Chapter 2648 One Strike Spike Kill

stone forest.

On the periphery, on a smooth rock, a figure in a black robe sat cross-legged.

And around the figure in black robe, there are several purple rune urns of not weak rank. The rune jumps on the arc, and there is a thunder method around. Not far away, there is a charred corpse of a strange beast, obviously because it is close to the formation, directly Was struck to death by purple thunder.

Suddenly, the black-robed old man raised his head slightly, his sunken eyes opened, and a cold light flashed through his pupils, and his dry mouth was squirming, "It has been two days, maybe that guy has already died in it. Right?"

Because the stone forest is full of devilish energy, the old man Qianhua can't sense the situation inside, and can't even feel the battle fluctuations.

It's just that in the past two days, I haven't seen Zhuo Bufan's figure. The old man Qianhua frowned, and his dry face showed regret.

"It's a pity that the demon snake has been injured by me. If it hadn't escaped into the stone forest, I should be able to subdue him."

"There is also the cultivator of the Human Race, who has a life-and-death magic weapon that is not weak in his hands... Hey, what a pity, what a pity."

The old man Qianhua shook his head slightly, and a faint sigh sounded in his mouth.

Afterwards, he turned his gaze to the direction of the depths of the stone forest, where it was enveloped by a rich red magic energy. He had been inside and knew that the place was very dangerous. Even though he had been preparing for many years, he finally escaped after nine deaths.

Now, he really didn't have the courage to go inside again.

"Wait for two more incense sticks, if he still hasn't come out of the stone forest, I should leave too." Qianhua old man murmured to himself.

This time I took the mission of Xingyu Pavilion and Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce to capture the demon snake. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden incident in the middle. Even the demon snake that got it escaped, and the old man Qianhua also made up his mind and left Loka when he left the canyon. City for a while.

Although he was unruly, cruel, strangely capable, and powerful, he had annoyed the Jinpeng tribe and the ancient ape tribe, and would not be able to continue living in Lorka City in the future.

Two sticks of incense time passed in the blink of an eye.

"Hey!" The old man Qianhua sighed softly, then stood up from the rock, his rickety body was like a piece of dead wood, no one would associate him with the third most wanted character.

"That's all, it seems that I have no luck." The old man Qianhua said, and with a light wave of his sleeves, all the talisman scattered around were retracted.

Just when he was about to turn and leave, his body suddenly stiffened, his eyes were staring at the front, his pupils shrank rapidly, and at the end of his line of sight, a figure could be seen faintly, walking slowly from the misty devilish energy.

"Yeah, I'm back, I'm back." The dry face of the old Qianhua suddenly smiled, but this smile looked so sinister and extraordinarily infiltrating.

After a while, Zhuo Bufan had already walked out of the stone forest. He naturally saw the old man Qianhua, and he was slightly taken aback. This terrible old man was really patient and actually sat outside the stone forest waiting for him to come out.

"Little friend, I didn't expect you to come out of the stone forest alive." Qianhua said excitedly.

"Fate is hard, almost dead." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

"Almost dead, that's not dead, have you caught the devil snake?" Qianhua asked with a smile, but in the vacantly narrowed eyes, a cold and harsh expression was already dormant.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, nodded again, but made the old man Qianhua inexplicable.

"It can be said that it was caught, and it can be said that it was not caught." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The ghost snake soul behind him got into the body of the Burning Purple Python, and now fell into a deep sleep state.

The old man Qianhua walked slowly towards Zhuo Bufan. Zhuo Bufan stood there without any nervousness or thoughts of running away. This made the old man Qianhua a little stunned. Could it be that this guy is not afraid of himself because of his failure. Still scared by myself.

The old man Qianhua stopped ten meters in front of Zhuo Bufan, stopped, and muttered: "Little friend, you can come out of the stone forest alive. Give me the space ring, and give me your treasures, how about I let you go?"

Isn't giving the treasure to the other party the same as severance?

And Zhuo Bufan didn't think that the guy in front of him who could slaughter 30,000 people at will, would be a good man.

Zhuo Bufan sneered: "Old man, it's okay for you to deceive a three-year-old with these words. Do you think I will believe you? Even if what you say is true, why should I give you the treasure?"

"Hey." The old man Qianhua shook his head suddenly, and immediately raised his head. Two deep concave eyes were filled with grim and harsh expressions, and his face became hideous and twisted. "Jie Jie, my little friend, although treasures are important, life is even more important. Important, since you are stubborn, then I can only send you on the road!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the black mist in Qianhua's robes surged, and dozens of zhang talisman flew out, turning into dozens of purple thunders.

Zhuo Bufan flipped the palm of his hand, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. A two-foot-long stone stick appeared in his hand and injected the power of it. The obscure and complicated runes on the stone stick lit up purple.

The purple rays of light bloomed, reflecting on the face of Qianhua old man, making him look amazed.

"What kind of treasure is this, it can actually suppress my talisman!" All the talisman that the old man Qianhua displayed dimmed, and then turned into fly ash.

"Take me a sword!"

The demon energy that Zhuo Bufan suppressed in his dantian surged out, turned into a broad sword, and suddenly tore the air, blasting towards the old man Qianhua.

These devil qi is the devil qi in the body of the star wheel Yanyu devouring the demon snake, suppressing it at the pubic area, Zhuo Bufan did not disperse it, waiting for this time.

The old man Qianhua had extremely rich combat experience. In the face of this sudden situation, he even offered a furnace-shaped magic weapon to protect him. With a crash, the broad sword transformed into devilish energy was directly sucked into the cauldron.

"Jiejie, little friend, you want to kill the old man, you are still too young..." Before he finished speaking, the old man Qianhua suddenly enlarged his pupils, and then saw his feet and black robe.

His body was cut off by the waist, and his upper body fell to the ground, only to see a flying sword flying by with a blood line.

The sight in front of him was gradually blurred and dark, and the fierce sword aura contained in the flying sword directly shattered his soul.

The moment he closed his eyes, the old man Qianhua heard a faint voice: "Underestimate the enemy, sometimes you will pay the price of your life..."

The third-ranked character on the Lorca City Wanted List could escape from the pursuit of the quasi-world master, but was killed by Zhuo Bufan. Once this news spreads, it may surprise many people's attention.

Zhuo Bufan had three conditions for killing Qianhua Old Man in a second.

The magic pressure controlled the strength of Qianhua old man.

In order to conquer the devil snake's body, a large amount of devil energy was suppressed, forming a fierce blow.

The dark pattern on the stone stick suppressed the talisman of the Qianhua old man and distracted him.

Of course, the most important thing is that the old man Qianhua underestimates the enemy, and has never painted Zhuo Bufan with equal strength. You must know that the lion fights the rabbit with all its strength.

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