Chapter 2638 Drought Clan

Zhuo Bufan turned his head, his eyes fell on a strong body in front of him, his sword eyebrows were slightly tufted, the guy in front of him was about two meters tall, his whole body was restrained with strong fluctuations of vitality, and the exposed muscles glowed with a dull metallic luster. A cold feeling.

The most peculiar thing is the clothes of the other party. Two arms are wrapped in black cloth strips. The lower half of the face is also covered by the black cloth for two-thirds. Only a pair of narrow and gloomy eyes are exposed, filled with cold light, behind, there is a handle. The broad black ruler weapon was also entangled with black cloth.

"Hand over the Lingxuan fruit..." The other party stretched out a strong arm, spread his palm and placed it in front of Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, the Yuan Li palm that was shattered by himself just now should have been released by the person in front of him, and he actually came to ask for Lingxuan fruit.

"Neither your name is written on the Lingxuan fruit, naturally whoever gets it belongs to." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

"This guy belongs to the Hanyan tribe, one of the eight ancient tribes, and he didn't expect to be here." Qing Huan's slightly surprised voice suddenly appeared in Zhuo Bufan Shenhai.

The Dragon tribe and the eight ancient tribes include Jinpeng, Ancient Ape, Dracaena, Huowu, Dijiang, Zhu Wei, Manta Python, and Kunyu.

Each group belongs to the pinnacle group of the universe, but because of their scarcity, they rarely appear in the eyes of everyone, and the ancient eight tribes have been living in this star field in compliance with certain ancient conventions.

"Drought Clan?" Zhuo Bufan pondered slightly.

He has read some ancient books about the eight ancient tribes in the Qinglong tribe. The ancient eight tribes are so powerful that they are naturally favored by the heavens, and even have the potential to be no weaker than the dragon tribe. The dry wing tribe is the most low-key among the eight tribes, and he did not expect to encounter it. To a practitioner of the Dryman tribe.

And when this Hanyan Clan practitioner stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, it also attracted a lot of attention from the surrounding area, and most people's faces showed an expression of optimism.

Zhuo Bufan, Chen Lian and the others are generally unwilling to provoke the dragon clan, but Han Yan belongs to one of the eight ancient clan, and his background is not weaker than the dragon clan, and Zhuo Bufan, everyone can see that he is a human cultivator , Should be experienced in the Azure Dragon clan, this is no secret.

Ji Caicai and Bai Demon King frowned at the same time, and the fellow of the Drought Clan in front of them seemed not weak.

But Chen Lian stood in place, without the slightest attempt to persuade him, but instead folded his arms, his lips curled up in a playful arc, he wanted to see, facing the guy from the Hanyan tribe, this man was'adored' by Ji Caicai. What kind of capabilities do the human practitioners have?

"I got the Lingxuan fruit, let me hand over the Lingxuan fruit?" Zhuo Bufan's eyes suddenly became cold, some things, if you want to protect them, you must show some strength.

"If you don't want to take it out, then don't blame me for grabbing it." Zitong, a fellow of the Hanyan tribe, got cold, waved his palm, the wind whizzed, and the black cloth wrapped around his palm drifted with the wind.

The speed is as fast as lightning, and the palm of the hand has not yet arrived, and the palm wind has blown Zhuo Bufan's hair upside down. The ancient eight tribes were born with tyrannical bodies. In order to avoid causing turmoil in the canyon, the true essence of Nei Ning was not exuded, but even so, it still made the scalp numb.

The human body is not even comparable to the barbarian monsters, and can only rely on the day after tomorrow to temper with the treasures of heaven and earth.

Even the people of Xingyu Pavilion and Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce standing in the distance were attracted by the movement here. Their eyes gathered one after another. Seeing the Hanyan tribesmen took action, many people seemed to have seen the tragic scene of Zhuo Bufan being bombarded. .

"Strike, it depends on your ability to wait." Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, a **** mist like a horned dragon squirmed under his skin on his right arm, scarlet evil spirit wrapped around his arm, clenched his fist, and suddenly blasted towards the opponent's palm. .


A dull sound of gold and iron hitting sounded, and the strong wind howled, blowing away all the dead leaves on the ground.

In the next second, the jokes in many eyes suddenly disappeared, and replaced by shock and incredible. Zhuo Bufan stood in place as a rock, but the guys from the Dryman tribe backed a dozen steps back and forth, and every step fell, they were left on the ground. Deep footprints.

The cultivators of the Hanyan tribe stabilized their figure, the violent aura seeped out from behind, and lifted the dead leaves on the ground behind them again, all over the sky like fairies scattered flowers.

"Why? Your physical body is so strong?" The Hanyan tribe practitioners have tight pupils. In terms of physical combat effectiveness, he belongs to the eight ancient tribes. He was blessed by the heavens at birth, and he was not weak in his physical body. Any tribe did not expect this temptation. Sexual fighting, unexpectedly suffered a loss in the hands of a human cultivator.

The Star Alliance of the Human Race, including the differentiated "Devil Races", are actually human races. Today, the most powerful group in the Taiyi Universe is the Human Race, but in fact, many other groups are not convinced. On individual talent and strength They are indeed better than Terran practitioners, but they can't hold back the number of Terrans.

The larger the base, the greater the number of strong players.

Although the Taiyi Universe recognized that the Star Alliance and the Demon Race were the strongest, some other powerful groups and the pinnacle groups actually looked down upon the practitioners of the Human Race.

If it weren't for the large number of human races, the Taiyi Universe would still not be able to master it.

As the saying goes, God is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. In fact, it means that all beings are equal. Since the pinnacle group has been given a powerful talent, it will naturally limit their number.

"Damn it!" The cultivator of the Hanyan tribe gritted his teeth, and the purple pupil that shrank like a needle exploded with a cloud of cold light, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and he rushed to Zhuo Bufan again like lightning.

Zhuo Bufan's arms were entangled by scarlet evil spirits. After the two of them fought like lightning, they were dazzling. Then a body shot out, with his back against the ground, dragging out a tens of meters long soil mark, spraying in his mouth. With a mouthful of blood, it was the practitioner of the Hanyan tribe.

"Do you want to continue fighting?" Zhuo Bufan asked indifferently as he looked at the cultivator of the Dryman tribe who was lying on the ground.

The cultivator of the Hanyan tribe slowly stood up, his vitality was shocked, and the dead leaves stuck to his body were shaken into powder, but his eyes were not timid, and he said, "You are very strong, what's your name?"

"Shadow Killing King, Zhuo Bufan." Zhuo Bufan said.

"My name is Ba Jiming. I will write down this account first." Ba Jiming gritted his teeth and walked aside immediately.

Ji Caicai's two jade green onions forefinger ripped her face, made a grimacing face, and said with a grin: "What, if you can't beat it, just put such silly, cruel words, the guys from the Hanyan tribe are really boring."

Regarding this result, Qing Huan, Bai Yaowang, and Ji Caicai are not surprised. After all, even the Thunder King was frustrated in Zhuo Bufan’s hands. On the contrary, many practitioners nearby gradually reduced their contempt for Zhuo Bufan. He traveled with Chen Lian and Bai Yaowang, and always regarded him as a guy who was a'fake tiger, but he didn't expect the latter to be genuine, not a weak one.

Chen Lian twitched his eyelids. Originally wanted to make Zhuo Bufan embarrassed in front of Ji Caicai, so he kept standing beside him as a spectator. He didn't expect Ba Jiming to lose to Zhuo Bufan, but it was beyond his expectation, and he despised Zhuo Bufan in his heart. The heart has also converged a bit.

It's just that the way he did just now makes him feel a little demeaned.

The eyes of the people of Xingyu Pavilion and Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce also showed a slight surprise, but they disappeared immediately. This was just an episode, and many eyes once again converged on the Fire Spirit Tree.

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