Chapter 2677 Profound Crystal

When the prohibition that enveloped the attic completely disappeared, Zhuo Bufan took back the stone stick. As he expected, this stone stick was not a mortal thing. Although it did not have the powerful aura of the life and death magic weapon and the universe magic weapon, it was obvious that this stone stick was Gu Mingwen is inextricably linked.

"Go, go in and take a look, but you have to be more careful." Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and walked forward first, reminding the three women at the same time.

When the three girls saw the attic restriction opened, there was a ray of excitement and excitement in their eyes, but they quickly converged and returned to caution.

But this is the ancient demon forbidden area, and it is also the legendary ‘Earth Demon Temple’. If you are not always careful, you may lose your life here.

Zhuo Bufan walked into the attic with the three daughters and secretly manipulated the Shura blood stab to deal with the danger that might arise at any time.

The interior area of ​​the attic is vast. The stone platforms are densely packed and arranged in an orderly manner. The distance between each stone pillar is exactly the same, and the top of the stone pillar is in the shape of a disc, and various treasures are suspended.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who has seen a lot of top treasures, is like the three girls, his eyes light up, and his face shows some shocking colors.

"Wow, this is the blue frost bamboo, which can be used to refine the magic weapon of the water system, and the price is very expensive." Yan Yu blinked his eyes, staring at the top of a stone pillar, and said excitedly.

The disk at the top of the stone pillar has a section of green bamboo with a forearm thickness, which is filled with thin frost.

"There is also the Sky Fantasy Demon Spike, which can purify the impurities in the bloodline and make the bloodline more pure. In the Barbarian Monster Race, this thing is priceless!" Yan Yu covered her small mouth with her hands and stared at another stone pillar, beautiful His face was full of surprises.

Not only the severe rain, but even the calm and steady silence, after seeing so many rare treasures, it is difficult to maintain a calm and watery state of mind. The gleaming light of all kinds of treasures shines on her face, smearing a layer of glow. , Magnificent.

Zhuo Bufan quickly stabilized his emotions. After all, he even possesses magic weapons such as the "Wind Thunder Mountain", and he has more natural knowledge than the three women. He reminded: "When taking these treasures, be careful."

The three women nodded, and then Yuan Li turned into palms to grab the treasure at the top of the stone pillar. At first, the three of them were cautious, and then found that there was no danger. They breathed a sigh of relief and speeded up to take the treasure.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes swept across the stone pillars, Yuan Li swept away and scraped the treasures, but he didn't stop, he kept walking towards the depths of the attic.

I am afraid that this attic is not known to anyone, but it is impossible to break the ancient Ming pattern prohibition and fail to obtain the treasure inside.

Zhuo Bufan stopped and raised his head slightly. His eyes fell on a stone pillar in front. At the top, there was a stone the size of a baby's fist. It was in the shape of a diamond and gleamed with colorful glow. It was obviously a not weak treasure.

"Xuanjing." Zhuo Bufan raised his eyebrows, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

It was rumored that there was a mysterious crystal in the Nanxiao Ancient Demon Ruins, but it was unexpectedly in this attic. Qing Huan's polar crystal fairy bow was just one mysterious crystal missing.

Yuan Li turned into a broad palm and directly took the profound crystal from the top of the stone pillar.

"If the Hui Qinglong clan can hand over the Xuan Jing to Qing Huan before the clan comparison, then her strength in the clan comparison can also increase by a large part." Zhuo Bufan collected the Xuan Jing and muttered softly.

The four people entered the attic that has never been discovered, just like discovering a pile of treasures, and they are constantly harvesting all kinds of treasures.

Zhuo Bufan collected the Xuan Jing and continued to walk towards the depths of the attic. Suddenly, a gleaming purple light appeared in his eyes, and there was a small mountain in front of the pile of Mingshi, the number of which was hundreds of millions.

The first time I saw so many Mingshi, even Zhuo Bufan, who was already a little numb, his face twitched suddenly.

Then, using the space ring directly, the wind swept through the fallen leaves, and all these high-level underworld stones were collected into the space ring. The small mountain-like underworld stone piles gradually reduced and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck it, there are so many treasures here..."

"These treasures are all mine..."

"Get rich, get rich..."

Just as Zhuo Bufan finished receiving all the Ming Stones, he suddenly heard excitement sounds from behind, and then hundreds of auras appeared outside the attic, and immediately rushed in directly.

Zhuo Bufan's sword frowned, and he didn't expect to be discovered so soon. He already had almost the treasure that should be taken. The third daughter also harvested a lot of treasures. He felt that someone was pouring into the attic, his face changed slightly, and he hurried to Zhuo Bufan moved closer.

"Young Master Zhuo, has someone come in?" Yan Jing said with frowned eyebrows.

"We have almost everything, let's go out first." Zhuo Bufan said.

There are more than a hundred practitioners pouring into the attic, and it may be difficult to swallow all the treasures in it.

The three women nodded in agreement. Zhuo Bufan took the three of them back the same way. Sure enough, he saw a group of figures rushing into the attic, and then they were exactly the same as the expressions they had just entered. His face was flushed with excitement, and his eyes were also transparent. With the color of extremely greedy desire.

"What's the matter, many treasures on the stone pillars have disappeared?"

"Yes, there is no treasure originally."

"Impossible, I remember that I came to this attic hundreds of years ago, and no one has ever opened the restriction..."

In the entire attic, almost two-thirds of the treasures were taken away by Zhuo Bufan, leaving only one-third of the treasures.

Zhuo Bufan took the three daughters to the outside of the attic, naturally exposed to everyone's sight, and hundreds of eyes gathered on Zhuo Bufan and others.

"Your Excellency, please stay..." A gray-haired, kind-faced old man stood up, looked at Zhuo Bufan, and smiled: "Go down He Biweng again, I wonder if this attic was opened by you? "

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows clustered.

But the eyes of other practitioners falling on Zhuo Bufan's body gradually showed a touch of harshness and greed.

If Zhuo Bufan really took the lead in opening the attic, then a lot of treasures in this attic might have fallen on Zhuo Bufan.

"I just came in, as for the prohibition of this attic, it also disappeared naturally..." Zhuo Bufan said lightly.

The old man named He Biweng squinted his eyes slightly, and a sharp glow suddenly burst out of his turbid eyes. He smiled and said, "Little friend, you laughed. I don't know how this prohibition disappeared, but you are indeed The first one to enter the attic, you should have almost taken the treasure in it, right?"

Hearing that, Yan Jing Yan Yu and Bai Ling's three female pretty faces changed color slightly, their faces tense.

"What do you mean?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"Although the old man is not a famous person, he still has a small name in the ancient magic restricted area. I hope that the little friend will open the space ring and let me see what treasures are inside. You can swallow so many treasures by yourself. Broken belly." He Biweng said with a smile.

This guy looked harmless to humans and animals, but every sentence was like a soft knife, pushing Zhuo Bufan to the cusp of the storm, and the eyes of other practitioners around him also filled with extremely greedy luster.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly laughed, his eyes were as cold as Xuanbing, "Listen to your words, if I don't open the space ring and give the treasure to you today, can't I leave here?"

In the face of these greedy guys, Zhuo Bufan naturally understood that a few words could not deter them.

"Little friend, it is convenient for you and yourself. If you don’t want to, then don’t blame the old..." Before he finished speaking, He Biweng suddenly raised his head, his eyes gleaming fiercely, and he slapped Zhuo Bufan with his palm. .

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