Chapter 2661

The demon energy in the ancient demon ruins of the southern small gradually became thinner, and at this moment, whether it was the barbaric monsters, human clan sects, various forces in the frontier area, or the practitioners who wandered in the ancient demon forbidden area, they all moved towards this side Come together.

Tens of millions of kilometers away from the Southern Magic Star, on a floating continent formed by a broken planet, a black shadow flying with a sword flashed across the sky like lightning, turning into an arc shape, and finally stopped at a high mountain peak.

"What a strong devilish energy, ten times more intense than the devilish energy of the Ten Fierce Land..."

The murmur sounded from the top of the mountain, the flying sword stopped, and a young man-like practitioner stood proudly on the sword body, black hair like ink, rippling with the wind, sword eyebrows and star eyes, two deep eyes condensed into the distance-one Haunting devilish, crimson planet.

Even though they are tens of thousands of kilometers apart, the magical energy lingering on the planet is still shocking.

"With such a strong demon energy, Yuan Li will definitely be suppressed very strongly, and the strength will be greatly reduced by then..."

"But now the devilish energy is not completely restrained, let's wait here for a few days!"

The young Ufa man murmured to himself, this person is Zhuo Bufan.

After coming out of the retreat, Zhuo Bufan ran directly to the area of ​​the southern ancient demon ruins, but he was quite low-key along the way. Although he was not afraid of the retaliation of the ancient apes and the Jinpeng clan, he was not mentally disabled. In front of the clan and Jinpeng clan.

Moreover, his current head can be worth tens of millions of high-level meditation stones. For the sake of money, it is estimated that many practitioners are willing to take a risk.

Zhuo Bufan hadn't been arrogant yet, thinking that he could make himself an enemy in the world with ten thousand enemies.

"I don't know what is the relationship between this black wood order and the Southern Little Ancient Demon?" Zhuo Bufan took out an ancient clumsy wooden sign, rubbed his fingerprints lightly, raised his head, and focused his eyes on the crimson planet in the distance.

Above the planet, the rich scarlet magical energy converges into a thick cloud layer, which continuously spreads from the skyline, with a faintly oppressive smell sweeping through, and in this thick dark red cloud layer, there are two huge scarlet clouds. The vertical pupil opened, looking down at the world indifferently.

"Nanxiao Ancient Demon Relics? It's definitely not that simple. I hope I can help Qing Huan find Xuan Jing." Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath, and immediately spit out slowly.



At the moment when Zhuo Bufan was meditating, a dull voice sounded five hundred kilometers behind him.

Zhuo Bufan's sword frowned, and immediately condensed his breath, retracted the flying sword, and quietly flew towards the place where the battle wave was emitted.

There should be a lot of cultivators who came to this area of ​​the stars for the ruins of the Nanxiao Ancient Demon, but the demon energy here is too rich, even with his mental power, it is difficult to monitor the distance too far.

After a few breaths, Zhuo Bufan came to a Gobi area, and the wind swept across the wild sand, the dark red sky seemed to collapse, and the world was full of treacherous and fierce auras.

Zhuo Bufan hid behind a huge rock that was eaten by wind and sand, condensed his breath, looked forward intently, frowning slightly.

More than a dozen people fought in the vast desert, and the yellow sand rolled into a hurricane. The yellow sand on the ground set off waves of sand like waves, and the violent aura spread out, almost tearing the entire desert apart.

Six practitioners are besieging two practitioners wearing black cloaks and black robes.

"The highest level is only the five-dimensional realm king..." Zhuo Bufan looked at the six practitioners, and his divine mind quietly probed over. The six were completely unaware. As for the other two besieged practitioners, one was three. One of the Yuanjie Kings is the Four Yuanjie Kings.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows lightly, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips, "Oh, it's a bit interesting."

Under such a fight, the two black-robed practitioners have fallen into a disadvantage, and they have retreated steadily. There are obviously signs of defeat. If it were not for the other six who did not want to have an accident, the attack was too solid, I am afraid the two will fall faster. defeat.

The Nanxiao Ancient Demon Relics opened. Apart from some practitioners who really came for the treasures, there were also many guys who fished in troubled waters. It was common for them to unite to kill people and win treasures.


With a loud noise, two black-robed practitioners were knocked out at the same time, with yellow sand on their bodies, dragging a hundred-meter-long mark, which happened to stop 100 meters in front of the rock.

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, embarking on the path of a cultivator, life and death are commonplace, not to mention that he is currently wanted by Jinpeng Langjun. At this critical moment, Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to expose himself so quickly.

Let the Jinpeng tribe, the ancient ape tribe, and many other practitioners chase and kill themselves?

That is not courage, but stupidity.

Just as Zhuo Bufan turned around and was about to escape quietly, suddenly a fiery fireball smashed the weathered rock, and the broken stones splashed in all directions.

Zhuo Bufan turned around and blasted the fireball with a punch. Gang Feng directly smashed the fireball and turned it into countless sparks.

Zhuo Bufan was also exposed to everyone's sight. The eight people fighting in the desert were all taken aback, their eyes fixed on him. Obviously, they didn't expect that there would be someone hiding here.

"Sister, we can't hide our strength...otherwise we will die here." The short cultivator wearing a black cloak said with a voice.

Another tall cultivator wearing a black cloak gritted his teeth and groaned: "Wait a little longer, exposing our identity is not good for us."

"Big brother, why is there still someone hiding here?" Among the other eight, a brawny man stared at Zhuo Bufan angrily, wondering.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "Everyone, I'm just passing by, you guys continue!"

"Pretend to be crazy and be stupid, since there is one more, let's go on the road with them." The brawny man snorted coldly, holding a giant axe, and rushing towards Zhuo Bufan like a violent rhino.

In this place where the devil energy is eroded, it is difficult for practitioners to operate the true essence, and once the pores are opened, the devil energy may also penetrate into the body, and the melee combat is more effective.

Zhuo Bufan took out a long sword from the space ring at will, blocking the front, showing a panic on his face.


The axe slashed down, directly slicing the long sword, and the broken piece suddenly flew out.

"Everyone, I'm just passing by. I have to be forgiving and forgiving." Zhuo Bufan stepped back and said loudly.

"Die to me!" The brawny man, holding a giant axe in his hand, rushed to kill again, his face showing a hideous look.

Zhuo Bufan poured Yuan Li into his hand with half of the long sword and threw it violently. The broken sword slammed into the giant axe in the hands of the brawny man, causing the opponent's body to stagger forward. The whole person's face was facing down due to inertia. , Fell to the ground in a dog-eating posture.

It’s really hard to imagine the situation of a powerhouse who has reached the level of a realm king... All this is due to the suppression of the ancient demon’s forbidden ground, and Yuanli cannot be used as desired. The so-called powerhouse is like ancient times. The pomp on the rivers and lakes.

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