Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2704: Dragon's Scales

Chapter 2705 Dragon Fiend Scale Body

"My sister is right. Little **** is Xiaoqiang who can't die. It's not easy to admit defeat." Yan Yu bit her silver teeth, a stubborn look appeared on her pretty face.

Qiu Fan looked at Yan Jing and Yan Yu in surprise, wondering why the two women had such confidence in Zhuo Bufan.

Besides, these two little princesses of the Dryman tribe have never cared so much about any man.

"In that case, I also let you see my martial arts and end this game early!" E Xie looked at Zhuo Bufan lightly, his strong vitality spread from his body, and he was also suppressed by the devilish energy. Scorpion didn't care about it. Under the pressure of the two, blood appeared in the pores.

Suddenly, both arms of Exie became bloody, and he wanted to forcibly suppress Zhuo Bufan with the suppression of the devilish energy.

"Scorpio Demon Burial..." Exie opened her mouth slightly, and a very faint voice sounded.

Although the voice was subtle, it fell into everyone's ears clearly.

Some practitioners who knew the evil scorpion's name from an early age suddenly turned pale, their eyes shrank, and their faces showed fear.

"This is Erxie's fame stunt, the'Life and Death' martial arts "Scorpio Burial"."

"I didn't know how many powerful people died under his trick."

"It seems that the Shadow Killer is dead this time..."

In the sky, whispering voices sounded one after another in the sky, some of the Shadow Killers staring at the sky with indifferent eyes, holding an attitude of watching the show.

It can be used to kill a realm king with a famous stunt, which shows that the former's strength should not be underestimated.

Although the sisters Yan Jing and Yan Yu had sufficient confidence in Zhuo Bufan, seeing the appearance and aura of E Scorpion at the moment, the two hearts still involuntarily raised their throats, and the jade palms clenched their fists.


Exie suddenly opened his eyes, and two spirits flashed across the depths of his pupils.

The breath between the heaven and the earth instantly solidified, and it became dark. Bright stars appeared in the sky, and each star had a dazzling white light. Thousands of stars filled the sky, and the rays of light connected to each other to form one. Looks like a scorpion.

But Zhuo Bufan was at the center of Scorpion at this time.

Countless stars burst out bright beams, from all directions, bursting at Zhuo Bufan at an extremely fierce speed.

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows are condensed, the hairs all over his body are erected, and he feels a threat to life. He clenches his fists, the Yuanli whirlpool in his dantian rotates wildly, and the surging Yuanli screams wildly. At the same time, his body is naturally under magic pressure system.

Red blood was squeezed out from the pores, and the whole person became a blood man.

"Dragon evil scale body!" Zhuo Bufan raised his head, his eyes gradually climbed into bloodshots, bloodshots intertwined and connected into pieces, his eyes were red.

With the suffocation surging, the skin wriggles blood lines, and patches of scales grow from the skin. The legs, arms, palms, neck, and cheeks have sharp edges of red phosphorus growing, and the body seems to be wearing a piece of red phosphorus. A piece of red phosphorous armor, **** brilliance flows among the densely-turned scales.

Everyone's eyes were squinted by the bright light radiated by the stars, and no one noticed Zhuo Bufan's change.

Countless rays of light suddenly condense into one point, and the center of that point is Zhuo Bufan.

"Scorpio changes!"

Seeing this, the killing intent surged in his eyes, and he burst out again.

Thousands of dazzling white stars once again appeared in the heavens, making the ‘scorpion’ more solid, just like a substantial white scorpion.

And when this scene appeared, even if a Jinpeng Langjun who maintained an arrogant posture, his pupils couldn't help shrinking, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly, I am afraid that he was in an extraordinary situation, and he could not stop the scorpion's move.

"The Scorpio Devil Burial was the fame of the Scorpion thousands of years ago. After thousands of years of cultivation, he has actually possessed a breath of'universe level' martial arts..."

"It's too strong, even if I am in an extraordinary position, there is only a dead end." Qiu Fan frowned, with a trace of horror on his face.

Universe is the principle of the Great Way, and like the Great Way of Reincarnation, it belongs to the Three Thousand Great Ways of Heaven.

Although Escorpion had only a trace of this trick, not even a trace of ‘universe’ aura, no one at the scene could bear it.

Some people have secretly guessed that perhaps after this battle, Exie’s name might surpass the first most wanted list of ‘the dragon sees the head but the end’-the devil boy.

The heavens, tens of thousands of stars are connected to form an ancient ferocious scorpion, releasing a dazzling white light, which has completely enveloped the extraordinary figure and disappeared from the sight of everyone.

At this moment, the tail of the ancient fierce scorpion was raised high, and then like a shooting star, it drew an arc in space, and the sharp scorpion's tail pierced at the location of Zhuo Bufan.


After a dull sound, the air wave swept away like sea water, and the surrounding rocks, trees, and mountains all cracked.

A dazzling white light beam burst out from the heart of the scorpion, and hundreds of light beams hit the sky, piercing the scarlet cloud and fog.

The two women, Yan Jing and Yan Yu, stared at this scene with wide beautiful eyes, and even their breathing seemed to stop. A piece of whiteness gradually invaded the line of sight. Almost all of them experienced a brief period of blindness.

And everyone thought that Zhuo Bufan was dead!

But when the white light gradually faded in front of the eyes, all the pictures began to reappear. After the beginning of clarity, everyone's eyes fell in the air, and they saw a tall and straight figure standing proudly in the sky, like the blood of long hair floating, and the whole body was covered with dark red scales. Actually still alive.

Many practitioners in the sky were stunned in place, a trace of amazement piled up on their faces, and immediately, this kind of horror became unbelievable.

"That level of martial arts, I'm afraid I won't be able to survive, he... how could he resist it?" In the crowd, Jiang Tai's eyes widened as copper bells, and his drooping palms trembled slightly, even his face All of his muscles began to twitch.


Still jealous?

In the ancient battlefield, Zhuo Bufan just narrowly defeated him, but now, in a short time, Zhuo Bufan seems to have left him far behind, making him beyond reach. This psychological gap belongs to his kind of genius. Unacceptable reality.

"No, it's impossible." Jin Peng Langjun's sharp nails sneaked into the flesh of his palm, and his brows were twisted together.

Blood was flowing on Zhuo Bufan, red phosphorus on his chest and shoulders shattered, revealing a series of terrible scars, but he hadn't fallen yet, on the contrary, his body was exuding tyrannical blood.

"The Scorpio Devil was buried, how could you survive?" Escorpion looked at Zhuo Bufan in astonishment. He admitted that he was very strong and didn't underestimate him, because he knows that underestimating a person can sometimes cost a lot of money. However, he had no idea that Zhuo Bufan could still stand in front of him.

Zhuo Bufan slowly raised his head, his eyes were blood-red, and the corners of his mouth squirming with blood stains, he said, "I can't fall down for the time being!"

He is still alive!

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