Chapter 2691 Peak Realm King

The punch of the Booming Ape King just now made countless practitioners feel terrified. Among the young generations of the Ancient Eight Clan, the Booming Ape King’s strength is recognized as one of the top five, and the ancient Eight Clan has a special physique, which is better than ordinary practitioners. More resistant to the suppression of demonic energy.

"So easy to make Zhuo Bufan die? It's too cheap for him." King Qingxi looked down at the huge pit in the valley, his eyes were gloomy, and the corners of his mouth were drawn with a sharp arc, and his mood was extremely cheerful.

"Song Shao, he won't die, right?" The Huowu tribe looked at Song Hua and asked.

Song Hua frowned, and his face also had a solemn look. Even with the punch of the Explosive Ape King just now, even he was not sure that he would be able to follow. He shook his head and said, "This guy, he died so easily, even if he It is not the opponent of King Burst, King Burst wants to kill him, and he has to pay a heavy price."

Song Hua had witnessed Zhuo Bufan beheading the blood slaughter with his own eyes, and he naturally understood the power gap between the two. Although the King of Booming Ape was strong, it was impossible to kill Zhuo Bufan with one punch.

Yan Jing Yan Yu and Bai Ling's three daughters also looked nervous. Looking at the situation in the giant pit, the three of them had Shura blood stabs in their hands, and there was a spiritual mark left by Zhuo Bufan. As long as Zhuo Bufan is not dead, the mental mark Will not disappear.

In the valley, after being silent for a while, there was a loud noise suddenly, and a touch of surprise appeared in many eyes.

"Huh?" The King of Burst Ape stared at the huge pit below indifferently, and then saw a figure slowly rising out, dressed in black, with long black hair waving in the wind, holding a sharp sword in his hand. It was Zhuo Bufan who had been blasted into the bottom of the pit just now.

Although he was not unscathed, the King of Burst Ape could feel Zhuo Bufan's breath stable, and he was not hit hard.

"I'm not dead yet, it's a little unexpected." The King of Burst Ape frowned slightly, the contempt in his eyes reduced a little, but his tone was still arrogant. The ancient eight races are the pinnacle of the universe, and he can be in the younger generation. To break into fame, rely on true strength.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his left hand, wiped off the blood on the corner of his mouth, slowly raised his head to look at King Burst Ape, a smile on the corner of his lips, "What surprised you may be just the beginning..."

Suddenly, a wave of strong and tyrannical elemental power waved from Zhuo Bufan's body, and his breath was rising at an extreme speed.

Everyone in the valley can clearly feel the changes in his body's vitality, that kind of powerful force is actually not weaker than the explosive monkey king.

The vitality surging in the body will naturally be suppressed by the devil qi.

This is why there are so many treasures in the ancient magic forbidden area, but the strong who reach the realm's main realm dare not to looting frantically. The stronger the strength, the stronger the force of the magic pressure.

However, Zhuo Bufan is an exception.

The evil spirit and devil energy carried by the Dragon Yuan's evil body have the same effect. Although it can't completely offset the suppression of the devil energy, the suppression will also become relatively weaker.

"The pinnacle of the realm king..."

"He actually broke through the shackles of the Nine Yuan Realm King Realm and reached the pinnacle of the Realm King Realm..."

"In just a few days, when he entered the Temple of Earth Demon, wasn't he at the Nine Yuan Realm? How could he break through so quickly!"

"It must have been the treasure in the Temple of Earth Demon..."

Outside the valley, when he sensed Zhuo Bufan's aura climbing to its extreme, there were a series of whispering voices that sounded continuously.

After the three of Qiu Lie, Song Hua, and King Qingxi were stunned for a moment, their faces also showed a look of surprise. Obviously, they had never expected Zhuo Bufan to break through in the Temple of Earth Demon.

Ten yuan realm king realm, ten yuan force vortexes condensed in the body, you can start to attack realm emperor realm.

Each elemental force vortex becomes more difficult as it goes further. Even in the later stage, the gap of an elemental force vortex is like a moat, which is difficult to easily pass.

Qiu Lie looked at Zhuo Bufan, whose aura had reached the extreme, and the surprise in his eyes was gradually eroded by greed. Zhuo Bufan must have acquired the Primordial Spirit in the Earth Demon Temple, allowing him to successfully break through the last hurdle and enter the peak state. .

Qiu Lie himself is also in the Nine Yuan Realm. For so many years, he has been trying to make the final step, but he has always failed repeatedly. Otherwise, he will not be succumbed to others now. If he can get the Primordial Spirit Soul, then he can also fight the Explosive Ape. Like the king, he became the leader of the ancient apes.

"The pinnacle realm?" The contempt in the eyes of King Burst Ape has completely disappeared, and his face is slightly moved, but this kind of movement is fleeting, but the light of the eyes becomes more and more cold and fierce. "The King of Shadow Killer has just stepped to the pinnacle. Realm King, want to defeat me too? Wishful thinking."

The Explosive Ape King stretched out his right palm, his palm condensed his vital energy, and suddenly turned into a golden beam of light, detonating towards Zhuo Bufan, the beam of light tore the air, with extremely shocking waves of destruction.

Zhuo Bufan also stretched out his right palm, his vitality vented out like a volcanic eruption, turning into a red beam of light, and violently colliding with the golden beam of light.

Not much movement and fluctuations broke out, but the two Yuanli forces stuck together in a stalemate, eroding each other.

Seeing this, the two wanted to compete purely for Yuanli.

Both of them are in the pinnacle realm king state, but the Explosive Ape King has been in the pinnacle realm king for many years, while Zhuo Bufan has just been promoted.

Under the impact of the two yuan forces, the surrounding space was squeezed as if it were in substance, making a faint sound of clicking, like cracking glass, and countless pairs of wide-eyed eyes in the valley were watching the confrontation. Who can finally Get the final victory.

However, the people of Qiu Lie and the ancient ape clan didn't dare to step forward to help. This kind of power confrontation caused the surrounding space to begin to distort, and those who dared to approach might either die or be injured.

"Booming Ape King has been in the Peak Realm King Realm for many years, and he has a profound background. The Shadow Killer King has just broken through... In this fight, there is no advantage at all..."

"The two are now evenly matched, but the more vitality is consumed, the signs of decline will also appear."

There was a lot of discussion in the valley, obviously, they were not optimistic about Zhuo Bufan, who had just broken through the peak realm.

"King of Shadow Killer, I really want to see, how long can you hold it up?" The King of Burst Ape had a grim look on his face, but he had a very relaxed tone.

"This kind of competition also feels a waste of time, so it's better to end it soon!" Zhuo Bufan squirmed his lips, but his slightly tight face suddenly showed a faint smile.

The King of Burst Ape caught Zhuo Bufan's subtle expression change, and a bad premonition suddenly surged in his heart, and his pupils shrank slightly.

As the sound fell, Zhuo Bufan's body once again climbed and surged, and the red light beam of Yuanli in his palm grew a bit stronger, and the original stalemate was completely broken. The red light beam pressed the golden light beam and continued to rush towards the King of Burst Ape. Push the body away.

"This, how is this possible! You actually condensed eleven Yuanli vortexes!" The King of Booming Ape suddenly widened his eyes, his face muscles stiff, showing an incredible expression.

After hundreds of practitioners in the valley felt Zhuo Bufan's vitality expand again, the faces that remained joking, indifferent, cruel, or calm at the same time solidified, like wood carvings, stunned in place.

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