs of loosening. Master Zulong has summoned the patriarchs of our four clans to discuss and plan to open the door of the Ancestral Dragon Relics in advance. If it is the fastest, it may be a year later." The Qingyan patriarch looked. There was also a bit more solemn color between.

One year later, open a generation of ancestral dragon relics?

Zhuo Bufan heard from the Azure Dragon clan leader that the relics of the Ancestral Dragon are opened every once in a while, and their group of geniuses who have entered the Azure Dragon Clan's cultivation have the opportunity to enter there, and there will be a chance to get the Ancestral Dragon essence and blood. Turn it on in advance.

In the hall, there were a series of low-pitched horror sounds. Obviously, even the Eight Meridian Realm Master should have heard this news for the first time, and Zhuo Bufan didn't know much about the relics of a generation of Ancestral Dragons.

"All races hurry up and prepare. After the race comparison is over, I will also retreat and wait for the relics of a generation of ancestor dragons to open." Qingyan said.

"Yes, the patriarch." Each of the Eight Meridian Realm Masters looked solemn and said in unison.

From the dignified look on the faces of the world masters, Zhuo Bufan is not difficult to guess that the opening of the relics of a generation of ancestral dragons may be related to some major events. It is just that he is not a member of the dragon clan and knows very little about the relics of the generation of ancestral dragons, so he can only wait. After leaving, look for some information about the relics of the ancestor dragon.

"This is what I want to talk about. After the clan comparison is over, you will all retreat. When the generation of Ancestral Dragon Relics is opened, follow me into the Ancestral Dragon Relics to repair the seal." The Qingyan Patriarch ordered.

After he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan suddenly folded his hands and said, "Master Patriarch, there is one more thing for the kid."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Qingyan asked, looking at him.

"I heard that the realm master of Qinggu and Qingyu bet that whoever spent the longest time in Huaqingchi will take out a life and death magic weapon, I don't know if it is true?" Zhuo Bufan said. Yu Guang fell on the face of the Azure Ancient Realm Master, and said.

This matter, Zhuo Bufan learned from Qing Huan, the realm master of Qing Ye couldn’t hide to ask for it, but Zhuo Bufan didn’t care so much, it was a life-and-death magic weapon anyway, and for them, it was also very strong. Magic weapon can enhance a lot of strength.

The master of the Azure Ancient Realm twitched, and immediately stood up and said: "There is indeed this thing, but although you are in the same vein, you are a human race..."

"Oh, did the Azure Ancient Realm Master want to cheat?" Zhuo Bufan interrupted him directly and sneered: "When the gambling agreement was made, the Azure Ancient Realm Master didn't say that. I think there were a lot of them at that time. Lord Master knows it, right?"

The face of the Azure Ancient Realm Master suddenly turned gloomy. He did not put Zhuo Bufan in his eyes at the time. In order to suppress the Eight Meridians, he did say that the two of the Eight Meridians included Qifeng King and Zhuo Bufan. Who could spend the time in Huaqingchi? If you surpass King Qinghao, you can beat him.

"Good, good! This extremely crystal fairy bow will be given to you eight veins." The anger of the Azure Ancient Realm Master's chest rose, but it couldn't happen. With a wave of his sleeves, a crystal clear ice bow appeared, filled with traces. Chill, shining a little bit of silver, an extraordinary product.

While Zhuo Bufan looked at this bow, Yu Guang swept across the strange arc of the corner of King Qinghao's mouth, frowning, is this fairy bow weird?

The Azure Ancient Realm Master said: "This Polar Crystal Immortal Bow is a treasure that I got in the Ancient Demon Forbidden Land. Now it is given to you eight meridians. When the time comes, you can't fall to the bottom of the rankings."

The face of the realm master of Qingyi sank slightly, Qifeng King, Bo Yao King, and Ji Caicai's faces were tense, and anger surged in their eyes.

Every time the clan comparison, the first line pointed out the challenge to the eight lines, making them the bottom of the eight lines. I didn't expect the Azure Ancient Realm Master to use this matter to mock them.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm and held the Polar Crystal Immortal Bow in his palm. It felt cold to the touch. The **** even got cold into the pores. He was instantly evaporated by blood and looked at the Azure Ancient Realm Master with a smile: "Anything will change. Maybe this time the clan comparison, it was not the eight meridians that fell to the bottom, but the one meridian."

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