Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2655: Jinpeng Langjun

Chapter 2656 Jinpeng Langjun

"Unfortunately, let that fellow escape." Zhuo Bufan said, looking at the horizon, frowning slightly.

Even if Xuanzong Liu does not escape, it is believed that what happened here will soon be transmitted back to Lorka City, the Jinpeng Clan and the Ancient Ape Clan, unless all the practitioners in the Ten Fierce Lands are killed in the future.

"The King of Shadow Killers, you killed Director Bao and cut off one of Liu Xuanzong's arm. You will definitely be chased by the Jinpeng and Ancient Ape tribes when you return to Lorka City." Chen Lian looked solemn and looked at Zhuo Bufan and said: " You guys still don't go back to Lorca City recently."

"Then where are we going now?" Bai Yaowang said.

"First, find a barren planet and fix it for a period of time. Among the four little ancient demons, the relic of the Southern Ancient Demon should be opened in one month. I came to the Ancient Demon Forbidden Land this time, and I was going to the Southern Ancient Demon Relic. "That's right." Zhuo Bufan said in deep thought.

Chen Lian said: "Well, you guys first find a barren planet to fix it. I will go back to Lorca City to find out the news. If there is any news, I will notify you immediately."

"Okay, then let's find a planet at will for a month of cultivating for a month." Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

In the end, the five people made a decision. Chen Lian first returned to Lorca City to find out the news. After all, he was a genius of the Red Dragon tribe, and Zhuo Bufan was only related to the Qinglong tribe, and the Jinpeng tribe and the Ancient Ape tribe could not move their anger to him. The four Zhuo Bufan decided to find a planet to rest temporarily.


The commotion in Lorka City has completely exceeded Chen Lian's expectations. The news that the King of Shadow Killer destroys the Starfall Pavilion and the Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce, annihilates the director of Bao, and cut off an arm of Liu Xuanzong has swept Lorca like a hurricane. city.

Lorca City is the most'prosperous' city on the edge of the ancient magic forbidden area. Every day there are various news, including treasures, secrets, treasure information, or news of some famous characters, but this time, Zhuo Bufan brings The commotion suppressed almost all the news.

Both the streets and alleys are boiling, including some restaurants, chambers of commerce, and auction houses are talking about what happened in the top ten fierce Demon Abyss Valley.

"Have you heard that Director Bao of Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce was killed..."

"There is also Liu Xuanzong in Xingyu Pavilion, who was cut off by an arm and just fled back."

"Who did it?"

"The King of Shadow Killer, I heard that he is a king of the human race, and he seems to be practicing in the Azure Dragon clan."

"The dozens of world king-level elites brought by Xingyu Pavilion and Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce all died. I heard that they all died in the hands of that guy."

Suddenly, the three words of Shadow Killer spread through Lorca City at an extreme speed, almost saying ‘an overnight fame’. After all, what he did was really appalling.

Lorca City, a magnificent building, bathed in brilliance, stands in the center of the city.

In front of the bright and clean hall, a large throne was placed, and a purple veil curtain was hanging from above, wrapping the throne, and there was the laughter of some Yingyingyanyan women.

"Jin Peng Langjun, are you having a drink with the slaves!"

"My lord, the slave family feeds you a drink..."

The laughter came from inside the throne, while the many powerful men on both sides of the hall lowered their heads and lowered their eyebrows. Yu Guang quietly glanced at a person kneeling in the center of the hall.

The man was unkempt, embarrassed, extremely pale, and his right arm was broken all over his shoulder. It was Liu Xuanzong who had escaped from Zhuo Bufan's hand.

"The subordinates are not doing things well, please Young Master punish you!" Liu Xuanzong bowed his head, gritted his teeth, said with difficulty.

Suddenly, the sound behind the curtain suddenly disappeared, and the hall fell into a strange and quiet atmosphere.


Suddenly, a golden handprint lifted the curtain and hit Liu Xuanzong's chest. The latter immediately flew out and fell to the clear ground, his face flushed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"You messed up what I told you, do you still have the face to come back to see me alive?" A low-volume, but extremely cold voice sounded.

Above the throne, a wide palm lifted the curtains, and walked down the steps barefoot. A tall figure appeared in a light gold and purple rim robes. There was a pinch of light gold chest protector fluff on the open and bare chest, but look at the face. , But it is a young face, handsome and evil, a pair of golden pupils are sharp and sharp.

"Master Jinpeng Langjun!"

More than a dozen strong men on both sides of the hall knelt down on one knee, bowed their eyebrows, and said in a tune.

"Young Master, this time the subordinates are not doing things well, so I beg Young Master for mercy!" Liu Xuanzong squatted on the ground, his forehead against the cold ground, said in fear.

"Explain that you can mess up even if you do a little thing, and also asked the old man Qianhua for help, but I didn't catch the devil snake. You know, for this devil snake, I have been in Lorca City for fifteen years. , As a result, his work fell short." Jin Peng Langjun narrowed his eyes slightly, and clenched his fists with his drooping palms.

Liu Xuanzong continued: "This time, the subordinates have fully arranged for the capture of the Devil Snake, but I did not expect that a Shadow Killer will suddenly be killed, disrupting our overall plan, and I suspect that the Devil Snake is on his body."

"Give you a chance and explain it to me." Jin Peng Langjun said.

Liu Xuanzong immediately retelled everything that happened in Demon Abyss Valley, saying: "I suspect that he took advantage of the opportunity to attack Qianhua while he was fighting with the demon snake. Not only did he kill Qianhua and take away his treasures, but also the devil. The snake also fell into his hands."

"A human cultivator of the Nine Yuan Realm King Realm actually killed dozens of Realm King elites from the two chambers of commerce. Even Director Bao died in his hands. You were also cut off by him?" Jin Peng Langjun The expression gradually became stern, and immediately laughed and said: "Interesting, interesting."

"I really want to see this shadow killer." A flash of cold murderous intent flashed in the depths of Jin Peng Langjun's eyes.

"Young Master, this time it is the fault of his subordinates. The major matter of the Young Master has been broken. Please Young Master surrender the blame." Liu Xuanzong squatted on the ground, anxiously said.

Jin Peng Langjun’s eyes fell on him, and the corner of his lips suddenly raised a smile and said: "Director Liu, you have not been with me for a short time, and you have done a lot for me. There is no credit and hard work, this time you I also paid the price of an arm. I will not embarrass you. After I go back, I will take a good rest. I will send someone to give you some supplements."

When Liu Xuanzong heard the words, even Daxi kowtowed and said: "Thank you young master, thank you young master."

"Go back, the Nanxiao Ancient Demon Relic will be opened in one month, and you will still need your help at that time." Jin Peng Langjun said.

"Yes, Young Master." Liu Xuanzong stood up, bowed deeply, and then turned and walked outside the hall.

Just as Liu Xuanzong took the third step, his body's hair suddenly stood upright, a life-threatening warning sounded in his heart, and immediately, his chest hurt, and a pale golden Yuanli palm penetrated his chest from his back and appeared. A hole of flesh and blood.

Tick, tick!

Yin Hong blood dripped on the clean and bright floor. Liu Xuanzong's expression was stunned. He slowly lowered his head, looked at the hole in his chest, and squirmed his lips, "Young Master, I am so loyal, why do you want to... kill me."

Immediately, the vitality passed, his eyes were gray, and he knelt down on the ground with a thud, and slowly closed his eyes. The scene in front of him merged into a horizontal line, and finally became dark.

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