Chapter 2659 Evil Scorpion

Lorca City.

One month after the turmoil in Magic Ape Valley, the heat in Lorca City has not decreased, but a growing trend has emerged. Nowadays, practitioners who have come to Lorca City, no matter what kind of person they are, have already heard of "Shadow". Kill the king' name.

Xingyu Pavilion and Baoyuan Chamber of Commerce are backed by the Jinpeng tribe and the Ancient Ape tribe. They belong to the hegemonic powerhouse of Lorka City. Since the establishment of Lorka City, it is not that there are people who dare to challenge the two ancient groups, but The consequences are quite tragic.

In the last thousand years, almost no one dared to challenge the majesty of the two ancient groups, especially those who dared to slaughter the elites sent out by the two major chambers of commerce to all, and beheaded one of their supervisors. Putting them in Lorca City simply belonged to Big news.

People come and go in the wide square, bustling with people.

In the center of the square, there stands a sword-shaped stone monument, thousands of feet high and a hundred meters wide. The stone tablet is covered with a faint golden glow. The names are inscribed on the stone tablet, some of which appear pale red, and some appear black.

On the square, there were many eyes on the stele. Soon, someone stretched out their palms and condensed a source of energy into the stele.

To the southwest of the stele stood two cultivators wearing black cloaks, one tall and one short.

"This is the most famous wanted monument in Lorca City?" The shorter cultivator raised his head and looked up at the stone monument in a low voice.

"I don't know where the eldest brother went? He ran out secretly, grandpa furious, after returning, I am afraid that he will not be able to bear it and will be confined." The taller cultivator shook his head and said.

"We finally slipped out, and we will definitely find our eldest brother. Besides, Lorca City is so lively, if it is not fun to play, it will be wasted." The short cultivator said.

The tall cultivator sighed helplessly, and said: "You care about playing, this is not our clan, the ancient demon restricted area is very dangerous, and everyone on this wanted list has a big background, that word The name has turned black, it has been confirmed dead, and the name is light red, it means that you are still alive, as long as you inject a ray of elemental power into the name, it means that you have accepted the task."

"Oh, that's the case." The short cultivator nodded, moving his gaze up the stone tablet, breathing slightly, and said: "Wow, the top five guys have a bounty of more than ten million high-level underworld stones. If If you can catch them, you will be rich!"

"What do you think? Let alone the names of the top five, even if it is any person on this stone tablet, it is not so easy to deal with." The tall cultivator said: "You think these people's heads are worth so much money. It’s luck to survive."

The short cultivator nodded, his eyes lit up suddenly, "Hey, among the top five names, there is actually a fellow of the Nine Yuan Realm King Realm?"

"The King of Shadow Killer?" The tall practitioner was also a little surprised. "We just arrived in Lorka City and heard that they were all talking about a guy named King of Shadow Killer. He heard that he killed Director Bao of the Ancient Ape Clan."

"Kill well, those guys are more than guilty." The short cultivator hummed.

"The old man Qianhua is also dead. It is rumored that he was also killed by the shadow killer of the celebrity clan." The tall cultivator murmured: "It's just a rumor. I don't know the true or false now, but he can be killed by Jin Penglang. You are wanted by thousands of high-ranking Mingshi, but you don't think it is a general generation."

"I want to get acquainted with that Shadow Killer!" said the short cultivator.

While the two people were talking, there was a commotion in the distance. The two practitioners with black cloaks who were talking just now also turned their eyes to that direction after hearing the noise.

The crowd retreated to both sides like a tide, leaving a wide enough road. Only a thin man with scarlet lines on his left cheek and a thin body slowly walked towards the wanted monument. He was wrapped in a red and black robe, and his eyes were narrow and gloomy. , The most unique thing is that behind this person, there is a scorpion tail with a dark iron whip upturned, the tail is sharp in the shape of a drop, and it is restrained with a sinister edge.

I saw this man walked to a distance of 30 meters from the wanted monument and stopped, then slowly raised his head, his eyes fell on the stone monument, his thin lips outlined a cold and cold arc, and then he lifted his palms together. The true essence light ingested a name on the stone tablet.

And everyone's eyes clearly saw that the true essence light penetrated into the name of'Shadow Killing King'.

"I will kill this person. If anyone kills the King of Shadow Killers, I will kill him." The man retracted his palm and moved his lips lightly. Although the sound was not loud, everyone in the square could hear him clearly. Clearly Chu.

At the same time as the sound fell, the sound of noise came and went one after another in the square.

"The King of Shadow Killer is worth ten million high-ranking Mingshi, why only you can kill?" A wild voice rang out from the crowd, and three burly men with ugly faces came out, standing without fear. The shameless man in front of the stele.

The short cultivator said: "Although this person's aura is restrained, it doesn't look weak. I feel a sense of danger from him."

"I don't know who he is, but I do know those three people. The three blood ghosts, the powerhouse of the savage monster clan, are also considered small and famous in Roka City." The tall cultivator explained.

One of the three blood ghosts stood up and looked at the man in front of the stele: "Jin Peng Langjun issued a killing order. Everyone can take this task. With 10 million high-level Netherstones, why only you can take this task? "

"Why?" The man with gloomy eyes turned his head and looked at the three people in front of him. The arc of his mouth spreads cold and bloodthirsty. "It seems that after disappearing for a while, no one remembers my name?"

The moment the voice fell, a violent wind roared.

The scorpion tail behind the shadowy man was like a black lightning, and in a moment, it came directly in front of the three blood ghosts.

The pupils of the trio contracted rapidly, their complexion changed drastically, and infinite fear was surging in their pupils. The trio discovered that their bodies were unable to move, and even the true essence was solidified like glue and could not be moved.

Puff puff!

The three of them were stunned, each with a fist-sized blood hole on their forehead, piercing through the front and back.

Immediately, the bodies of the three people were like flying ashes, completely disappearing from many sights.

In the distance, two practitioners wearing black cloaks saw this scene. The faces covered by the gauze showed a horror. The three blood ghosts were not weak, and they were all realm kings. They were actually killed by the shadowy man. , There is no resistance even.

"Lorca City is full of ruthless people, we must be careful when we come out this time." The tall cultivator frowned and said.

The short cultivator also nodded as if pounding garlic, with a look of jealousy.

"I, I know who he is, he is a scorpion..."

"Erxie, isn't it rumored to have gone to the core area of ​​the ancient demon restricted area, and has fallen for hundreds of years?"

"He is not dead yet!"

"If I hadn't been fooled by Qianhua old man, how could I have been trapped in the core area for hundreds of years, and he had stolen my earth soul furnace, but unfortunately, this old fellow is dead." Hexie listened. With a slightly boiling sound around, he squirmed his lips, his body distorted, and disappeared directly in place.

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