Chapter 2703

Seeing Zhuo Bufan and Yan Jing walking out of the Heavenly Demon Hall, the eyes of the many practitioners who stood in the sky gathered on them, and some greedy desires emerged.

"I'm afraid, these people won't let us leave easily." Yan Jing felt those hot and greedy eyes, frowned and said softly.

"Who made us come out of the Heavenly Demon Palace, these people are also here for the treasures, and want to drive them away, just a few words are not enough." Zhuo Bufan said lightly, a trace of dignity appeared in his deep eyes.

"Brother Qiu Fan, Brother, Xiao Yu." Yan Jing glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and then flew directly to Qiu Fan and the others.

"A Jing..."


When Yan Yu and Ba Jiming saw that Yan Jing was safe and sound, their faces showed joy.

"Ajing, you are okay, who is that guy?" Qiu Fan's gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan, and he asked.

Yan Jing pursed her lips, showing a complex color on her pretty face, and whispered: "Brother Qiu Fan, we have discovered the lost secret technique "Nine Essence Records" of the Hanyan tribe in the Heavenly Demon Palace, thanks to Zhuo Shao. Help, I can get the secret technique lost by the Droughtman tribe. This time, we must help him."

Yan Jing looked directly at Qiu Fan, and her eyes were as clear as blue waves with a color of toughness.

When Qiu Fan heard the words, his face slightly changed color, trying to suppress excitement and excitement, and whispered: "Have you really found the "Nine Only True Records"?"

Seeing Qiu Fan's expression, Yan Jing suddenly sighed in relief. She was also afraid that Qiu Fan had known about this a long time ago. She had never lied since she was a child, and she did not want to lie. Of course, this was the first time she lied. It was for a man to lie.

Even she herself was a little surprised. Sometimes, certain principles that she insisted on would always be broken because of one person.

Standing at the back, Yan Yu and Ba Jiming looked at each other, both of them looked at each other's eyes with a little surprise. On the way, Yan Yu had already told Ba Jiming that they had obtained the "Nine Essence Records" in the Hanyan clan dynasty. .

They just called Qiu Fan to rescue Yan Jing, and the two of them were anxious and had not told Qiu Fan about the matter.

Now, Yan Jing said that she had obtained the "Nine Evil Records" in the Temple of Heavenly Demon, and it was obvious that she wanted Qiu Fan to save Zhuo Bufan.

"Jiuyi Zhenlu" is extremely important to the Hanyan tribe. If these people want Yan Jing to surrender their treasures, they will definitely expose their secrets of the Hanyan tribe.

Qiu Fan bowed his head slightly, and his sword-like eyebrows were tightly folded together. Although the Dryman tribe was extremely low-key among the eight ancient tribes, it did not mean that they were cowardly. Moreover, Zhuo Bufan was a benefactor of the quiet, and even the benefactor of the Dryman tribe, he I can't just sit idly by.

"Today, I want to bring the two people with the Drought Clan. If anyone wants to stop him, I will be the enemy of my Drought Clan!" Qiu Fan finally raised his head, and his voice spread melodiously like a nine-day dragon.

There was silence, and all the practitioners were taken aback.

Even though the Dryman tribe is weak, it is still one of the eight ancient tribes. Compared with the power of their practitioners, the Dryman tribe is an existence they cannot provoke.

Moreover, the Dryman tribe is the best at manipulating alien beasts. If it really angers the Dryman tribe, it will definitely cause Wushu disaster to the sect.

The only person who can wrestle with the Dryman is the Jinpeng tribe.

When Jin Peng Langjun heard the words, the muscles in the corners of his eyes twitched suddenly, and a joking smile appeared on his face. He stared at Qiu Fan with cold eyes, "Hey, the people of the Hanyan tribe have a big tone. These two people came out of the Heavenly Demon Hall. , Maybe the treasures in the Heavenly Demon Palace are all on them. Fortunately, we came here because of the treasures. You want me to let them go with just one word? I'm dreaming."

"Jin Peng Langjun, in the past few years, your group has been arrogant and domineering, and I have endured all the things that bullied our Drought tribesmen. Today, even if you bet your life, I will never let you hurt my tribe." Qiu Fan stared wide. The eyes, murderous and awe-inspiring, said without fear.

Qiu Fan, as the leader of the Hanyan tribe's youth, has a high reputation in the Hanyan tribe. Hearing his words, the Hanyan tribe who followed immediately surged with vitality and blood, ready to fight at any time.

"King Qiu Fan, this is actually a grievance between me and Jinpeng Langjun. I will resolve it myself."

Just as the swords were drawn and the atmosphere was tense to solidification, a faint voice sounded abruptly.

Qiu Fan was startled slightly, frowning, staring at the young man standing outside the Heavenly Demon Hall with long black hair and a sword-bearing body. The opponent is full of strong vitality, but there is still some gap between him and Jinpeng Langjun. .

"Zhuo Bufan, I happen to have an account and want to ask you to get it back!" Jin Peng Langjun looked stern, moved to Zhuo Bufan, and gradually chills emerged.

Zhuo Bufan pulled out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, the sharp blade shone with cold sword light, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and frost seemed to float in the air.

Jinpeng Langjun squeezed his fist, his vitality surged, his eyes burst out with two bright cold glows.

At this moment, another figure suddenly flew out. The body covered by the black robe was slender and tall, with a black scorpion tail curled up behind him, and the tip of the tail was condensed with a bit of cold light. While gently swiping, It can tear the space, leaving a faint trace.

"Jin Peng Lang Jun, have you forgotten, but I took the task of beheading him, take off his head, I can get 10 million high-level underworld stones." The black robe man smiled faintly: "Could it be Jin Peng Lang You are afraid to pay and want to do it yourself?"

Everyone's eyes converged on the black-robed man again, and some of their eyes showed a look of error and fear.

"Emperor Hexie, it seems that you are bound to win the 10 million high-ranking Mingshi." Jin Peng Langjun smiled, the surging breath on his body suddenly converged, and he smiled slightly: "Then, this guy will leave it to you to deal with. ."

Jinpeng Langjun naturally has his plan. Although he is sure that he can solve Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Bufan is not a trash that can be easily solved. If the opponent fights back, I am afraid he will be injured. And now there is a drought. Sail, the situation is complicated, Jinpeng Langjun must maintain combat effectiveness.

"Lorca City, the second most wanted dangerous man-Exie." Qiu Fan's complexion changed slightly, and his pupils shrank.

Emperor Escorpion, a powerful man in the realm of the emperor, can become the second-ranked guy in the ancient demon forbidden zone, which shows how terrifying his strength is.

At least, the strength of Escorpion far exceeds that of Jinpeng Langjun.

"Brother Qiu Fan, Young Master Zhuo helped us the Droughts, we can't die without saving..." Yan Jingbei rolled her lower lip, and Liu frowned, watching him arrive.

"Brother Qiu Fan, we have so many people from the Drizzle Clan, it's a big deal to kill them!" Yan Yu bit her little silver teeth, her beautiful face showed a touch of decisiveness.

Qiu Fan was silent for a moment with his hands on his back, and then he sighed deeply: "Ajing, Xiao Yu, I bear the Dryman tribe on my shoulders. My every move also represents the Dryman tribe. At certain moments, I Although I want to help, I can't do anything."

"Xiao Yu, A Jing, Brother Qiu Fan has his problems." Ba Jiming squeezed his fist and exclaimed comfortingly.

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